Roosevelt MS Back-to-school 2024-25

August 16, 2024
Hello Families and RMS Scholars-
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am your new principal and couldn't be more excited to step into this role. I walked the halls of RMS as a middle schooler. In fact, I was in the first class of 6th graders to ever attend Roosevelt Middle School (RMS). I have deep roots in this wonderful Blaine community and it's my turn to give back in another capacity.
When I think of middle school, I think busy! Scholars are busy meeting new people and forming new friendships. They are busy engaging in abundant learning opportunities. They are busy setting individual goals and reflecting on personal growth both academically and socially. All of this busy is what the RMS Team is here for. This is a time when some of the most fun and exciting chapters in a middle school student's story are written.
Our RMS Team is here to support each and every scholar on their educational journey. We are committed to creating a strong sense of belonging where students are surrounded by an inclusive and caring community. Furthermore, we strive to educate each learner to experience great success and personal growth!
Please take time to carefully review the information in this communication as a family. The content can answer many questions that come with the start of a new school year.
We look forward to welcoming students in a few short weeks!
Kaela Rekucki, Principal
Roosevelt Middle School
Tim Sukalski
Assistant Principal
Grade 6
Linda Groebner
Assistant Principal
Grade 7
Kirsten Spark
Assistant Principal
Grade 8
Kristen Karlson
School Counselor
Last Names A-K
Katie Vasil
School Counselor
Last Names L-Z
Kara Alger
School Social Worker
WEB Day for 6th Graders: Wednesday, August 21
Wednesday, August 21
Incoming 6th-grade students can attend a ½ day orientation led by RMS staff members and 8th-grade mentors, called WEB leaders. During this event, students will get a tour of the building and have frequently asked questions answered. WEB day utilizes movement and games to get kids comfortable with RMS. Students who receive transportation to and from school can use their transportation method to and from RMS for WEB day. Specific information will come from the Transportation Department before this event.
Early Access Day Update
We will not be have an Early Access day this year. Instead 6th graders are encouraged to attend WEB day, and all families are welcomed to attend Open House Tuesday, August 27.
Open House: Tuesday, August 27
Roosevelt Middle School will be having our Open House on Tuesday, August 27th from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Families and students can come to open their lockers, find their classes, and meet their teachers.
To avoid waiting in line to get your students schedule, as this is a very busy event, you can login to ParentVue or StudentVue to access it. From there you can make your own copy for open house or have it open on your device. Schedules will be available to view beginning on Friday, August 23.
In ParentVue or StudentVue:
- Your student's schedule can be found under the "class schedule" tab.
- Student bus and locker information can be found under the "Student Info" tab.
If you need help getting onto ParentVue you can call 763-506-HELP.
We look forward to seeing your family at open house here.
Parking for Open House
Parking is also very crowded on this night. We will have district parking attendants to help, but please be patient because this is a very popular event. This is a "drop-in" event and you can come at any time. If you need support or have questions please call RMS at 763-506-5800 and we can help.
Grade 6 ONLY - First Day of School
Tuesday, September 3
The first-day of school in Anoka-Hennepin Schools is Tuesday, Sept. 3. New this year, the six district middle schools will welcome sixth-grade students on Sept. 3; and seventh- and eighth-grade students will begin the school year on Wednesday, Sept. 4. This format is part of an effort to ensure the newest students get off to a strong start.
Why it matters: Ensuring a successful transition to middle school can lower stress and anxiety and set a positive pathway for academics and behavioral expectations at schools, leading to success for all students.
The basics: The first day of school for the 2024-25 school year is Tuesday, Sept. 3.
Sixth-grade students only should report to school as expected. Students will meet with teachers and complete activities that aim to ease the transition to middle school.
Transportation service will be provided to sixth-grade students only.
Meals will be provided.
All middle school students should attend school starting Wednesday, Sept. 4.
With this new format, middle schools join elementary and high schools, which have been traditionally offering the youngest grades and new to school learners a similar opportunity.
Grades 7 and 8 - First Day of School
Wednesday, September 4
We are looking forward to the start of the new school year! To provide our 6th grade students with a smooth and positive transition into middle school, we have designated September 3 as a transition day exclusively for them. This means that 7th and 8th grade students will begin school on September 4.
Thank you for your understanding and support as we help our new 6th graders settle in and prepare for a successful year.
School Pictures
Wednesday, September 4
Students will get their picture taken for their student ID and the school yearbook. Photo packages will be available for families that would like to them.
