Lewis & Clark Lynx Newsletter
October 2024
Please be sure to read all the way to the end to be in the know about all that's going on at
Lewis and Clark and community opportunities!
Fourth Annual Jog-a-Thon Coming Oct. 4th!
Our biggest fundraiser of the year is almost here!
Friday, Oct. 4th is Jog-A-Thon day at Lewis & Clark!
Funds raised go directly back into the school, the classrooms, and toward programs and activities for all of our students.
And, we can’t provide these amazing opportunities for our students without you! THANK YOU!
We are having fun working toward schoolwide goals all week in preparation for Friday. Keep it up!
The PTA is also looking for some volunteers to help at the event. If you can help with set up, tear down, or during the event, please sign up on the Volunteer Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C45ACA92FA2F9C70-51659226-2024#/
October Calendar at a Glance
Sept 30-Oct 4 - Lost and Found Displayed outside the gym - Pictures below! Claim your stuff!
Oct 2 PTA meeting - 4:30-5:30 - L&C Library
Oct 4 All Nations Club Kick Off at lunch
Oct 4 Jog-a-thon! Come cheer our runners!
Oct 6, 13, 20 & 27th Native American Student Services Sunday Fundays, 10 am- 2 pm at Big Sky High School - FREE!
Oct 17-18 No School- MEA Days
Oct 22 6-8 pm Social Media & Your Family class offered by Families First (FREE childcare, please pre-register to guarantee class is not cancelled - see details in the Community Resources section below)
Oct 31 Halloween @ L&C - End of day celebrations and school parade outside, weather permitting
Save the Date - Winter Performance 2024!
Dear Lewis and Clark Families,
We are excited to announce our upcoming Winter Performance on Wednesday, December 11th! The program will feature the musical stylings of our 2nd through 5th grade students.
There will be three separate performances, with each one highlighting a different group of classrooms. Although specific times for each grade and class are still being finalized, we wanted to share this information with you now so you can mark your calendars. We will follow up shortly with more details regarding your child’s scheduled performance time.
For questions feel free to contact Matt Cosca at mcosca@mcpsmt.org.
Native American Student Services Halloween Carnival
Tuesday, October 29th—
Franklin Elementary - 6:00pm-8:00pm
See flyer info in Community Events and Resources below.
Halloween at L&C
Celebrations will be at the end of the day on
Thursday October 31st, including our outdoor parade!
As in years past, we ask that Halloween costumes NOT represent characters of violence or destruction. NO FULL FACE MASKS, PROPS of GUNS, KNIVES, BLOOD, OR
Lunch Help Needed!
Have 30 minutes (or more), once a week (or more)? Come help L&C Lynx at lunch and lunch recess. We need extra adult hands and eyes in the lunchroom and on the playground. Contact Mrs. Vaneps if you are interested!amvaneps@mcpsmt.org or (406) 728-2400 ext. 4350
From the Front Office
Families…Please remember to communicate any after school plans to your child BEFORE school. Communicating changed plans to teachers interrupts class instruction and focus.
Please use the office for emergency change of plans only.
You can email or call the front office to
excuse absences or tardiness:
Angie Tranel 406-542-4035 atranel@mcpsmt.org
From the Principal's Office
Lewis & Clark Families,
Thank you for a fabulous start to the school year! All the smiling faces, happy kiddos, and excitement to see friends and staff was such a joyous time these past few weeks! Thank you for sharing your incredible children with us!
As we head into fall, there are many fun activities at Lewis & Clark in October. One of my favorite events is our annual Jog-A-Thon that is just around the corner on October 4th! I love to see the excitement from the kids, seeing their classroom community flags displayed, running and dancing around the track, and having fun. I hope you are able to join us to cheer the kids on!
October also brings fall field trips, outdoor learning activities in the Discovery Center, a 4-day weekend while teachers are in training, and, a school favorite of the kids....Halloween! Be sure to see my weekly newsletters for updates!
Have a wonderful October! Alanna
Attendance Matters!
