Eagle Flyer
A newsletter for Walnut Hills High School
October 4, 2024
Dear Walnut Hills High School Families:
Happy October Walnut Community! It is crazy to think next Friday marks the end of the first quarter. This is a great time to check in with your student by logging into Focus and seeing the progress made as Midterm grades have been stored. The 10th-12th grade students had a blast at the Homecoming dance last weekend. While we know it was not the dance they had anticipated, the senior class did a fantastic job turning the cafeteria into a fall wonderland! It is always so nice to see the students all dressed up enjoying time with their friends! Speaking of enjoying time with friends, the students have done a fantastic job with the Yondr pouch implementation. There is so much conversation in the hallways and lunchroom! We appreciate how students have embraced this new environment regarding electronic devices. If your student chooses, there is a slot on the front of the pouch that fits their student ID nicely. This has been helpful in returning lost pouches to students. Have a wonderful weekend!
Ashley Morgan
Interim Principal
Sursum ad summum
Go Eagles!
5 Parent Association Sneaker Ball
7 Picture Retake Day
11 End of 1st quarter
23 PSAT for all 10th grade students (please see email titled Walnut PSAT Testing Details)
24 PSAT for all 11th grade students (please see email titled Walnut PSAT Testing Details)
Walnut Hills 2025 Summer Study Abroad Info Session for Parents!
Is your student interested in the possibility of studying abroad this summer or at some point engaging in a high school study abroad experience? The modern world language students here at Walnut Hills HS attended presentations by CIEE (the Council for International Educational Exchange) in September. Our school has sent 45 students abroad on these programs and has earned $141,235.00 in scholarships since 2018. Thanks to a generous donor, there are both need-based and merit scholarships to be awarded. This once-in-a lifetime experience is literally life changing because students gain a sense of independence and cultural understanding, advance their language proficiency, and explore future careers. There are many CIEE global navigators still here at Walnut, so please feel free to join this meeting or seek those students out while at school to learn all about their experiences (See the bulletin board in the modern world language wing!).
Please join this virtual information session online via Zoom on October 24th from 7-8 pm to learn about these educationally aligned 3 to 4 week summer programs, their college and career readiness outcomes, their FUN activities, and all the cultural learning that occurs during this study abroad experience. You will also receive information regarding the program logistics, scholarship application process, pre-departure issues, and the in-program support. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Doreena Fox at foxdore@cpsboe.k12.oh.us or Matthew Hurley at hurleym@cpsboe.k12.oh.us.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Oct 24, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: CIEE Summer Study Abroad Programs and Scholarship Funding
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Campus Dismissal
As we enter the Fall and Winter seasons and the weather changes, please be advised that all students are expected to exit the building at 3:15 PM. If a student is waiting for their transportation after 3:15 PM, they will be doing so outside of the building. We appreciate your cooperation in making sure that students have arranged their transportation to pick them up by 3:15 PM.
3:00 PM Dismissal
Students have until 3:15 PM to report to their scheduled after school activity where a supervising adult is present. The library is open Monday-Thursday until 4:00 (or until 3:30 on Fridays), many teachers hold help nights, and there are many extracurricular club options. Otherwise, all students must exit the building promptly by 3:15 PM.
If a student needs to re-enter the building after 3:15 PM, it must be via the Blair Circle steps/Main Office entrance only.
Students who are awaiting rides after 3:15 PM must do so outside of the building. We do not have the ability to provide adequate supervision for these students after 3:15 PM.
If a student is found to be in the building, unsupervised after 3:15 PM, then there will be disciplinary consequences consistent with the CPS Code of Conduct that can include a Friday School or an Alternative Learning Center assignment.
We appreciate your cooperation and support with dismissal procedures.
Please click on this LINK for a detailed list of campus safety updates.