- If you would like to purchase picture packages online, use code EVTKBP6ZB
- If you prefer a paper order form they will be available at Open House
Picture Retake Day - Friday, October 11
Picture retake day will be available for those would would like to retake their school picture, Or those who were unable to have their picture taken on Wednesday, September 4.
NOTE: These will be the ONLY picture days during the 2024-25 school year.
- Monday, October 14, In person
- 3:20-7:30 p.m.
- Thursday, October 24, Virtual
- 3:20-7:30 p.m.
- Thursday, January 23, Virtual
- 3:20-8 p.m.
- Tuesday, May 7, Royal Arts and Academics Nght
- 5-7 p.m.
2024-25 Trimester 1: Upcoming events
- 21 - WEB day for 6th grade students only; 8:25 am – 12:15 pm
- 27 - Open House; 4:30-7:30 pm
- 3 - First Day of School - Grade 6 only
- 4 - First Day of School - Grades 7 and 8, and School Pictures
- 7 - No School, Staff Development Day
- 11 - Picture retake day
- 14 - Parent/Teacher Conferences; In Person 3:20-7:30 p.m.
- 17-18 - MEA Teachers Convention, No School
- 24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences; Virtual 3:20-7:30 p.m.
- 5 - No School, Staff Development Day
- 22 - End of Trimester 1
- 25 - No School, Staff Development Day
- 26 - No School, Staff Grading Day
- 27- Conference Conversion Day, No School
- 28/29 -Thanksgiving Break, No School
Choose Your Preferred Communication Methods with AHlert
Anoka-Hennepin families now have the ability to choose their preferred communication method(s) for receiving automated messages. The service is being provided through a program called AHlert and will share items such as principal updates, lunch account balances and winter weather closings.
Families can choose whether they’d like to receive phone calls, text messages, email, or a combination of the three. Follow these step-by-step directions in the AHlert program to get started:
- Login to A-HConnect and select the AHlert icon.
- Once you’ve reached the AHlert screen, select the “calling preferences” link on the right-hand side.
- Check or un-check the “active” box to enable or disable delivery devices.
- Click the “save changes” button on the bottom left.
Note: If there is not a cell phone number listed in the system for you or the phone number or email shown is incorrect, please contact your child/children’s school(s).
Families will still be able to receive winter weather-related school closing and other emergency information through the venues they’re familiar with (website, e-news, social media); this service is simply an addition to these regular communications.
If you signed up to receive text notifications sometime in the last two years (called Weather Alert in 2013-14, AHlert in 2014-15), you’ll need to re-subscribe using the directions above.
As always, call 763-506-HELP (4357) with questions.
A-HConnect is Anoka-Hennepin’s online portal for parents and guardians to access information about their student, including grades, test history, meal account balances and much more. As a RMS parent, this is a valuable tool. You will receive a password from the district, or if you don’t remember your password and need to get a new one, contact A-HConnect at 763-506-HELP or email 506help@ahschools.us
RMS Website
Be sure to check out our website. It is full of information you may be looking for.
RMS ENewsletter
Sent to all family e-mail addresses. RMS eNews delivers Roosevelt Middle School news to your email inbox. Periodic emails will keep you informed of the latest events affecting our school, our children, and our community.
Did you miss one of our e-newsletters? View our e-newsletter archive at www.ahschools.us/rmsnews
Backpack Online
Sign up to receive Backpack Online, Anoka-Hennepin Schools’ weekly e-newsletter, and stay up to date on school district issues and events.
2024-25 Back-to-School Information Backpack Online Newsletter
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RMS's 2024-25 School Supply List
Click on the button below for the suggested supplies which will help make your student successful in their classes. If you are unsure of what some of your student's subjects will be, please wait until after the school year begins to acquire the suggested supplies for their classes.
School Hours and Daily Class Schedule
The school day is 8:25 am - 3:05 pm
The doors of the school will open at 7:55 am. For safety, students may not leave the grounds and return to school once they arrive.
Students' periods 4 and 5 are based on their assigned lunch. Check out the Daily Class Schedule by Lunch Period for specific times.
All students are expected to leave school at 3:05 pm unless they are signed up for an activity, or have arrangements with a staff member to stay. Students who will be picked after the school day ends must be picked up by 3:20 pm.
Before and After School
The Targeted Services Royal Wakeup program will begin the second week of school, September 9. Information about Royal Wakeup will be shared the first week of school.
Students who arrive before 7:55 am or stay after 3:05 pm must have a predetermined destination. Those students not involved in a scheduled group activity must have prior arrangements made with a staff member to be in the school. Students are not allowed to be in the building without supervision during these times.
