Slate Hill Newsletter
May 12, 2024
Volunteers Needed for Star Fun Day on Monday, May 20th!
It's almost time for the biggest outdoor party of the year, STAR FUN DAY on May 20th !! We can't do it without YOU!
A City BBQ lunch will be provided for all volunteers from 11:00-12:00pm!
Please review the available slots by clicking the link below and sign up for a time that works for you. If you would like to sign up for both the AM and PM time slots for a particular station, please feel free! We would love to have you stay the entire day! Activities will be assigned the day of, some activities are water activities so please be prepared. Thank you for your support!
Principal's Corner
Happy Mother's Day!! I hope all of our mothers, aunts and grandmothers enjoyed a wonderful mother's day today! We appreciate you!
Thank you to our AMAZING PTA for the Wonderful week of Staff appreciation treats and goodies! We were provided with a treat every day and breakfast and a coffee truck on Tuesday! THANK YOU!!
Our Slate Hill Archery Club hosted their first ever tournament against the Granby Elementary Gators! Our Slate Hill Stars did an AWESOME job! A BIG SHOUT out to Mr. Pound for putting this tournament together for our STARS!
Congratulations to our Limited Edition 4th and 5th grade choir on their OUTSTANDING competition this weekend at the Music in the Park at Kings Island. They won first place with a superior rating in the elementary choir category. They also received best overall elementary choir! Our percussion ensemble received best accompanist for the day too! We are so proud of our Slate Hill Stars! A BIG SHOUT out to Ms. DePaul for all of her hard work with our choir.
Slate Hill PTA surpassed their UNfundraising goal raising $3,650.60!
To celebrate this amazing total, 6 randomly selected students will get to throw a pie in a staff member's face on May 21st at 2pm in the gym. PTA will be streaming this live on the PTA facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Slatehillpta
Looking for ways for your child to stay engaged this summer? Take a moment to check out some online summer learning opportunities suggested by our elementary library media specialists: Summer Learning Opportunities
Has your family recently moved or planning to move over the summer? If so, please contact the school office at 614-450-500 to let us know. We want to be sure to get your child's records to their next school or have your correct address so that all mailings get to your home. THANK YOU!
Please remind your child of the importance of doing their best, being kind, following the rules and being respectful to all students and staff these last days of school. We have a lot of fun activities planned and your partnership in helping the year end well for all students is appreciated.
Thank you,
Julie (=
Julie Gulley, Slate Hill principal
Congratulations to our winners! A special shout out to Hunter Belnap for 2nd place in 4th grade!
Mr. Pound reviewing how the tournament will work.
Congrats to our Slate Hill and Granby Archers!
Ms. DePaul, our Percussion Ensemble winners and friends
Our 1st place trophies
Congratulations to Our Limited Edition Choir!
Please claim lost & found items!
The Lost & Found is overflowing with jackets and lunchboxes! Please have your student(s) look through the lost & found to see if they are able to locate any lost items. All items will be donated at the end of the last day of school.
Thank-a-Teacher for WEA Dependent Scholarship Fund
The WEA is celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week by raising money for our WEA Scholarship Fund. If you would like to give a special shout-out and gift bag to a Worthington educator, please click Thank-A-Teacher.
Be a Part of the Perry Middle School Orchestra!
Attention 5th Grade Families: Be a Part of the Perry Orchestra! It's not too late to join the 6th grade orchestra at Perry Middle School. If your child would like to learn a string instrument and make music with friends, orchestra is a great place for them. Joining the orchestra is free and we can provide school instruments to anyone who is in need of assistance. For questions, to sign up, or to set up an instrument fitting, please email Julie Ellis, Orchestra Teacher, at jellis1@wscloud.org.
Julie Ellis, Orchestra Teacher
Worthington City Schools
Just a couple attendance reminders! Please remember if your child is sick, to call our office to report them absent at 614-450-5000 and leave a message with their first and last name, classroom teacher's name and reason for their absence. You can also email Jessica Porter at jporter@wscloud.org with the same information. If you take your child to the doctor, please send the doctor excuse to the office with your child also. Your child's attendance at school directly correlates to their growth in learning!
Library Updates!
If your family is interested in the Worthington Libraries Summer Reading Club, the video linked here has all the details! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WwIEPXQ20k
Currently we have 226 Slate Hill library books needing to be returned (class details are below). Please continue to send those in with your students as soon as possible! Mrs. Rankey's 4th grade class was the first class to turn in all their library books so all students won a prize from Mx. Kochensparger's prize box AND a popsicle party!! All classes that return or replace or pay for all library books will also get a popsicle party from Mx. Kochensparger!
Hoffman (AM + PM combined): 3
Pasanovic/Bryan: 5
Richardson: 7
Hollinger: 10
Fago: 6
McHugh: 3
Harrington: 6
Hale/Price: 19
Hollingsworth: 18
Hainsey: 9
McCort: 30
Osgood: 10
Fischer: 12
Wilson: 7
Rankey: 0
Srail Gaydos: 12
Murphy: 15
Myers: 27
Rosengarten: 17
Gifted Learners Parent Presentation
The Gifted Coordinators of Central Ohio and the Worthington Gifted Services Dept are inviting parents/guardians to attend a special presentation by Emily Kircher-Morris, host of the Neurodiversity Podcast, on Monday, June 3rd, 7 PM - 8 PM, Worthington Kilbourne HS Auditorium.
Presentation Description:
Processing and managing emotions is hard for even the most level-headed of us. For gifted and twice-exceptional kids and teens, dealing with "all the feels" can be exhausting. The skills needed to develop emotional regulation can be developed over time with guidance and compassion from parents and educators. Emily will break down the 4-step process of emotional regulation so we can help our kids who are "a little bit extra" find healthy ways to manage their emotions.