If your student is eligible for a Metro pass, but does not have one, please fill out an Inquiry Form on the CPS website. Bus passes are available 1-2 weeks after ordering. Students can use the Metro to be taken to a public space, such as a branch of the Cincinnati library or a Cincinnati Recreation Commission location. Please check with those specific locations for information about their programming and hours. If your student is not eligible for a bus pass, please click here to see a list of purchasing sites.
The WHHS Theatre Department Welcomes Audiences back to the stage for William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
Returning to the stage for the first time this season, The Walnut Hills High School Theatre Department is eager to welcome audiences to their fall play, the legendary comedy Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare. The show runs October 17-19, 2024 at 7 p.m. and October 19th at 2p.m.
Click HERE for more details.
Walnut Hills Athletics - Eagle Weekly
Want to stay in know of everything related to Walnut Athletics? The Eagles Week is posted weekly on Sundays and can be found at Walnut Hills - Team Home Walnut Hills Eagles Sports (walnuthillseaglesathletics.com).
Have information to be added each week? Email your leads to whhseaglesweekly@gmail.com !
Walnut Lost & Found
Students: Please make sure to take a look for any missing items in the cafeteria lost and found. All items will be donated at the end of the quarter
Date: October 5th at 7pm
Fueled Collective
Tickets link:
New Counselor Breakout
Please use the link below to see the School Counselor breakout and contact info. for 24/25.
Senior College Forum for Seniors and Parents/Guardians
The Senior College Forum video focuses on all aspects of the college application process. Information regarding managing the application process with Naviance, writing college essays, securing teacher recommendations, the senior packet and upcoming deadlines will be provided.
Here is the LINK to the Senior College Forum video.
Junior & Senior Parent/Guardian Registration for Naviance
If you are a parent of a junior or senior and still need to register for a Naviance account, send an email request including your student's name and grade level to Mrs. Christie (christt@cps-k12.org) to receive your registration code.
Lunch Bunch
Join Mrs. Lee in room 1109 for ACT and SAT prep during Junior-Senior lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Upcoming topics we will review include absolute value, probability, percents, decimals, and fractions.
CIC Wednesday Topics for Seniors
Sponsored by the CIC and led by Mrs. Whited in room 1109 during Senior Lunch on Wednesdays.
The following sessions are for seniors only.
October 9 - Questions I have about my college application!
College Rep Visits at Walnut
Hey Seniors & Juniors! Join us in the Conference Room during 1st lunch for College Rep Visits. College Reps will be available to answer questions and talk to you about their school. The weekly college list will be posted on the TVs and daily announcements will be made during 2nd bell. This information will also be available on Naviance and our website Counseling page.
College Information Center - Monthly Newsletters for grades 9-12
Meetings with your School Counselor
Click HERE to access School Counselor Meeting LINKS.
If you have any issues making an appointment, email your counselor.
New School-Based Mental Health Partner, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, joining our Walnut team in October
This summer our school decided to go in a different direction, looking for a new school-based mental health partnership. After interviewing several mental health organizations our mental health team representatives collectively decided Children's Hospital would be the best fit for our Walnut Hills community.
Please click HERE for more details.
Graduation Requirements
All Students:
Ohio has new graduation requirements that took effect in 2022. Please make yourselves familiar with them. Direct any questions regarding graduation requirements to your school counselor.
Crisis Help and Support
Children's Mental Health
NPR's A Martinez talks to Dr. Pamela Cantor, founder of Turnaround for Children, about a Pew report that finds U.S. parents' biggest concern is the mental health of their children.
NPR Link (to transcript and sound recording)STUDENT JOB OPPORTUNITIES
Deupree House Server Position
The Deupree House Retirement Community would love to consider Walnut students for part-time Dining Services Server positions. These roles have flexible scheduling that is well-suited to students. Servers begin work at 4:30 pm on weekdays, and will be off by 8:00 pm, even on the weekend. This is an ideal job to balance with school work and extracurricular activities.
Check out www.episcopalretirement.com for more information.