Cell Phone Guidelines Promote Learning
Anoka-Hennepin Schools is committed to providing students and staff with a safe, secure, and positive learning and working environment. In an effort to improve student focus on learning and reduce distractions during the school year, a modification of the current cell phone guidelines has been made.
At all six middle schools in the district, electronic devices must be concealed and shall not be powered on or used in any way during regular operations of the school day, during other school-sponsored and supervised group activities during the school day (e.g., during student assemblies, field trips, events, or other ceremonies, ect.), or when their use is otherwise prohibited by school personnel.
The current district policy and language in the student handbook (page 46). The guideline aligns with school board-approved strategic priorities to increase academic performance.
It is also a goal to support stronger personal relationships between students and staff in the school community.
Additionally, the need for mobile phones to support educational needs no longer exists now that all middle school students have access to a district-assigned computer and the internet during the school day. All the middle schools will be reviewing cell phone expectations with students in class the first week of school.
Parents/guardians are advised to call the school office if they need to contact their child during the school day. School administration and staff greatly appreciate your support.
The impact of cell phones on student’s developing brains and their educational success is well researched. Consider reviewing resources available as your family prepares for the upcoming school year:
Resources for parents:
The Effect of Smartphone Use on Mental Effort, Learning, and Creativity
Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One's Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity
Roosevelt Middle School is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices. Electronic devices will not permitted for student use during the school day. We consider our school day from 7:55 am to 3:05 pm. At all Anoka-Hennepin Middle Schools, electronic devices must be concealed. They shall not be powered on or used in any way during regular operations of the school day, during other school-sponsored and supervised group activities during the school day (e.g., during student assemblies, field trips, events, or other ceremonies, etc.), or when their use is otherwise prohibited by school personnel.
A student may contact a parent/guardian using a school phone with permission from the teacher or administration at a time that does not interfere with instruction. Parents/guardians who need to communicate with their student about an urgent matter (e.g., unplanned doctor/dentist appointment or change in pick-up plans) should contact the main office at 763-506-5800. The message will be delivered to the student.
Taking pictures or videotaping other students or school staff is prohibited without the permission of a teacher or administrator per district guidelines. Cell phones, cameras, and any electronic device with a camera cannot be used in the locker rooms or restrooms. Portable electronic devices/earbuds used without the appropriate approval may result in disciplinary action. Student removal of a memory chip or battery from a phone while being confiscated may be grounds for disciplinary action by the school administration.
Students who record other students fighting or engaging in behaviors that violate district policy or school behavior expectations are subject to disciplinary action, including suspension from school.
Upon a student's third violation of the electronics policy, they may have their phone confiscated by the administration and returned only to a parent/guardian following a conversation/conference with the administration. Further violations may include the student no longer being allowed to bring the device to school or turning it into the assistant principal's office from 7:55 am - 3:05 pm.
RMS Students Receive Chromebooks
RMS students are issued Chromebooks for the school year. Please set up a plan with your child about charging and taking care of their Chromebook. They will need it charged every day for class.
Tech Protect: Device Protection Plan Available for Families
Technology plays an important role in preparing students for life, and Chromebooks are utilized as a daily learning tool in Anoka-Hennepin middle and high school classrooms. Anoka-Hennepin students in grades 6-12 are assigned a Chromebook from the school district to ensure access to technology systems that support classroom learning.
Over 28,000 Chromebooks are distributed to students the first week of school. As careful as students and schools are, accidents do happen each year - and thousands of Chromebooks are returned at the end of the school year with damages.
Families have the option to enroll in the Device Protection Plan.
The Technology Protection Plan is optional; it is not required, however, by electing not to participate in the Protection Plan, families may be required to reimburse the school district for the replacement or repair of damaged Chromebooks assigned to their student/s. Damaged or broken screens may cost between $50 to $150 depending on parts needed; or the replacement cost for the entire device could be up to $410.
Families can opt-in to the Device Protection Plan by logging into A-HConnect, and selecting "My Student Information," and "Fees." Parents must select or decline coverage under the Device Protection Plan. Enrollment begins July 1, 2024.
The plan cost is $20 per student or $60 per family per school year.
If the student qualifies for free or reduced-price school meals in the 2024-25 school year, the cost of the Protection Plan will be reduced to $0.
Repairs with the Protection Plan are subject to a $20 deductible.
View the Device Protection Plan flyer to learn more. (PDF)
Enroll in the device protection plan using Synergy.
Attendance Procedural Expectations
Being Absent, Arriving Late and Leaving Early
The Anoka-Hennepin Attendance Policies and Procedures are located on pages 4 and 5 in the 2024-25 School Handbook.
