The RAMbler
Be Kind, Be Helpful, Work Hard
November 2024
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, and a Cluck, Cluck, Cluck.
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, and a Cluck, Cluck, Cluck, it's time for the 26th annual Turkey Trot!
We are very excited that next Friday is our Turkey Trot. This is an exciting event that staff and students look forward to all year. Turkey Trot Race times are as follows: (Approximately)
- 6th Grade 8:20 am
- 7th Grade 9:15 am
- 8th Grade 10:10 am
PE fundraiser items are also arriving next week and will be sent home with students on Friday.
Postive Thinking for Teens by Kate Hurley
Self Kindness Script
May my day be filled with kindness
May I be calm, healthy, and happy.
May I feel safe, secure, and free from worry.
May I be gentle with my thoughts today.
True Happiness
True happiness occurs when you decide to accept yourself for who you are, be yourself around everyone that you meet, and follow your dreams, no matter what anyone else around you is doing.
December Parent Education Meetings
December 18th through 20th are minimum days where students are dismissed at 12:46. Teachers will be available to meet with students and families on a drop in basis from 1:00 - 3:00 and 4:00 - 6:00 on Wednesday, and 1:00 - 3:00 on Thursday. These are quick chats to receive academic updates, share concerns, and partner so that all of our students are successful.
Monthly Curricular Focus
With our goal of Connectedness, we wanted a way for parents to know what there children were working on in each of their classes. As of today, you can go to our website and right next to where this newsletter is posted you will see "Monthly Curricular Focus" with a link here showing current and upcoming work.
Chromebook Charging
With so much of our content being in digital form, students do need their Chromebooks to access curriculum and assignments. We could really use all of your help in making sure that these much needed tools are charged when they come to school. Thank you!
Parent, Teacher, Student Association - PTSA News
Pleasant Hill Middle has a wonderful PTSA that sponsors many exciting activities and funds a wide range of programs to enrich the lives and education of our children. These include Community Service Day, Career Day, the work of Mr. Dan, our Ram Ticket Trade In, Spelling and Geography Bees, Staff Appreciation, Assemblies, and much more. Please join us at a General Meeting, participate in our Dine and Donate events, or donate through Fund for Excellence Donate Today!
Here is the link to their website where you can sign up for the Ram Slam, join PTSA, make donations, and purchase Auction Tickets.
PTSA Upcoming Events
Jan 8--Eboard meeting (6pm)/General meeting (7 pm)
Jan 15 - Chipotle Dine & Donate
Feb 6 - Zachary’s Dine & Donate
Feb 21—Movie Trivia Dinner & Auction
Mar 12-- Eboard meeting (6pm)/General meeting (7 pm)
Mar 19 -Gott’s Dine & Donate
May 14-- Eboard meeting (6pm)/General meeting (7 pm)
Before and After School
We provide morning supervision starting at 7:50 and after school until 2:45. This supervision is only on campus, not at the park or library or other off site locations. We highly recommend that you have after school arrangements where students have planned activities and supervision. Thank you.
Upcoming Events
*November 19 - Drama Monster's in Maple Park 6:00
*November 20 - Drama Monster's in Maple Park 6:00
November 22 - Turkey Trot
November 25 - November 29 - Thanksgiving Break
December 2 - School Resumes
December 5 - Minimum Day - Teacher Collaboration
*December 11 - Band Concert
December 13 - Winter Dance
*December 17 - Choir Winter Holiday Sing Along
December 18 - 20 - Minimum Days Dismissal at 12:46
*December 18 - Parent Education Meetings 1:00-3:00 & 4:00-6:00 Chili Cook off 3:00-4:00
*December 19 - Parent Education Meetings 1:00-3:00
December 20 - Minimum Day & End 2nd Quarter
December 23 - January 3 - Winter Break
January 6 - School Resumes
*January 14 - PTSA and PHPD Vigilant Parent Presentation
*January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
*February 6 - Minimum Day Teacher Collaboration
*February 17 - President's Day Holiday
*February 21 - PTSA Movie Trivia Night and Auction