The Knightly News
September 24, 2024
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- September 27 Fun-a-thon 🤩 (Volunteers needed)
- September 25 - Early Release @ 2:00
- October 3 - Culver's Restaurant Night
- October 9-11 - Vision & Hearing Screening
- October 14 - Columbus Day; No School
- October 21 - Picture retakes
- October 22 - Vision & Hearing rescreening
Fun-a-thon Volunteers needed for Friday!
Last chance to sign up to volunteer for the Fun-a-thon on Friday.
Please click on the link to sign up.
This year one of our building goals is to improve student attendance. We selected this goal because we know how important it is for students to be present to receive instruction. According to the Illinois School Report Card, our Chronic Absentee Rate for last year was 25.3%. To decrease this number, we need your help. Please make sure to have your child(ren) here daily! Our students enter the building at 8:50 this year, and instruction continues until just before 3:30. Thank you for making this commitment to your child(ren) and their future!!
Bus Info
Is your child a bus rider? Have you ever had questions about if the bus is late? The transportation office has your answers! When you call Canterbury, we don't have the most current information making it difficult to answer your questions. The transportation office knows where the buses are and can give estimated drop-off times. The number to call is 815-455-0558. They have English and Spanish speakers as well!
Vision & Hearing Screening - October 9, 10, 11
Your child will be participating in a school based screening program conducted by certified hearing and vision technicians. Screening is a simple method by which children with a potential problem may be identified. If you have any questions, feel free to give our nurse Miss Shorten a call at (815) 788-5650.
Dismissal Reminders
As you can all imagine, dismissing 430 elementary students takes a team effort. You, as family members, are an important part of that team! Here are a few ways that you can help us make sure that dismissal is safe and efficient every day. Thanks for your help!
- Please be consistent about how your child is getting home. If there is a change, please call the office before 3:00 to let us know. This gives us enough time to contact the teacher and make adjustments.
- Please follow all safety guidelines if you are picking up your child. Cell phones should not be used, you should not be parked on the street in front of the school, and most importantly, pay close attention to children crossing streets.
IMPORTANT: Parents, if you have not logged into ParentVue this year or have forgotten your password, please try to log in to ensure you have access. If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password button. You may also contact the school main office or email for assistance.
Same D47 App, New Look!
The District 47 app has gotten a fresh, new look but still offers all the same features and resources! Please accept the one-time popup of the privacy statement, it is something all apps have and once acknowledged it will not show up again. Thanks for your cooperation!
Fun-a-thon Envelopes
One more day to turn in your money to be entered into the raffle! No donation is too small!
Halloween Dance
Halloween dance will be on Friday, October 25 @ 5:00 - Be on the lookout for more info!
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
3rd grade enjoyed making a marble maze in stem class
Click here to find out what will be on the breakfast or lunch menu for your elementary school.
Peachjar E-Flyers
To view your school's Peachjar E-Flyers, click here. For more information about Peachjar or to learn about community events and activities, visit our website.
Download the D47 App!
Easily access district and school calendars, menus, and receive important notifications by downloading the District 47 app on your phone.