Reporting Absences, Including Late Arrivals
- Parents/Guardians should report any student absences and late arrivals by 8:15 a.m. This should be done each day of an absence or late arrival. The most common types of absences are due to illness, a medical appointment or family emergency.
- Automated calls go out twice daily regarding any student with two or more unverified class periods in a single day. Attendance is taken eight times a day in middle school.
- The best way to report an absence 24 hours a day is to call the attendance/absence line at 763-506-5806 or report the absence in the ParentVue App
Picking up your Student from the Attendance Office During the School Day
I know I need to pick up my student early, what do I do?
If you need to pick up your student early for an appointment please follow this procedure:
- Call and leave a message on the attendance/absence line; 763-506-5806
- Enter the pick-up time and reason in ParentVue, in the morning
- Have your student bring a note to the attendance office in the morning
I just got a last minute appointment for my student. . .
- Call the attendance/absence line at 763-506-5806, so we can send your student a pass to get out of class. Please do not use the ParentVue app for last minute pick-ups.
Please Note, Important!
- We request a half days notice whenever possible if you are picking up your student
- Parking in the front of the school to pick-up your student ends at 2:30 p.m.
- If we are NOT notified prior to your arrival to pick up your student, it will take longer to get your student out of lunch or class.
No Parking in the Gas Station Parking Lot
Please Don't Park in the Gas Station Parking Lot
The Blaine Police Department reached out to us and asked us to share the following message:
Parents/Guardian's should not park in the gas station parking lot across from the school for parent pick-up at the end of the school day.
At Roosevelt our Office Staff Strive to Help our Families!
All school offices run differently based on school size, school layout and number of office staff. Here at Roosevelt we have compiled some office procedures that not only help make the office run smoothly, it limits classroom interruptions and in turn will benefit you!
We thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Delivering Items to Students
If your child has forgotten an item and you deliver it to the school, please put your student's name and grade on it. It may be delivered to their classroom, or we may call your student to the office at an appropriate time. If they are expecting something to be dropped off for them, and have not received it yet, they can check in the office between classes.
Getting a Message to Your Student
The morning and the end of the school days are the busiest part of our office day, so If you need to get a message to your student, please call 763-506-5800 by 2:30 p.m. so we can honor your request. If you call after 2:30 p.m., we cannot guarantee that we can deliver the message to your child by the 3:05 p.m. bell.
Picking Up Your Student Early
Please see the 'Attendance Policy' section regarding picking up your student early. This procedure applies to all early pickups, not just an early pick-up for an appointment.
Bringing Outside Food In
We want students to be able to pack snacks for school so they are not hungry during the school day. However, please refrain from sending your child to school with big bags of chips or large quantities of snacks. While well intentioned, this can cause disruption such as spills in hallways, or taking too much time to snack and arriving late to a class late
Please also refrain from dropping off takeout or birthday treats to share during the school day. Finally, to help keep our school safe we don't allow any food delivery services (i.e Uber Eats, Doordash) during the school day. Any student who chooses not to eat the school lunch can bring a lunch they packed at home.
Thank you for your partnership with this.
Student Drop Off/Pick Up
Parents must use our west lot (by the pool) for student drop-off and pick-up before school, after school and after activities in order to keep the bus lanes open. The parking lot is very crowded so, for the safety of our students and staff that are walking, it is important that all cars follow the marked lanes around the large loop to the drop off area. We encourage parents to use district provided transportation whenever possible.
See the diagram below for the layout of the parking lot for the drop off and pick up route.
Visitors are Welcome!
To ensure the safety of our students, all visitors to the building are required to scan their driver’s license at door #1 and wear a visitor badge.
Parents/Guardians who wish to visit the school are welcome. Please contact the staff member you would like to visit with to make arrangements. The staff member will then notify the office of your arrival. Although a preplanned visit has been made, and the office has been notified, you will be required to scan your driver's license, in order to enter the building.
Parent/Guardians who are also Anoka-Hennepin staff members, if you are at the school on behalf of your student and not for business purposes, you must use your driver's licence to enter the building, not your Anoka-Hennepin ID.
High School Student Visitors, are not permitted during school hours unless they have pre-approval by the school office to conduct a school related activity. Students that wish to visit staff members can do so after school, only if they have made arrangements with that staff member, and the office has been notified.
Visitor Parking - For the safety of all students, we ask for parent cooperation with the following Parking Lot/Visitor guidelines:
Please do not enter the front drive area between 7:45 – 8:45 am and 2:30 – 5:00 pm as these are bus loading/unloading times.
