News from the Nest

- Elementary Progress Reports
- Winning Cards Casino Night Online Auction
- Upcoming Events
- Kindergarten Registration for 24/25
- Summer STEM
- 2024-2025 District Calendar
A Message from Dr. Laurie Smith
Elementary Progress Reports Available
Progress reports for elementary students are available for families staring today. Families can find information on how to access their Progress Reports on the UDSD Website or by clicking here.
Winning Cards Casino Night ONLINE AUCTION ~ Enter your bids now!
The Winning Cards Casino Night Auction is now open for bidding, and you don't even have to attend to participate! Items range from a Trek Bike to Phillies Baseball Camp, and even the chance to record at UDHS Greenfield Film Studio or host a Planetarium experience at SRMS. Don't miss out on the opportunity to bid for these unique experiences and support our schools and local community. The auction closes on March 16 at 9:30pm.
UD Medals Nominations Deadline is Monday, March 18th!
Don't miss out on this opportunity to shine a light on exceptional individuals and organizations in our community! Nominate outstanding citizens, educators, businesses, and non-profits for the UD Medals Program by Monday, March 18th.
Saturday, March 16th! Winning Cards Casino Night
Join us for a great night benefitting Upper Dublin Schools and charities! Online registration is now closed. Walk-ins welcome! Click on the picture above for details.
Spring break is March 25 - March 29! A reminder that schools are also closed for students on Monday, April 1st while our professional staff and educational assistants engage in professional learning.
We hope you enjoy the break and we look forward to welcoming students back on Tuesday, April 2.
PSSA Dates
English Language Arts (Students in Grades 3 - 8) ~ April 24, 25, 26
Mathematics (Students in Grades 3 - 8) ~ April 30 & May 1
Science (Students in Grades 4 & 8) ~ May 7 & 8
Kindergarten & New Student Registration
Registration is open for the 2024-2025 school year. Click the image for more information.
Summer STEM Academy
Come join us for our Summer STEM Academy for K-12 students! Students work collaboratively, learn perseverance, and engage in
project-based learning. Click the image for more details or click here to register!
2024-2025 District Calendar
The School Board approved the District Calendar for next school year. Click the image to see the details.
UDSD Launches NEW Facebook Page!
Like and follow the official Upper Dublin School District Facebook Page today. Just click the image below. Help us reach our goal of 4,000 followers!