What Does The Fox Say?
May 23, 2024
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Important Dates
5/27/24: NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day
5/29/24: 1st Grade Field Trip-Denver Zoo
5/29/24: Black Family Night, 5:30pm-6:30pm
5/30/24: 4th Grade Field Trip - Red Rocks
6/3/24: Field Day
6/3/24: Spirit Week - Sports Day
6/4/24: Field Day Rain Date
6/4/24: Spirit Week: Pride Day - rainbow, positive messages, colorful clothes
6/5/24: Spirit Week - Wear Inspire or fox gear, or school colors
6/5/24: Last Day of School (Half Day, 7:40am-11:00am)
6/5/24: 5th Grade Farewell Celebration, 9:30am-10:30am
6/5/24: An Inspired Farewell, 11:00am-12:00pm
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- CDC National Center for Environmental Health
- American Academy of Audiology
- American Cochlear Implant Alliance
- National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Return Library Books, 5/24/24
Notifications are automatically sent out from DPS Educational Technology and Library Services (ETLS) if a student has not returned a library book. The front office will be checking books in throughout the week and an additional round of notices will be sent out next week as a final reminder to return library books. Thank you for helping us maintain our library!
NO SCHOOL, 5/27/24
There is no school on Monday, 5/27 due to Memorial Day.
Collaborative School Committee (CSC) Parent Vote, Deadline 5/30/24
Please help elect the parent / guardian Collaborative School Committee (CSC) representatives for the 2024-2025 School year by completing your ballot here.
Return Devices, 5/31/24
All students will return chromebooks at the end of the school year. Please check that chromebook devices are returned in good condition. Students should not have stickers, etc. on the laptop. Damaged laptops, missing laptops, missing chargers will incur a cost as charged by DPS' Department of Technology Services.
Spirit Week - Week of 6/3/24
Monday, 6/3/24 - Sports Day, wear sports/athletic wear
Tuesday, 6/4/24 - Pride Day, wear rainbow, positive messages, colorful clothes.
Wednesday, 6/5/24, Wear Inspire of fox clothes or school colors (red, yellow, teal)
Field Day, 6/3/24
- Students should be in athletic clothing
- Students should wear closed toe shoes
- Extra clothes may be helpful if students get wet or dirty
- Apply sunscreen before school
- Send sunscreen with your child
Families are welcome to be outside and watch. There is NO pre-registration required.
Only volunteers will be allowed inside the building
- Click on Field Day Letter for more details
- Questions? Contact Coach Hall at kerrie_hall@dpsk12.net
Last Day of School, 6/5/24
- It will be a half day with dismissal at 11:00am
- There is no lunch on half days
It is important that families come on time to pick up their kids. Our staff will be busy supervising bus kids and saying farewell to students/families
Families may stay for the Inspired Farewell outside from 11:00am-12:00pm
If there is rain, we will move the event inside (gym and cafeteria)
Bus transportation students whose parent/guardian do not pick up directly from school will have 30 minutes, supervised by their teacher at the celebration until bus pick up at 11:30am
Discovery Link - Last Day of School, 6/5/24
Friendly reminder there is NO after school Discovery Link on the last day of school, 6/5/24.
Pick-up Medication on the Last Day of School, 6/5/24
If your child has medication or medical equipment at school (in the Health Room) it must be picked up on the last day of school (6/5/24). Please stop by the main office and pick up our temporary nurse, Mary Markle or Alicia Ortiz, Front Office Health Room support. Please note:
Medications cannot go home with your student.
Medications will be disposed of if they are not picked up by 12:00pm on 6/5/24
Summer Programming: If your student is participating in a summer program, parent/guardian must pick up the medication/equipment on the last day of school and bring it to the summer program on the first day.
Medication forms for the upcoming school year can be found HERE. We need new forms, dated after July 1st every school year.
Staffing Update - Farewell and Transitions
The 23-24 school year was our final year of build out. Meaning, after years of growing, we finally have all our sections built out (4 sections of grades K-5). The past seven years brought about expected staffing changes. As we head into the 24-25 school year, we are done growing and are now settling. We are excited to see a high retention rate heading into next school year. Below, find our staffing changes for the 24-25 school year. Staff bios will be available on our website in late summer.
- Katherine Foote, ECE Teacher moving to Silverthorne, CO
- Amy Fortier, SpEd Teacher transition to another DPS school
- Kayla Klinzing, ECE Teacher transition to Early Childhood Special Educator in Aurora, CO
- Melissa Morones, ECE Paraprofessional
- Kaitlynn Riehl, Music moving to Boulder Valley, CO
- Natalia Salata, MLE Teacher pursuing book publication
Itinerant Staff (central office hired and assigned staff)
- Coy Rice, Gifted & Talented is being assigned to other schools
- Jessica Davis, School Psychologist is being assigned to other schools
- Diana Pott, Physical Therapist is retiring
Daisy Vagi moving from Instructional Paraprofessional to Guest Teacher
Chyna Coleman moving from DPS CNA to Guest Teacher
Sam Martin moving from ECE Paraprofessional to Instructional Paraprofessional
Rachael Reeves moving from Instructional Paraprofessional to ECE Paraprofessional
Juan Saucedo-Lugo moving from ECE Paraprofessional to Instructional Paraprofessional
Chris Mills moving from fill-in Paraprofessional to Instructional Paraprofessional
Hannah Mealer moving from Math Interventionist to STL/Math Interventionist
Emelia McNally moving from Literacy Interventionist to STL/Literacy Interventionist
Family Resources
With summer break around the corner, community resources are increasingly more valuable as we continue to serve our students and families while school is out of session. Some of our families and students may encounter additional challenges during breaks so it's important that we connect them to resources that best serve our community. Click on these summer resources and programs to learn more about summer programming hosted by the City of Denver and DPS.
Celebration of Learning
Inspire Elementary
Email: linda_august@dpsk12.net
Website: https://inspire.dpsk12.org/
Location: 5650 N. Elmira Ct., Denver, CO, 80238
Phone: (720) 424-4850