Please use the West Parking lot (by the pool) at these times for student pickup and drop off.
When to Keep Your Student Home From School
If it is necessary for prescription medication to be given during the school day, a signed parent/guardian and physician permission note is required. The permission can be faxed to Health Services at 763-506-5803 or emailed to teressa.morsfield@ahschools.us. Medication can be sent to school with students, but it must be counted and the bottle sealed with tape or in an envelope.The number of pills sent must be written on the envelope.
All prescriptions must be kept with Health Services. Exceptions may be made for emergency prescriptions, such as asthma, allergy, and diabetes. Self-carry inhalers are allowed, but a second inhaler is requested to remain in the Health Service office at all times. The physician, parent/guardian, and student must sign a special self-carry form. You can find this form on the Health Services website.
Non-prescription medication can be kept in Health Services for student use as necessary. The medication must come in its original container (small bottles, please) and with a signed parent/guardian permission form to be kept on file at the Health Services office.
A doctor's note will be required if more than the recommended dose is needed for continued use. Medication cannot be given to a student at any time unless provided from home. Medication kept at school is LOCKED UP after hours and is unavailable for student use.
Frequently Asked Questions for Health Services
What should my student do if they feel ill, or get sick during the school day?
- All students should inform a staff member and report to the Health Office when they feel ill. Students should not be calling or texting their parents/ guardians during the school day. If Health Services determines that the student needs to go home, parent/guardians will be contacted.
What if a student has a doctor or dentist appointment?
If a student has an appointment
- please send a note and have your student bring it to the Attendance Office before the start of the school day,
- Or report it on the attendance/absence line 763-506-5806 prior to 8:15 a.m.,
- Or report it through the ParentVue app by 8:15 a.m.
Please do not call at the last minute and request that we have your student ready to leave for his/her appointment.
I would like my child to walk to the neighboring Orthodontist office, can they do that?
- If the student is walking to their appointment, you will need to give permission when reporting the appointment, however; if you choose this option your student must return to the school prior to the school day ending for safety and security reasons.
Who can pick up the student if he/she is ill or has an appointment?
- Only parents/guardians and individuals identified as emergency contacts are allowed to pick up a student.
- If this is not possible, special arrangements need to be made with health service staff. If you must have someone pick up your child who is not listed on the emergency information form, contact the Health Service Department directly.
How do I update my emergency contacts?
- In the event that a parent/ guardian cannot be reached, please ensure that your emergency contacts are up to date with the names and telephone numbers of other people we are allowed to contact for medical emergencies. If there are changes during the year, please login to your A-HConnect account and go into the My Student Info menu to make changes.
How do we contact health service?
- The direct number for the health office is 763-506-5804. The fax number is 763-506-5803. All immunizations and doctor orders can be faxed from your clinic/hospital to health service
Free School Meals Program
Every student may receive one breakfast and one lunch at no cost during the 2024-25 school year. The state’s Free School Meals program will cover the cost of one breakfast meal and one lunch meal for every student daily, however the cost of a la carte items, such as milk, other drinks, or extra meal items will not be covered. Students will need to have funds in their meal accounts to purchase any additional food items.
Menus are Subject to Change
Supply chain issues are impacting school meal programs nationwide. Our breakfast and lunch menus are subject to change based on food item availability from our distributor. We will do our best to serve our regular menus, but we may have to make adjustments. If changes are made, we will do our best to post the menu changes in a timely manner. Our Child Nutrition Program is committed to ensuring our guests are fed healthy and nutritious meals at school each day. Thank you for understanding.
Purchasing Ala Carte Items
Students who do not want the complete meal, or only want specific items will be charged A la Carte pricing for these items. Examples of A la Carte purchases would be:
- The entrée portion of the day.
- Milk purchased separately from a meal.
- Snack items, beverages such as bottled water, sports drinks, etc.
To purchase any A la Carte items, students must have money in their meal account. Charging is not allowed.
Managing your Students Meal Account
To manage your students meal account, login to your parent portal and select the MyStudentInformation icon. You will be able to:
- View meal account balances.
- Sign up for automatic recurring payments.
- Receive email notifications of low balances.
- Make payments with a credit, debit card or direct bank account withdrawal.
- View a student's purchase history for the preceding 90 days.
Directions on Accessing your Student's Lunch Account
Families that need help with their username and/or password can contact the Communication Technologies Help Desk at 763-506-HELP.
