Coulston Elementary School
Comet Connection Newsletter
Notes from the Coulston Office January 5, 2025
Kindergarten Round-Up
Parents just a reminder that we will begin Kindergarten Round-Up in January. This is for students who will be attending Coulston in the 2025-26 school year. You will be able to pick up your child’s registration packets beginning January 6, 2025 at the school that your child will be attending. If you have any questions, please call 317-398-3185. Please register your child as soon as possible. Kindergarten Open House will be Shelbyville Middle School on April 3, 2025 from 5:30-7:00.
SCS Read-a-Thon
Information about the Read-a-Thon Fundraiser for the Shelbyville Central Schools reading committee was sent home with students in December. The funds that are raised, will be used to purchase books for the various reading initiative during the year such as the Holiday Parade, "We Love to Read" Week, and other events to help foster a love of reading with our students. We appreciate your support for this district-wide fundraiser!
Inclement Weather Update
Inclement Weather Update:
Parents as we approach winter weather, please remember the following:
2 Hour Delays-School will begin 2 hours after our normal start time.
Buses will pick up students 2 hours later.
Breakfast is NOT served on a 2 hour delay.
2 Hour Delays on Wednesday will result in school getting out at the normal time of 2:15.
Snow Days will be used before elearning days(MLK Day/President's Day).
Check local tv stations(WTHR/WISH/WRTV/Fox59), our Coulston Facebook page, and website for weather updates and closings/delays.
As the weather is colder, please have your child dress for the weather. There have been several cold days that students were at school without a coat or heavy jacket. If your child is in need of either of these, please contact Mrs. Reed.
Reporting Student Absences:
If your child is absent from school, please call the office at 317-398-3185. You can report your child’s absence on the attendance line. When reporting an absence, please be sure to include your child's name, grade, teacher, and the reason the student is absent. Please try to have your child’s absence reported by 9:00. Thanks for your help.
Attendance Winners:
Congratulations to our fourth grade classes! They were the attendance winners for December. They earned VIP treatment for the Boomer Convocation. Not too far behind was second grade. Keep up the good work. We are proud of you.
Upcoming events:
6-Second Semester
6-Kindergarten Round-Up begins
SCS Read-A-Thon Fundraiser
20-Martin Luther King Jr Day-No School
WIDA Assessments Begin
13-ILEARN Checkpoint 2A this week
13-Boys Basketball Tryouts
14-Valentines Day Parties
17-Presidents Day-No School
25-3rd Grade Recorder Concert
Transportation Change Reminders
Please see the information from the student hand book in regards to transportation changes.
This is located on page 21 of the student handbook.
Background Check Information
Background Check Information
Parents just a reminder if you want to volunteer at school, please call the office to get information on how to submit/apply for the limited and extended background checks. You can reach the school at 317.398.3185.
Free and Reduced Application
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Coulston Elementary School
Phone: (317) 398-3185
Fax: (317) 392-5721
Office Hours: 7:00am - 3:30pm
121 N Knightstown Road
Shelbyville, IN 46176