Y2WK Summer Youth Worker
Y2WK Summer Youth Worker - This is an eight-week summer assignment only for students ages 14-18. Placements include CRC Rec Centers, Fire Cadet, Police Cadet, & Various other placements in City of Cincinnati departments. Sign-up begins January 2025.
Cincinnati Fire Recruit
Cincinnati Fire Recruit - This is for students who are at least 17 years of age who will be graduating spring of 2025 and want a career as a Cincinnati Fire Fighter.
Sign-up begins January 2025 & Written Test: Fall 2025
Click HERE for details.
Lifeguards for CRC
Lifeguards: This is for individuals 15 years of age and older. Click HERE for details.
Spring Break 2025 Trip to Athens & Rome
Interested in seeing the art of ancient Greece and Rome? Ever wondered what it was like to worship at the Parthenon or see the gladiators brawl at the Colosseum? Travel with Mrs. McGill and Ms. Martinez on an international Spring Break 2025 trip to find out!
Did you miss the informational meeting? Not to worry! Please see the informational powerpoint for details. Email Mrs. McGill at mcgilll@cpsboe.k12.oh.us or Ms. Martinez at martimi@cpsboe.k12.oh.us to ask general questions about the trip. Please see below for the tour sign up page. Thank you, and we look forward to the adventure!
Just a quick reminder that TODAY Friday 10/4 is the last day to lock in the price of $4399 for the spring break trip to Athens & Rome! This is a STEAL for what you are getting!
You only need $95 to lock in your trip price!
The price will increase to $4699 after 10/4.
Spring Break with EF Tours' European Quartet
Hey, 10th, 11th, and 12th Grades!!! Join the Adventure of a Lifetime with the European Quartet!
Hey, explorers! Get set for an epic spring break in March 2025 with EF Tours' European Quartet!
Immerse yourself in Amsterdam's canals, savor Belgian chocolate in Brussels, gaze upon the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and dive into London's vibrant scene—all in one unforgettable trip!
Whether you're from the class of 2027, 2026, or 2025, this journey promises a cultural immersion like no other. Explore landmarks, taste local cuisine, and make memories with new friends.
Don't miss out on this opportunity from the English department! The tour price does increase October 1, 2024. The LAST day to enroll is December 1, 2024. Join us for an adventure you'll never forget!
Click to access the Tour Enrollment Page
Contact Mr. Boshears (Room 1603) at (boshear@cpsboe.k12.oh.us) for more details and questions.
Upcoming Walnut Gatherings
Walnut Hills Gatherings are parties / special events hosted by parents at WHHS with the goal of celebrating community, meeting new friends, and raising funds in support of our school.
Fusion Feast - A Celebration of Korean and Filipino Delights
Saturday, October 5 6-10 PM
Prepare your palate for a gastronomic adventure as we showcase the rich and vibrant tastes of both Korean and Filipino cuisines. From savory bulgogi to delectable dumplings, and many more - our menu promises to take you on a journey through the diverse and delicious world of East Asian and Southeast Asian culinary traditions.
Place: John & Carol Gillotti's Hanok | 3726 Sherbrooke Drive (Evendale)
Hosts: John & Carol Gillotti | Jay & Tara Limoco | Oronde & Quincy Williams
Price: $40 / person
Senior (Class of 2025) Parent Oktoberfest
Saturday, Oktober 19 | 7 PM
College essay complete
FAFSA complete
College visits
Cap & Gown ordered
It's time to celebrate Oktoberfest with other senior parents!....Don your best Lederhosen or Dirndl and yodel your way over to our haus for an evening filled with fun. Indulge in pretzels, savor beer cheese, and dance to the beat of authentic German music — WHHS style! Prost! (cheers) to a night you won't want to miss.
