Summer Assignments
Summer 2024
Summer Assignments 2024
Dear Connors Families,
We are excited to share our summer assignments in order to continue to grow the learning from this past academic year! This summer we will have students focusing on ELA, Mathematics, and Social-Emotional Learning. We believe in the importance of a comprehensive and holistic approach to teaching and learning and we know you do as well.
In ELA, the focus of the Hoboken Public School District is not just summer reading, but rather summer projects that are thoughtful and relevant while highlighting the need for rigor. We have developed challenging and engaging tasks for learners rising to grades 1-12 which are tied to a novel/book. The theme of the summer work, which is Relationships with Self and Others: A Focus on Equity & Excellence, lends itself to this purpose. Please click here to read the ELA Task for your child's grade in September. Through Tic-Tac-Toe, Choice Boards, and Totally Ten students are provided interesting approaches to summer tasks that are developed in response to students’ needs, interests and learning preferences; allowing students the opportunity to be stakeholders in their work. The core assignment (⭐), will be the springboard for opening work in the classroom and will be due on Monday, September 9th. These assignments will be showcased during the Back to School Nights and this work will account for the first grade of the academic year.
In Mathematics: Rising Grade 1-11, students will reinforce both their mathematical skills and practices to begin the year ready for the challenges of new and rigorous math content via IXL’s 20 Day Summer Boost Skills Plans. Click here for the Math skills plans/access directions per grade level.
In Social-Emotional Learning: All K-12 families are welcome to engage in powerful Social-Emotional Learning content via the Move this World platform used in our schools. This is a 5-week series to support your child’s social-emotional development throughout the summer months. Families go to Move this World Summer Series and use the below login to access the content.
Username: mtwfamily
Password: summer24
Additional Questions/Answers:
What if my child wants to continue to read and grow literacy over the summer? All K-5 students will continue to have access to Learning A to Z over the summer. We sent home login access cards with your child.
What if my child has already completed one of the skills shared in the Math Summer Boost IXL course? You are encouraged to simply choose another skill from your recommendations wall;
What if my child is enrolled in a specialized Math course for next academic year? If your student is enrolled in a specialized Math course, the HHS admin team will provide copies of assignments prior to the end of year;
What if I want to limit screen-time for my child? If you would prefer to have your child engage in these tasks via pencil/paper model, simply request a hard copy from your school ‘s leadership team or email maritza.ramos@hoboken.k12.nj.us or aishah.tapia@hoboken.k12.nj.us
What if my child will be attending ESY/Has an IEP and needs modifications? If your student is attending ESY or has an IEP, modifications and support in both ELA and Math will be available during the program or via an email communication to Supervisor Hernandez from the Office of Special Services at specialservicessummer2024@hoboken.k12.nj.us.
The summer assignments will also be accessible via our website www.hoboken.k12.nj.us. Should you have any questions, or need additional information don’t hesitate to email us at summer2024@hoboken.k12.nj.us. Also, please feel free to reach out to me directly and email me, juliana.addi@hoboken.k12.nj.us. Have a healthy and wonderful summer!
All the best,
Principal Addi
cc: Sandra Rodriguez-Gomez, Asst Superintendent
Christy Gaudio, Supervisor of ELA
Donna D’Acunto, Supervisor of Mathematics