Volunteer News
I hope you all are having a great summer. The new school year will be upon us before you know it. Now is the time to consider volunteering at Roosevelt for the 2024-25 school year. Volunteering is a great way to find out what’s going on at school and our students and staff really appreciates it.
All volunteers (high school student & adult) need to complete or update an application for each school they volunteer at, every school year and complete the Criminal Record History Release (CRHR) form online. All information will be accessible in one user profile.
Both the Volunteer Application and CRHR links can be found on the RMS Volunteer Opportunities webpage. Please complete your RMS Volunteer Application & Background Check Permission for this school year.
Once your volunteer application is approved you will receive an email. After receiving this email you will then be able to log into MyVolunteerPage.com and sign up for the volunteer opportunities that match your schedule.
If you need help completing the volunteer forms please go to: How to Volunteer Flyer
Questions about volunteering? Contact our Volunteer Coordinator:
Jenny Johnson
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Volunteers Needed the First Few Days of School
We need volunteer support for our 1st days of school to help with handing out chromebooks, supporting picture day and more.
We hope everyone is having a great summer and you’re ready for a brand new school year at Roosevelt! Community Ed has lots of options for middle school students this fall. We try to serve as many students as we can, but sometimes due to space constraints, many classes fill early. Be sure to sign up for classes soon to avoid missing out!
Girls’ and Boys’ Cross Country - Starts September 5
In this competitive cross country league, athletes will learn the skills and strategies of running with an emphasis on participation, teamwork and safety. Athletes will compete against other athletes within the same grade level. Teams practice after school and compete against other Anoka-Hennepin middle schools. Due to enrollment numbers and transportation scheduling, parents/guardians will need to transport their students to all meets. Meet dates will be Friday, September 13, Friday, September 27, and Wednesday, October 9 starting at 4:30pm.
Girls’ Soccer - Starts September 9
Athletes will learn the skills and strategies of soccer with an emphasis on participation, teamwork and safety. Games will be played on a regulation soccer field using a 9v9 team format. Teams practice after school and compete against other Anoka-Hennepin middle schools. Due to enrollment numbers and transportation scheduling, there may be times when parents/guardians will be asked to transport their students. Games will be on Wednesdays: September 18, 25 and October 2, 9 starting at 4:00pm.
Boys’ Soccer - Starts September 9
Athletes will learn the skills and strategies of soccer with an emphasis on participation, teamwork and safety. Games will be played on a regulation soccer field using a 9v9 team format. Teams practice after school and compete against other Anoka-Hennepin middle schools. Due to enrollment numbers and transportation scheduling, there may be times when parents/guardians will be asked to transport their students. Games will be on Wednesdays: September 18, 25 and October 2, 9 starting at 4:00pm.
Girls’ Tennis - Starts September 9
Players will learn the skills and strategies of tennis with an emphasis on participation, teamwork and safety. Athletes will play matches against an opponent of similar skill level. Teams practice after school and compete in matches against other Anoka-Hennepin middle schools. Students should provide their own tennis racket. Due to enrollment numbers and transportation scheduling, there may be times when parents/guardians will be asked to transport their students. Games will be on Tuesdays: September 17, 24 and October 1, 8 starting 4:15pm.
7th and 8th Grade Girls’ Volleyball - Starts September 9
Players will learn the skills and strategies of volleyball with an emphasis on participation, teamwork and safety. A and B teams will be formed based on each player’s skill level. Teams practice after school and compete against other Anoka-Hennepin middle schools. Due to enrollment numbers and transportation scheduling, there may be times when parents/guardians will be asked to transport their students. Matches will be on Mondays: September 16, 23, 30 and October 14 starting at 4:00pm.
Flag Football - Starts September 10
In this flag football league, players will learn the skills and strategies of flag football with an emphasis on participation, teamwork and safety. Teams practice after school and compete against other Anoka-Hennepin middle schools. Due to enrollment numbers and transportation scheduling, there may be times when parents/guardians will be asked to transport their students. Game dates will be on Thursdays: September 19, 26 and October 3, 10. Games start at 4:15pm.
Howling with the Wolves - September 27
Join us at the Wildlife Science Center, the area's premier wildlife facility, to learn about some of Minnesota's most fascinating animals. Resident wolves, mountain lions, coyotes, foxes, lynx and raptors will be the focus of this informative program. At the end of the program, toast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate while the wolves fill the darkness with their incredible wild song. *Please check their website at www.wildlifesciencecenter.org or call the Wildlife Science Center for further information or direction to their new site. Phone: 651-464-3993.
Cheer Clinic - Starts September 30
Calling all cheerleaders! Come learn team cheers, chants, tumbling, stunts, and meet new friends. There will be a competitive Performance Cheer class held later in the school year.
