Hornet Buzz
August 2, 2024

Sunday Chat with Principal Dothard
Hello Hornet Nation!
We have a full week ahead! Please note that Monday and Friday will feature early dismissal days. On Monday, parents are encouraged to meet with teachers. Whether you have scheduled an appointment or not, drop-ins are welcome! This is a great opportunity to discuss your student’s progress and gather valuable insights.
We take pride in the number of Hornets who have served our country over the years. Mark your calendars for October 22nd, as it is ASVAB testing day. Don’t delay—sign up for the test today! Remember, registering for the ASVAB does not commit you to military service; it’s essential to explore all your options. To qualify for the lowest military position, you need a minimum score of 31. If you’re interested, stop by the Career and College room to sign up for free ASVAB tutoring.
As we approach the end of the quarter in just two weeks, I encourage everyone to review their grades and stay focused. Finishing strong is crucial, as this report card will determine your eligibility for winter sports. Don’t let your grades jeopardize your athletic opportunities! Research shows that students involved in sports and extracurricular activities tend to have a more fulfilling school experience and better academic performance. Take advantage of this chance to enhance your high school journey!
Finally, we are nearing the conclusion of the regular season for Fall sports. Our teams are working diligently and making necessary adjustments as they strive for a playoff run. Let’s come together to support them as they compete in the upcoming playoffs!
The week will be what you make it, so let’s make it GREAT together!
For Our Spanish Speaking Families
¡Saludos! Para leer en español, hay un botón para traducir en la esquina superior derecha de los anuncios de Smore cuando se abre por primera vez. Pueden hacer clic en el botón y después selecciona de la lista de lenguas disponibles
No Cell Phones No Headphones/Earbuds
Hornet families and students,
I want to thank everyone for keeping their cell phones off and away. We are seeing an uptick in students wearing earbuds and headphones in the hallway. If phones are off and away, we shouldn't see headphones or earbuds because they are connected to a personal device. Remeber, this applies from the start of 1st period until lunch and 7th period through 8th period. This also includes the transition between classes. Cell phones, headphones, and earbuds are allowed during the 10 minutes when the doors open at 7:50 to 8:00, One-Hour lunch, and 2:45 when the dismissal bell rings. We are off to a really great start, so let's keep this going.
Thank you,
Acceptable Use Policy
The AUP is linked here as well as the information Specific to Google.
Online Emergency Information Update Messaging
Effective communication is critical to the success of St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS). This will be crucial not only for emergencies but for our ability to communicate with families in general. Online Emergency Information Update Forms are now available through the student’s Home Access Center (HAC). Once logged in, directions to access the online form can be found HERE. A video with instructions is available HERE. It is vital that all information is updated in eSchool. The deadline for the online submission of Emergency Information Update forms is October 31st, 2024. Please click here for the Blank Emergency Form. If you have any questions, please contact The Department of Student Services at 301-475-5511 ext.32150.
Upcoming Events
Dates to Remember
- October 14 - Two-Hour Early Dismissal
- October 18 - Two-Hour Early Dismissal
- October 18 - Trunk or Treat/Haunted House
- October 22 - ASVAB Test
- October 25 - End of First Marking Period
- November 5 - Election Day- No School
- November 6 - Reports Card Distribution
- November 11 - Veteran's Day- All Schools Closed
- November 27 to 29 - Thanksgiving Holiday Break
Winter Sports Sign-up is Open
Winter sports sign up on Family ID is now open! In order to be eligible you have to have a 2.0 GPA on your 1st quarter report card. In order to sign up you need to have a yearly sports physical. If you are playing or tried out for a Fall sport you do not need a second sports physical. Click her to visit our website with more information including a digital copy of the physical form.
Winter sports include:
- Boys and Girls Basketball
- Girls and Boys Wrestling
- Boys and Girls Swimming
- Girls and Boys Indoor Track and Field
- Winter Cheerleading
- PALS Bowling
Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center Career Fair
The Tech Center is hosting a Job Fair on October 29th for Seniors who are looking for employment. Permission slips are available to pick up in the College and Career Center.
Unity Day
Are you excited for the spooky season? ITS and Tri-M are hosting a trunk or treat October 18, and admission is free! Come out from 5-7 for some fun and candy with your favorite clubs and staff here at GMHS. We’ll also be hosting a Carnival of Terror Haunted House on the same day from 5-8. It will cost 5 dollars. Show up ready for some good scares! You won’t want to miss it!!
Order Your Yearbook Today
The yearbook is still on sale, but not as much. The current price is $105. Buy it now before it goes up to it's full price of $120 - BUY NOW & SAVE
Have pictures to share? Do you think they would be a great addition to this years yearbook? Scan the QR code and share your photos directly with the yearbook staff!
Monday, October, 14th
- Volleyball vs West Lake JV 4:30; Varsity 5:30
- Field Hockey vs McDonough Varsity 4:00
- Golf Conference Championships @ Chesapeake Hills Golf Course - 9:00 am
Wednesday, October 16th
- Field Hockey vs Calvert Varsity 4:00
- Boys and Girls Cross Country vs North Point 4:30
Friday, October 18th
- Girls JV Soccer playdate vs Leonardtown -5:30 and Northern -6:30
GMHS Event Policy
Just a reminder when you come to events at Great Mills High School
Senior Citizen Cards will only be for St. Mary's County residents.
All coaches should have ID/Badge or should arrive with the team.
Anyone leaving the event without authorization MUST pay to re-enter
No outside food or drinks (including water bottles) are permitted
No Bags
Spectators will not be allowed to enter game venues carrying any bags. Spectators will only be permitted to carry a small clutch or wallet into events. Other small permissible items such as keys, wallets, cell phones, credit cards, and cash may be carried in a pocket or by hand. Prohibited items include weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, outside food and drinks, laser pointers, non-service animals, and other items deemed inappropriate by the school administration.
Join the GMHS Boosters
Support GMHS Boosters!!
We are excited to announce that the GMHS Athletic Boosters are launching a program called ShopRaise. ShopRaise allows supporters to raise money for their favorite nonprofit organizations through online purchases at over 1,000 stores.
Part of making ShopRaise successful is recruiting a core group of Champions. As board members we are encouraging you to join our Champion group.
As a Champion, you simply do three easy things:
Click the link below to get the ShopRaise app
Use tools in the mobile app to share it with family and friends
Shop online to support our cause and help us reach our fundraising goals
The best thing is the program is free, you do not pay any more for the items you buy, and you get access to all the best coupons and deals.
Feel free to explore and send any feedback to me.
Thank you so much in advance!
Buzzworthy Information
Need a library card? Here is how you sign up!
Smart Card Instructions (English)
Smart Card Instructions (Spanish)
Library Hours
SAT Registration
The ASVAB is a tool that all military branches use to figure out the best employment fit for you within each branch. There are sections of word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, math, mechanical knowledge, and science. The test will be taken on paper.
Location: Media Center
Time: 8am - Noon
Click here to sign up.
The true purpose of school is for you to become whatever you want to be in life!
Higher education determines if you work and retire or work the rest of your life
FAFSA Deadline Approaching, Need Help?
Please email Mrs. Cunningham, accunningham@smcps.org, if you need assistance in completing FAFSA and/or MDCAPS
Maryland Promise Scholarship
Important Links
Mental Health and Wellness Resources
Supplemental Health Insurance
Great Mills High School
Email: bjdothard@smcps.org
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/gmhs/
Location: 21130 Great Mills Road, Great Mills, MD, USA
Phone: (301) 863-4001
Twitter: @GMHS_SMCPS