From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
September 6, 2018
Is Cursive Writing Making a Comeback?
A Memo to My Students as the New Semester Starts
Blended Learning is Not an Option Anymore
Blended learning is no longer optional for education today. It’s required. It is time for the factory-style education to disappear from schools. Blended learning has taken the place of factory-style education. This new educational model combines traditional face-to-face education with online learning opportunities in the form of e-courses and collaborative projects with peers and subject matter experts.
TECH - Applied Digital Skills
Engage your middle and high school students as they llearn practical digital skills using this free project-based video curriculum from Google.
This padlet is a listing of resources to help teachers and school leaders understand childhood trauma and steps to take to create schools and classrooms that support children experiencing trauma.
TEACHERS: Strengthening Student Engagement: What Do Students Want?
TEACHERS: Extending the Silence
TEACHERS: Creating a Fertile Environment for Kids' Creativity and Growth
TEACHERS: Five Ways to Make Classroom Discussions More Exciting
Classroom discussions have been a staple of teaching since Socrates. To be effective it's not enough for students to simply pay attention during a discussion -- they need to be active participants to generate one of those great discussions that end far too quickly for both the teacher and students. Here are five ways to design discussions in a dynamic and exciting manner.
TEACHERS: 5 Ways to Strengthen Student Resilence
TEACHERS: How to Teach Self-Regulation
Elim EduChat
PARENTS: 12 Important Things You Can Teach Your Child by the Age Of 10
PARENTS: 50 Questions to Ask Your Children - Get to Know Them Better
To enable parents to bring up their children to be as well-rounded and responsible as possible it is helpful for parents to understand how their children see the world. One way parents can do this is by asking children thoughtful questions which inspire conversation and a healthy curious mindset. Here is a list of 50 open-ended questions to get to know children better.
LEADERS: When Schools Meet Trauma With Understanding, Not Discipline
LEADERS: 5 Fabulous Strategies to Engage as School Leaders
LEADERS: Simple Ways You Can Support Your Teachers at the Beginning of the Year
LEADERS: How Leaders Can Shift Mindsets and Create a Trauma-Informed Student Support Form
The Impact of Early Childhood Trauma on Children’s Behavior
edWeb - Tuesday, September 11, 2:00 PM EDT
How to Take Control Over Your Own Professional Practice
ASCD - Tuesday, September 11, 3:00 PM EDT
Principles of True Engagement in Middle School ELA
Amplify - Wednesday, September 12, 3:00 PM EDT
Empower Your Students to Be Digital Leaders on Social Media
edWeb - Wednesday, September 12, 4:00 PM EDT
What Dyslexia Red Flags Look Like for Different Students in Different Grades
edWeb - Wednesday, September 12, 5:00 PM EDT
Applying Developmentally Appropriate Practice to Early Childhood Music Learning
edWeb - Thursday, September 13, 3:00 PM EDT
Visible Learning Feedback with John Hattie
Corwin - Monday, September 17, 6:30 PM ED
Why Reading is Like Driving a Car: Automaticity is Critical
edWeb - Tuesday, September 18, 5:00 PM EDT
Fostering Collective Teacher Efficacy
Corwin - Thursday, September 20, 8:30 PM EDT
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Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 312-310-5617
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