Dungeons and Dragons - Learn to Play - October 1
Dungeons & Dragons Learn to Play is for students who are interested in playing a tabletop role playing game that leads them on a fantastical adventure. Students will learn how to create characters with unique characteristics and back stories, build worlds with their imaginations, and through their own choices and actions, determine where the story goes. This is a one time class for beginners and the curious. Price reduced with grant money from Blaine Creating Community.
Chess Club - Starts October 7
Get into the game you love to play! The focus is on developing a player’s chess skills, knowledge, analytical abilities and intellectual strength through lessons, puzzles and practice. Our team will compete against other teams at team meets and local and state tournaments. Create a checkmate today. Presented by Youth Enrichment League.
Dungeons and Dragons - Tabletop Gaming - Starts October 8
Join a professional Game Master as you learn how to build a Dungeons and Dragons character, and then set out on your Adventures! Students will go on adventures guided by their imagination and their instructor while learning critical thinking, teamwork, roleplay, and puzzle-solving skills.
Family Fun Hayride - October 11
Gather your family and friends and pile on for a fun-filled hayride pulled by a team of gentle draft horses. Meet at Bunker Park Stables, 550 Bunker Lake Blvd, Andover at 6 p.m. Check-in between 6-6:30 p.m. and then a hayride from 6:30-7:15 pm. Dress appropriately for the weather. (Children age 3 and under free.)
Complete Back-to-School Verification
Make a plan to complete your student’s back-to-school verification, now. Families may complete the verification online by logging into A-HConnect.
Why it matters: Verification ensures that each student’s school has confirmed emergency contact information and releases for the safety of each student.
Family deadlines: It’s important that each family completes the verification process before the first day of school. Verification is easy to do online, on your own time, whenever it’s convenient.
Even if families’ contact information has not changed, it’s important to log in to access a variety of other student information in the coming weeks, including class schedules and teacher assignments, attendance, school handbooks, progress reports and grades for middle and high school students.
High school students will not be able to enroll in fall activities until the back to school verification process is complete.
Login details: Visit A-HConnect to complete your student’s back-to-school forms for the upcoming school year.
Parents/guardians can access back-to-school forms by clicking the lock icon and “Login” at the top right corner of any district or school website.
Then, select, "My Student Information."
Next, choose “Online registration.”
Select “Back-to-school annual verification.”
View the tip sheet for directions.
If you need help finding your login/password, email 506help@ahschools.us or call 763-506-HELP for assistance.
Middle and high school families: Back-to-school verification also includes the option to enroll in an optional protection plan for district-issued Chromebooks, which are assigned to students in grades 6-12 to ensure access to technology systems that support classroom learning. Visit ahschools.us/techprotect to learn more.
Discounts, benefits and reduced fees available: Families may also apply to receive additional educational benefits, discounts and reduced fees after completing the verification process.
Apply for Education Benefits for the 2024-25 School Year
All Anoka-Hennepin families are encouraged to apply for the educational benefits program for the 2024-25 school year. A new application must be submitted each school year.
The enrollment window for the 2024-25 school year begins Aug. 1, 2024.
Although school meals are still free, your family may still qualify for other educational benefits. If your family needs access to educational benefits available to your student, an application can be completed by visiting ahschools.us/freereduced.
Anoka-Hennepin asks that all families complete an online application to provide additional school funding to support all students in the district. By filling out this application, your school can earn funding and you can save money.
Educational benefits include:
Athletics fees: Eligible students may qualify for fees to be waived or reduced.
SAT, ACT, AP Fees: Students may be eligible for discounted fees for academic tests and some lab fees.
Other high school activities: Students may qualify for discounts on speech, debate, theater, band and others.
Additional benefits and cost savings: Chromebook device protection, Comcast Internet Essentials discount, Amazon Prime membership discounts, discounted bus fares with Metro Transit, Xcel Energy account assistance, discounts at museums and theaters.
Only one application is needed per household. Please contact the child nutrition department with any questions or assistance at 763-506-1240 or staff.CnpEnrollment@ahschools.us.
Free school meals program information
Every student may receive one breakfast and one lunch at no cost during the 2024-25 school year. The state’s Free School Meals program will cover the cost of one breakfast meal and one lunch meal for every student daily, however the cost of a la carte items, such as milk, other drinks, or extra meal items will not be covered. Students will need to have funds in their meal accounts to purchase any additional food items.
