RRSD #35 Community Update
March 17, 2023
District Happenings:
Classified Employee Appreciation Week:
Last week was an opportunity to focus our appreciation on classified employees who do so many necessary jobs in our district; librarians, secretaries, custodians, instructional assistants, support staff, and more. We value them and rely on their contributions to our students and our schools. Thank you to all of our classified employees!!
Bond Measure 15-213:
In the upcoming election on May 16, you will see measure 15-213 on your voter's ballot asking the voters of the RRSD to consider an 8-year replacement bond in the principal amount of $4,465,000. This is a replacement bond that is not estimated to increase property taxes above the current rate. The RRSD has secured an OSCIM matching grant from the state of Oregon in the amount of $4 million dollars. If the voters pass this bond, the district will receive the extra $4 million dollars on top of the amount raised by the bond. This would total $8,465,000 million dollars to address the following projects in our district buildings:
- Safety and Security Upgrades: The bond would pay for creating single points of entry for Elementary East and West. This would increase security and reduce public access to the children during the school day. Bond money could also support door security upgrades throughout the district.
- Plumbing and Electrical Upgrades: Some of the plumbing in the district is nearing the end of its useful life, with some portions already failing. Electrical services in some schools are outdated and inadequate. Bond money would be used to update and upgrade these services to preserve and extend the lifespan of buildings in the district.
- Junior High Building: Currently, junior high students share bathrooms, locker rooms, and common spaces with the high school students. The bond would pay for a new building on the high school grounds that would be dedicated to junior high students, allowing them to have a space of their own separate from high school students.
Upcoming Events:
- Spirit week at the RRJSHS March 20th-24th.
- Air Band Dress Rehearsal for parents only is March 23rd @ 6:15 p.m.
- Spring break from March 25th - April 2nd. Everyone comes back to school on April 3rd!
- There will be a blood drive at the RRJSHS April 6th.
- No School on April 7th for grading day.
- Morgan Cottle: Morgan has taken the math curriculum adoption process under his wing and is doing stellar work. His attention to detail and his communication have been amazing. The District Office appreciates Morgan's leadership and hard work.
- Jayme Matthews and Lauren Lancaster: These two received kudos from Presence Learning SLP Paige Cramond. Paige noted how vital Lauren and Jayme are to the work she does with our students receiving speech services. Lauren was highlighted for her organizations and professionalism, and Jayme was highlighted for how she works with the speech students and communicates with Paige about their needs.
- Whitney Langfield: The graphics and communications Whitney has been sending out for RRES have been much appreciated by the District Office and parents alike. She is doing a great job of keeping everyone informed of the great things happening at RRES.
- Trayce Jensen: Trayce hosts Wednesday game time for students to play board games and enjoy each other's company while learning pro-social behaviors.
- Tabitha Badley and Kaleigh Woller: These two are dedicated to our afterschool tutoring program. Our students really appreciate their kindness, consistency, and help with their homework.
AIRBAND Parent Night
Sophomore 6:50-7:20 PM
Junior 7:25-7:55 PM
Senior 8:00-8:30 PM
Spring Break 2023
Classes resume on April 3rd.