TKKM o Nga Papaonekura
Rāmere te 1 o Poutu te rangi 2024

Pānui #6: T.2 - Wiki 7; 10 o Pipiri - 14 o Pipiri 2024
T.A.M 3.8 Kia kite ngā tamariki ko te Whānau tonu e whakahaere ana i te kura, ko te Whānau hoki e mahi ngātahi ana me ngā pouako, ka tupu ia me te mōhio ko te wairua me te mana Māori motuhake e kākahu ana i a ia me tōna kura.
Tēnā rā tātou katoa kei ngā whānau o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Papaonekura.
E rere tonu ana ngā mihi ki Te Aho Matua e tāwharau nei tō tātou kura, ka mutu, tō tātou kaupapa.
The Board, Tumuaki and Kaimahi are committed to ensuring a safe, harmonious and non violent environment for all. The kura takes a zero tolerance approach to violence and bullying of any form. This also applies to Alcohol & Other Drugs, Smoking, Vaping and E-Cigarettes. Please whānau remain vigilant of your tama /iti / riki. If at any time your child, especially pīpī paopao, discuss an incident or event that they witnessed that causes you concern, whether big or small, please raise this as soon as possible with the kura. Kaiako and kaimahi are stretched and we may well miss some incidences from time to time. Because of this we encourage whānau to talk openly with your child regarding their day and should anything concerning be raised bring this to the attention of the kura. High expectations form part of the agreement tauira and whānau agree to uphold when they become members of our kura and our school policies clearly spell out expectations and consequences should standards be breached.
Total commitment to kura kaupapa is compulsory! It is unacceptable for tamariki to opt out of kura events and for whānau to allow such behavior should it arise. Whānau must ensure that their tamariki attend kura each and everyday and that they are especially present at kura events.
Thank you to whānau communicating their absences well in advance.
Enjoy the following photos of happenings in and around our kura these last few weeks.
Pērā i ia pānui, kia kaha ki te kōrero i te reo Māori i ngā wā katoa ki ngā wahi katoa, kia kaha hoki tātou ki te whakaū ngā tini kaupapa nō roto i te kura ki roto tonu i ō tātou ake kāinga - e mana ai tērā kōrero nō roto i Te Aho Matua e mea ana 'Ko te kura hei kainga, ko te kainga hei kura'.
Hei kona mai i aku mihi nui,
Ian Marino - Tauhinu - Tumuaki
Te Oma Roa mō Ngā KKM o Tāmaki ki Ngā Papaonekura
T.A.M 1.7 He tapu te tinana o te tangata. No reira he mahi nui tera, ko te whakaako i te tamaiti ki ngä ahuatanga whakapakari i tona tinana, kia tupu ai tona hauora. Kia mohio te hunga tamariki ki ngä kai pai, ki ngä kai kino. Kia mohio hoki ki te painga o te korikori tinana, o te mirimiri tinana, o ngä rongoa a Tane Whakapiripiri. Kia kaua ia e tukino i tona tinana i te tinana hoki o tetahi atu.
Toi Tū Te Tiriti, Toi Tū Te Reo Māori
T.A.M 2.3 He taonga te reo Mäori i roto i te Tiriti o Waitangi, he reo tuturu hoki i roto i te Ture mo te Reo. Engari kahore he painga o te Tiriti, o te Ture ranei, mehemea kahore te reo i roto i te whatumanawa, i roto i te ngakau, i roto hoki i te mangai o te iwi Mäori.
No Cellphones at Kura!
They will be removed from your child and parents will be expected to retrieve them once an expectation discussion has been had with the Tumuaki.
Kura Cleaning Roster
A whānau cleaning roster has been prepared - please see attachment here
Thank you so much to our Kura whānau
Māngai Rangatahi
Wharekura students have been invited to attend a youth workshop with Papakura Marae for the next 5 weeks, they began this course today Tuesday 14/05/24 and will continue for the next five weeks.
Kura Fundraising
It will come as no surprise that the needs of our kura require a level of funding over and above that which is currently provided for by way of operational funding.
Total Whānau support will be required with these fundraising events.
Any whānau with ideas and or initiatives that can contribute to the overall fundraising program are encouraged to contact the Kura - mā whero, mā pango ka oti te mahi.
Upcoming fundraisers;
- Batons up held in July
- Monthly Sausage sizzle fundraisers at Mitre 10 Mega details to come
TKKM o NPO Hui whānau are held on the first Thursday of every month. It is imperative that each tauira or whānau is represented at each hui in the form of a parent, caregiver or designated representative. Whānau hui are where kaupapa regarding the kura are discussed and whānau support is sought;
- 02.05.24
- 06.06.24
- 04.07.24
- 29.03.24 - First Day of Term 2
- 09.05.24 - 10.05.24 - Wharekura Ako Tawhiti
- 23.05.24 - 24.05.24 - TKKM o NPO Teacher only Days (Mātaiao PLD)
- 31.05.24 - Inter KKM Cross Country Day (TKKM o NPO)
- 21.06.24 - Te Rā Whakamānawa ki TKKM o Waiuku
- 26.06.24 - TKKM o NPO Hautapu
- 04.07.24 - TKKM o NPO Matariki Rangi Whakaari
- 05.07.24 - Te whakatuwhera o Te Pūtahi o Manurewa - TKKM o Manurewa & Te Wharekura o Manurewa
- 05.07.24 - Last Day of Term 2