Anoka-Hennepin Middle School Attendance Policy at Events
Our goal is to provide a fun, safe and engaging opportunity for middle school students and families to support our high school-athletes as they perform in football, band, dance and cheer. The following expectations are in place to ensure that all who attend experience a safe, welcoming, and positive environment.
All five Anoka-Hennepin traditional high schools (Andover, Anoka, Blaine, Champlin Park and Coon Rapids) have made the transition to online ticket sales for athletics and activities events. With the exception of boys and girls hockey, all ticket sales for events hosted by district schools will be online using GoFan Events, the official ticketing system.
Middle School Students:
Students will be admitted to events with a valid GoFan ticket, and with a valid ID and parent/guardian escort - with a 2:1 ratio of students to adults.
Unsupervised students will not be permitted entry.
The student code of conduct for school extends to all Anoka-Hennepin school events. Students running, throwing objects, using profanity, or causing other disruptions will be required to sit with their parent/guardian for the remainder of the game.
If the student’s parent/guardian is not present, an administrator on duty will call home and escort the students to the front of the gate to wait to be picked up.
There will be no refunds if a student is removed from the game before its conclusion.
If a parent/guardian has to be called about a student’s behavior, the student may forfeit their right to attend any future high school events for one calendar year.
Significant disruptions and policy violations are subject to further disciplinary action.
Students are not permitted to bring backpacks, footballs, soccer balls, etc. to games. Balls will be confiscated at the gate or by administration if brought to the stadium.
Students still on campus 15 minutes after the conclusion of a game will not be permitted to return to a game for the remainder of the season.
Middle School Parents/Guardians:
Do not drop your student off unattended at events. It is expected that parent/guardian supervise their students for the duration of the event. Unsupervised students will be escorted out of the event.
Please review expectations of behavior with your student(s) before arrival.
Please make sure your student(s) remains with you for the duration of the event.
As stated above, please be aware that students still on campus, unsupervised, 15 minutes after the conclusion of an event will not be permitted to attend future events.
District High Schools Use Online Ticketing for Athletics & Activities Events
New this school year, Anoka-Hennepin Schools has partnered with GoFan for mobile ticketing for athletic events at all five traditional high schools (Andover, Anoka, Blaine, Champlin Park and Coon Rapids). Fans can purchase tickets online through their respective school’s GoFan page, the GoFan App or by presenting a card or mobile payment option at the ticket gate. All major credit cards are accepted, along with Apple Pay.
The new ticketing partner allows both schools and visitors a more efficient, professional ticketing experience. Buying tickets online allows fans to access and share tickets easily by email or text without standing in line. Fans are encouraged to buy tickets online prior to reaching the facility, however credit card payments will be accepted on site.
Adult (18-59) tickets for athletic events are $10 and students (K-12) are $5.
Adults 60 and older receive free admission to regular season events. Please be aware that this does not apply to section or state tournament events.
Before the event
PURCHASE your tickets online, via your computer, smartphone or other mobile device using the GoFan Mobile App (available on Google Play and the App Store.
Once you purchase your ticket online, you will get an order confirmation email and click on the "VIEW TICKET" on your mobile device. This can also be done on the app.
Pay attention to the important information shown on the confirmation screen.
At the event
Prior to arriving at the gate, access your confirmation email or view the ticket in the mobile app and click on "VIEW TICKET" on your mobile device.
Show your mobile device to gate personnel, who will validate your admission ticket.
DO NOT validate your ticket before arriving at the gate. A staff member will validate your ticket. If you validate your ticket in advance, you may need to purchase another ticket.
Tickets CANNOT be printed. You must use your mobile device to access your ticket(s).
Visit the GoFan How To Guide to access videos for assistance, or visit the links below:
Students from the hosting and visiting schools must be prepared to show student identification at events and middle school students and younger must be accompanied and supervised by a parent/guardian. Students from any other schools/non-participating schools must also be accompanied by an adult chaperone.
Ticket information for each school can be found at the following websites:
Andover High School: ahschools.us/huskytickets
Anoka High School: ahschools.us/tornadotickets
Blaine High School: ahschools.us/bhstickets
Champlin Park High School: ahschools.us/cphstickets
Coon Rapids High School: ahschools.us/crhstickets
Important phone numbers:
- Main Office: 763-506-5800
- Absence Line: 763-506-5806
- Student Services & Registration: 763-506-5960
- Community Education: 763-506-5812
- Child Nutrition: 763-506-5811
- Health Office: 763-506-5804
- Volunteer Services: 763-506-5970
- Help Desk: 763-506-HELP (4357)
This e-newsletter is published by Roosevelt Middle School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.