Our Week Ahead
4/29 - 5/3
Happy Sunday, Everyone!
I hope everyone has had a wonderful and relaxing break! It's a big week for us, with the budget vote happening on Tuesday. You'll see on the calendar link I shared for May that I moved our staff meeting this week to Wednesday instead of Thursday so we can connect about the outcomes of the vote. I can't meet on Thursday; I have an interview committee I'm on.
This Thursday, South Burlington will join us for a few hours. Here is their schedule. There is a Dabble Day on Tuesday from 10:00-11:30, and we're gearing up for the opening of universal testing starting May 6th.
Teacher appreciation week is May 6 - 10 and you can see the calendar of days planned on our May calendar. I'm SO excited!!
ABC countdown to the end of the year on our calendar. I thought this would be a fun way to celebrate the last few weeks of school. The events are a mixture of class activities (shares and conversations), dress up days, and school-wide activities. Here is a fun printable for your classrooms! Second tab!
I will be sending out an email to 6th grade families to start planning the "Over the Sandbar You Go" celebration. Sarah and Morgan, I'll work with you to pick a date.
Gavin starts his STEM after school club on the 1st and he will send a list of students who are participating so you can update your dismissal records. The club runs M, W, and Fr through the month of May.
Julie is returning to school on May 14th and is so excited to be back!
Please find other updates below.
See you all tomorrow!
Quick Look Ahead
April 30- Kindergarten Dabble Day
May 1- Staff Meeting- I know this is a Wednesday- see the calendar for the rationale.
May 2- SB comes to do their community service day.
May 9- ABC countdown to the last day of school starts, see the calendar.
May 10- Bike Bus Day? working out details
May 14-15- Island Music Festival
May 15- Kindergarten Dabble Day
May 16- Staff Meeting
May 22- Art and Music Night
May 27- No School
*more info to come on Dabble Days
CIUUSD Art and Music Night
GIS Bike Bus- Still working out details
Family Math and Literacy Night
Starting to Think About Next Year
There are three things that I want to work with everyone to implement next year.
Idea #1
The first is a spiral review, a school-wide 10-15-minute period during each school day during which kids do some in-class intervention. It's a spiral review because it spirals down to previously taught skills and then spirals up to grade-level skills. It's about 5-10 questions daily in a pre-made workbook aligned to standards. Every classroom would get to pick an area of focus, which can help identify specific skill gaps. I want to explore using Simple Solutions. Here is a sample of their work: https://simplesolutions.org/samples/ code to access: Simple24-25
What it would require: teachers committing to 10-15 minutes daily to give students time to do the review.
Cost: It's approximately $ 3,000 for every student to get their workbook, and I can use Title Funds, so there is nothing from our local budget.
Idea #2
They are having students create virtual binders for their learning. We would start small, setting a monthly goal, collecting one piece of evidence, and reflecting on learning and doing this as a school, where every student from K-6 is celebrating their learning. Time would be set aside one Friday a month for September, October, and November (approximately 45 minutes) for the work to happen. Staff meeting time to prepare for this and pre-made templates should ease the process. Technology class next year, which everyone will have, can help build a foundation of skills to support kids in finding success.
Idea #3
Student-led conferences. Here's a great article With embedded video examples for kindergarten, middle, and high school to demonstrate that it's possible! Setting a goal of having at least five student conferences per grade in November and ten student-led conferences for the spring. Again, you would not go at this alone. We would co-prep and use the student learning binders to guide the process.
We have seen so much growth this year in students, and looking for ways to champion that is very important. I look forward to your ideas on making these dreams a reality.
CIUUSD Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 06:00 PM
GIS Library
MTSS Information
There is a lot of good coming out of our MTSS meetings, and we need to tighten up conversations a bit in order to get to entire agendas. We will be using the Kid Talk Protocol, which focuses conversations to why students were referred and problem-solving next steps.
Dr. Shelley
Dr. Shelley will be taking on 15 students. Here is the current list.
Thank you everyone for getting referrals in. Here is the current schedule for Shelley. If you don't see your student on here, it is because I did not receive a scheduling form from you.
The form for scheduling is below in our links.
**I'm going to provide families with a digital consent form to sign and families will have one week to submit that before their student is put at the bottom of the waiting list.**
Responsive Classroom Articles
Because we are training all teachers in Responsive Classroom, I pulled these articles.