Place: Haus of Jen Shea & Rob McCracken | 3050 Observatory Ave (Hyde Park)
Hosts: Lisa & David Crawford | Tonia & Adam Elrod | Libby & Kevin Frank | Becky & David Gash | Carna & Bryan Hamilton | Karen Floyd & Glenn Leggett | Jen Shea & Rob McCracken | Liz & Jeff Schlaudecker | Veronica & Ted Tollefson
Menu: Soft pretzels, beer cheese, & other German fare | German style beers, non-alcohol beer and wine
Price: $40 / person
7th Grade (Class of 2030) Parent Party — Icebreakers (what ARE your kids doing all day)
Friday, October 25 | 7 - 10 PM
Parents, are you wondering what your kids are doing all day at WHHS? Are you feeling out of the loop? Are your kids giving you answers to your questions that are leaving you with more? SO IS EVERYONE ELSE!!! We can figure this out together while laughing, eating, and meeting new people.
Place: Home of Erin & Todd Kelley | 2959 Alpine Terrace (Mt Lookout)
Menu: Food inspired by the WHHS cafeteria but to adult standards with vegetarian and GF options. Mix your own drinks bar station, beer, and non-alcoholic drinks.
Entertainment: Funny (not corny) icebreaker games to help you figure out WHHS and what your kids are doing, while meeting other parents of 7th graders.
Price: $40 / person
Yondr Pouch FAQ
See below for the link to our Yondr pouch Q&A that provides more details about the transition to our new cell phone policy.
New Club Membership Fee
Membership Fees for our 2024-25 clubs are now live on Final Forms. If your student participates in any number of our clubs, please submit the flat-rate payment of $25 as soon as possible. This funding will allow our school to continue to offer the variety of programming that you've come to expect! Please view this letter that explains the need for our membership fee.
Class of 2025 Senior Portrait Information
It's time to start thinking about your Senior Portrait. Click on the link below for details. All portraits must be taken by one of the approved photographers by Oct. 14, 2024.
Contact Information in Focus
During the PowerSchool to Focus rollover, some contact information has been scrambled. We want to make sure that all stakeholders are receiving our communications. It takes a village, and we appreciate those of you forwarding our emails to families who are not getting messages. Please share THIS LINK with anyone you know not receiving emails from Walnut, so we can gather accurate information and update our system.
Grade Discrepancies Between Focus and Canvas
Attention Parents/Guardians:
It has been brought to our attention that students can create hypothetical scores in Canvas by simply clicking on the number the teacher entered-- and entering any number that would create a "hypothetical score." Please know that the grade book of record is Focus-- not Canvas. Any changes made by students in Canvas will not be reflected in Focus. If you want to check how your student is doing, always check Focus.
Student Drop off/Pick-up Directions
Attention Families: Please click on this LINK to review Drop off/Pick-up directions
Blair Circle Traffic Info for Drop Off and Pick-Up
Attention Families: Please click on this LINK to review Blair Circle Traffic Info for drop off and pick-up
Too Sick for School Policy
Please keep in mind, illness is an excused absence and students will be able to make up work they will miss. Please do not send ill students to school because they have a quiz or test.
Family Technology Support Center
For CPS students and their families, help is a phone call away by dialing the Family Technology Support Center, (513) 363-0688 or emailing fts@cps-k12.org. Tech support is available in English and Spanish from 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday when school is in session.
Get Involved - Walnut Hills Parent Association
The Parent Association communicates using a system called Constant Contact, so join our mailing list using the attached link and get up-to-date information about what's happening at Walnut Hills! Get Connected
Reporting Absences and Dismissals
Grades 7-9 Information Google Site
Grades 10-12 Information Google Site
Our community communicates using a system called Constant Contact, so join our mailing list using the link above and get up-to-date information about what's happening at Walnut Hills!
New School-Based Mental Health Partner, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, joining our Walnut team in October
This summer our school decided to go in a different direction, looking for a new school-based mental health partnership. After interviewing several mental health organizations our mental health team representatives collectively decided Children's Hospital would be the best fit for our Walnut Hills community.
Please click HERE for more details.
Walnut Hills High School
Email: whhsattendance@cpsboe.k12.oh.us
Website: walnuthillseagles.com
Location: 3250 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Phone: 513-363-8400
Twitter: @high_walnut