Click HERE for more information and for link to register for this free event.
Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember
May 11th: Limited Edition Choir Trip to King's Island
May 16th: Senior Tea (4:00pm-5:30pm) for former Slate Hill students that are Seniors at TWHS or WKHS
May 16th: Spring Musical Concert (7:00pm)
May 20th: Star Fun Day!
May 22nd: Last Day of School
Pre-Order Slate Hill School Supply Kits for the 2024-2025 school year!
Go to www.edukitinc.com by June 21st to order you EduKit school supply kit!
Slate Hill Elementary offers the EduKit program as a convenient option for busy families to order school supplies for the 2024-2025 school year! EduKits include the supplies approved by our school. Your student's order will be available for pick up during the Meet the Teacher Event in August. Any questions? Contact the school office 614-450-5000. Thank you!
Information from Perry Middle School for Parents of current 5th Graders!
If you would like to order a Perry Middle School Supply Kit for next school year (for any student who will be attending Perry Middle School next year), here is the information: Go to shopttkits.com and use Account #68999, The sale goes from April 15th - May 17th.
PTA Corner
* A huge THANK YOU to all the families who were able to donate to the Slate Hill PTA Un-fundraiser!! We raised $3670.60 and exceeded our goal! Your support of our students and staff is greatly appreciated!!
* We hope that you will join our PTA this year and support great things that we are doing for our Slate Hill Stars! Please go to our PTA website and sign up today!
School Counselor's Corner
Hello Slate Hill Families,
Can you believe the school is almost over? Oh my gosh!
I'm sure we can all agree that the world can use some kindness right now. Kindness is an intentional act of care, compassion and generosity that shows someone that you're thinking of them. In this week's newsletter, we're talking about the influence of kindness and how your child can find ways to be kind. Big Life Journal made a list of 31 different ways to practice kindness at home, in school, wherever! There are fun suggestions such as volunteering or writing a note to a friend. This is a great post that breaks down how to be kind with simple instructions, great for all learners. Families, feel free to take a look at the link posted below and start talking about kindness with your student today!
Thank you!
Slate Hill School Counseling Department
First Time Riders Program 2024-25
The First Time Riders event is back and will be held 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Saturday, August 3, 2024, at the Worthington Education Center.
The program is designed to help build comfort for new preschool and kindergarten students with riding the bus.
- 9 AM-10 AM: Worthington Hills, Colonial Hills, Liberty, Sutter Park
- 10 AM-11 AM: Wilson Hill, Evening Street, Bluffsview, Sutter Park
- 11 AM-12 PM: Granby, Worthington Park, Slate Hill
- 12 PM-1 PM: Worthington Estates, Brookside
Summer Camps!
There are many summer camps being offered in the Worthington area! Here is the link to the district website. There are also summer camp flyers in the eBackpack!
There is also a one of a kind fashion Enrichment Camp through the city of Worthington Parks and Recreation this summer!! **Program link HERE
Or for more information you can also go to WWW.TheUpcycleAcademy.Com and see the flyer in the eBackpack.
Check this out! 4KicksNation started by an 8th grader at Perry Middle School
Hi, it’s Annie Hoyt, an 8th grader at Perry Middle School. I am starting a basketball shoe donation program for kids in our community named 4KicksNation. I will work with coaches and administrators in basketball programs to get shoes for kids who need them. A nationwide program that provides shoes shows that kids who have proper shoes are more likely to be involved in extracurricular activities, they have higher self-esteem, better school attendance, and they participate in more physical activities. To start, I am looking for shoe donations! If you have any gently used basketball shoes at home, please bring them to the school's office. I’ll have a box there where you can drop them. If you have any questions please feel free to email 4KicksNation@gmail.com. Thanks so much for helping me get started! ~ Annie Hoyt
Active and Engaged Learning Times
DOORS OPEN: 7:55am
START TIME: 8:10am
TARDY after: 8:10am
Breakfast served from 7:55-8:10am
Dismissal begins at 2:50pm for all students*
*For students who are car riders at dismissal, please ensure that they are picked up each day no later than 3:00pm. The school is unable to monitor students past this time. Thank you for picking up your students in a timely manner.
FYI from Tech Services
Low Balance Alerts were reset by My Payments Plus. Parents should check their settings and update them if necessary by logging in at My Payments Plus with their personal account, go to My Account (left panel) and then view the Low Balance Alerts to update their settings.
MyPayments Plus
My Payments Plus is where you will pay school fees, Full day Kindergarten tuition, school field trips and put money on your child's lunch account. Look under parent resources for this website.
For My Payments Plus, parents can find their child's 9-digit Student ID # by logging in to Infinite Campus and clicking on Today. The 9-digit student number is under student name, visible on both the app and when accessing Infinite Campus through the Parent Portal or the Infinite Campus website.
School Fees for the 2023-24:
Kindergarten: $24.00
Grade 1-3: $42.00
Grade 4-5: $36.00
If you feel you qualify for free and reduced lunch, we suggest you fill this form out online or print out a paper copy and turn into the office. If you qualify your student's fees or Kindergarten tuition could be free or reduced.
HERE is the free and reduced application. Here is the link to the printable applications. You never know if you will qualify and it could help with reduced school student fees as well as Kindergarten tuition. If you have any questions or I can help you in anyway, please reach out to me.
Slate Hill Elementary School
Follow us on Instagram! @slatehillstars
Email: jgulley@wscloud.org
Website: https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/Domain/21
Location: 7625 Alta View Boulevard, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: 614-450-5000
Facebook: facebook.com/ourschool
Twitter: @SlateHillstars