Stillwater Township Newsletter
September 20, 2024
Board of Education Meeting 9/23/24 7:00 PM in Library
PTA Fall Book Fair 9/23/24-0/27/24
PTA Mum Pick Up 9/26/24
PTA Fall Vendor Fair 9/28/24
4TH Grade Aquatic Program 9/30/24-10/4/24
PTA Family Fun Night 10/4/24 - Moved from 9/27/24
3rd grade students are all excited to be back in school to learn and be with their friends! This year we spent time getting to know one another and the rules and routines of being a 3rd grader. In Science, the students took quizzes to determine what type of scientist they would be. They were excited to find out they would make excellent zoologists, meteorologists, physicists, astronomers, and engineers. Students are continuing to expand their knowledge of what science is, different types of science, and what scientists do.
In math, 3rd graders have been reviewing place value, addition, and subtraction. We will soon be starting multiplication! This is going to be a great year for all students to thrive in 3rd grade.
Mrs. Robinson
This September, our third graders have been diving into the fascinating world of sentence structure! They’ve explored different types of sentences and the punctuation that brings them to life. To make learning engaging, students participated in a creative activity where they formed various types of sentences and crafted spooky spiders to showcase their work and to get ready for Halloween next month!
In social studies, we’ve been learning about the Paralympics and the significance of Patriot Day. Students had the opportunity to read a Scholastic magazine and watch exciting videos about the Paralympics, gaining insight into the athletes’ incredible journeys. During the week of 9/11, they created thoughtful booklets about the unsung heroes who stepped up to help others during and after the tragedy.
The third-grade teachers are committed to making this year enjoyable and enriching for our students, and we can’t wait for all the fun and learning that lies ahead!
Mrs. Caccavale
Fourth Grade - Fourth grade is off to a great start! In math, students have been reviewing place value. Students will be reading and writing numbers through one million in expanded form, with numerals and using number names. Students will be exploring the relationship between adjacent digits in a multi-digit number and will use place value to compare multi-digit whole numbers in this topic. Our first science unit is plants and animals. We have been discussing the various internal and external structures of plants and animals that function to support survival, growth, behavior and reproduction. We will be taking a look at how the characteristics of plants and animals differ from each other yet help to meet the basic needs of the organism. It’s going to be a great year of learning in fourth grade math and science!
Mrs. Celentano
Fifth grade is off to a great start! We loved getting to meet our fifth graders' families at Back to School Night last week and share about the exciting year ahead! This week, in math, students are learning all about place value as it relates to decimals. In science, students are expanding their knowledge on water as a natural resource. In ELA, students are learning about their habits as a reader and have begun the process of writing personal narratives. Finally, in social studies students are studying longitude and latitude. Fifth grade students are working hard to earn class money which they can turn in on Friday for rewards! We are looking forward to an awesome school year!
Mrs. Phlegar