JANUARY 27, 2025
GLOW Students & Families,
We hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed time spent playing in and enjoying the snow last week. Because we so rarely see snow in Wilmington, it is made even more special when it does occur. I've loved receiving the pictures you've shared...thank you!
And...I was just looking at the weather for the week ahead, and I had to laugh because only in WIlmington can it be snowing on one Wednesday and 64 degrees the next!
While I am grateful for the opportunity to engage students in Remote Learning last Thursday and Friday to avoid making up those missed days, I was reminded of two very important things:
- Remote Learning does NOT equal in-person learning. Nothing can compare the the quality of instruction our students receive when they are learning from their teacher.
- I do NOT miss the days of Remote Learning, and am grateful that period of my career and our students' education is behind us!
I know there were some questions about attendance and grading for Remote Learning Days, especially with regards to middle school. Be sure to check out the FAQ in the newsletter below to get answers to the most common questions received.
We are so looking forward to welcoming our students and staff to school tomorrow, so we can get back into our routines and continue building momentum in our classrooms. The days ahead will be filled with learning, growth, and connection, and we’re excited to dive in together.
Wishing you all a great week ahead!
Kate B. Tayloe
We have received a few questions regarding attendance and grading on Remote Learning Days, especially with regard to Middle School. As a result, we are sharing the two most common questions received with answers for your reference. If you have additional questions, please reach out to the individual teacher in question or the Leadership Advisory teacher.
Middle School students who do not submit completed Day 1 (Thursday, January 23) and/or Day 2 (Friday, January 24) Remote Learning assignments on Monday, January 27 will be marked absent (excused) for the day(s) assignments were not completed. While middle school attendance on Remote Learning Days is based on work completion, students who were “absent” on Remote Learning Days will have an opportunity to make up any assignments that will be graded, just as they would for a typical in-person absence.
We began communicating on Friday, January 17 with students and families about Remote Learning assignments being distributed to middle school students on Tuesday, January 21st. Hopefully, if the middle school student was absent on Tuesday, then the middle school student/family emailed teachers on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, to ask about receiving digital copies of the assignments distributed on Tuesday. I know we had several families who did this and received assignments electronically. Thank you!
Q2: What if my student completed some, but not all, of the Remote Learning Assignments?
- Middle School - Just as middle school students are marked as present if they are in school for more than half of the school day, if they submit work for at least 2 of their 4 core classes on each of the Remote Learning Days, then they will be marked present for that day. Again, students will still be responsible for making up assignments that will be graded.
- High School - High School student attendance was recorded based on two-way communication with the teacher, so attendance will not be impacted by work completion. Assignments not completed may incur a penalty as late work; however, students will be expected to make up any assignments that will be graded.
While we are barely through the first half of the current school year, we are already working on plans for the 25-26 school year!
We wanted to let you know that at their January Board Meeting, the GLOW Academy School Board approved GLOW's Academic Calendar for the 25-26 school year. You can access the calendar HERE!
Be sure to go ahead and add these important dates, like the first day of school, to your personal calendars, so you'll be ready for a successful start to the 25-26 school year!
North Carolina's school report cards serve as a tool to offer comprehensive data on school and district performance and are compiled by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). Data collected includes insights into student achievement, academic progress, and school demographics.
Report cards are provided for all public schools in North Carolina. To view GLOW Academy's school report card on the NCDPI site, please CLICK HERE.
The Phoenix Chapter of the National Honors Society will host winter blood drive on Tuesday February 4th. The Blood Connection will be on campus from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, parked outside the cafeteria doors. Donors will receive a $30 gift card!
Click HERE to schedule an appointment.
Driver’s Ed registration for the spring classes will open online on Wednesday, February 5th.
GLOW Students who are eligible and interested in taking driver's ed this spring should go online at the designated time and register at one of the New Hanover County schools (Hoggard, New Hanover, Laney, Ashley). The link for each school's website is below. Please reach out to Mr. Kirby if you have any questions.
It's that time of year again - Girl Scout Cookies are for sale, and GLOW Academy's Troop 8073 has them all!
You may purchase boxes of cookies by visiting Mrs. Williams' office in Lowe 615, or by using this link: https://bit.ly/GLOWGSCookies25
Boxes are $6 each, and cash is preferred.
Come get yours before they're gone!!!
We are proud to announce that, as of last week, the Class of 2025 has earned an extraordinary $2.1 million in Merit Scholarships! This incredible accomplishment reflects not only the dedication and perseverance of our students but also the unwavering support of their families and the collective efforts of our entire GLOW community.
Choosing GLOW is a commitment to a brighter future, and we are honored to partner with families in this journey. From ensuring transportation and providing hot breakfasts and lunches to the encouragement of caring teachers and the one-on-one guidance from our exceptional College Access department, we are grateful to in partnership with you to ensure She Will ...
Exciting News for GLOW Families!
The lottery application for the 2025-2026 school year is open for grades 6th-12th. As a current GLOW family, you don’t need to complete another application—your student's spot is already secured, and you’re locked in for next year!
We are thrilled to announce a special referral opportunity. Families who refer another family that applies and enrolls at GLOW will receive a new, formal shirt from Custom Logo, and parents will be entered into a drawing for a $150 Visa Gift Card as a thank you for helping our GLOW community grow!
This is a reminder that blankets and headphones are NOT accessories to be worn at school.
Both must be put away before entering the classroom and remain put away for the entire class period.
GLOW Academy
Email: info@glowacademy.net
Website: www.glowacademy.net
Location: 4100 Sunglow Drive, Wilmington, NC, USA
Phone: 910.338.5258
Facebook: facebook.com/GlowAcademy1
Twitter: @Glowacademy1