If your child will be absent due to illness or travel, please call the L&C Attendance Line to excuse them. 406-728-2400 ext. 4362
Lewis and Clark Families! We want to fly to new heights this year with attendance to make this
a year of SUPER H.E.R.O.s. When children regularly attend school, they're more likely to develop personally, socially, academically and emotionally. Let's do this together!
Counselor's Corner: A Note from Ms. Myers
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! I’m Ms. Myers, one of the School Counselors at Lewis and Clark. I’m here every day, working with all students, either in the classroom, small groups, or individually. This is my 15th year at L&C and I’m excited to be back for another year! This year, I’m excited to welcome Emily Leishman, a UM School Counselor candidate as my intern; she will be here Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays for the school year.
My role is to help students navigate through thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that are getting in the way of their learning and feeling successful at school. Please reach out to me if your student needs support.
Helping Students Manage Back to School Stress
Routines are important so kids know what to expect. Consider making a visual schedule so kids can see what’s happening each day.
Help your child have a smooth morning with some prep the night before: pack the backpack, pick out clothes, talk about the plan for the next day.
Kids benefit from having time to talk about what’s going on and how they are feeling. If possible, dedicate a few minutes each day to putting everything aside and taking time to connect and listen.
Talk to kids about how feelings show up in our bodies too! Help them practice breathing strategies to work on feeling settled and centered.
If you worry that your child is having trouble adjusting to back to school routines, or needs support, please reach out for support.
Linsey Myers lemyers@mcmsmt.org, 728-2400 x4379
The LC Lynx PTA Update
The Parent-Teacher Association of Lewis & Clark Elementary School strives to build an enriching school culture and a welcoming environment
for all children, parents, and staff.
Happy Fall from the Lewis and Clark PTA and WELCOME new families! We are so fortunate to have a very active and supportive volunteer group and always welcome the effort of parents and families to keep our PTA and Lewis & Clark strong. Scan the QR code below for more information on how to get involved or to join. It's not too late! We would love your help with the many activities, events and fundraisers we have planned for the year. We ENCOURAGE your membership and/or time. You are also always invited to join us at one of our meetings. The PTA meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 4:30 pm in the school library.
**Next PTA meeting: Wednesday, October 2nd from 4:30 to 5:30 in the library.**
We are thrilled with the attendance at our annual Open House and Ice Cream Social and it was a fun and successful way to begin the school year!
Thank you to all the hard-working volunteers and vendors that attended!
We are so excited for the Lewis & Clark Jog-A-Thon! Please join the Lewis & Clark Lynx on race day Friday, October 4th! Cheer on your runners and support our school! Thank you to everyone who has donated to make this fundraiser a success!
-- One last note: We will have Coffee, Toffee, Tea, Caramel and more sales again this year. We will offer sales of CTT items and Lynxwear in November to arrive just in time before the holidays. These locally made Montana goodies make great gifts and stocking stuffers with the proceeds going to Lewis & Clark! More to come.
Scan here to learn more or join the PTA:
Get more info today!
We need your voice!
PTA Officers 2024-2025 School Year
Contact the PTA at: lclynxpta@gmail.com
President– Keri McHugh
Vice-President—Jill Taber
Co-Treasurers—Kyle Bocinsky & Staci Nugent
Secretary—Corey Harrison
Teacher Liaison—Jordan Garland, 5th Gr teacher jgarland@mcpsmt.org
Teacher Liaison—Sharon Jones, 4th Gr teacher sgjones@mcpsmt.org
PTA Meetings 2024-2025
First Wednesday of the month (except in January)
from 4:30 to 5:30 in the library. All are welcome!
Oct 2, Nov 6, Dec 4, Jan 8, Feb 5, March 5, April 2, May 7, June 4
Good Food Store Shopping Benefits L&C
It's easy and costs you nothing! Tell the Good Food Store (GFS) cashier you would like to donate to Lewis & Clark. Our "code" is 334; they can also look it up for you!
A percentage of the total sale is then donated by GFS to L&C, which they send to the
L&C PTA every few months. Thanks!
Family Resource Center Thanks and Reminders!
The FRC (Family Resource Center) at Lewis & Clark is here to help all families, especially those experiencing housing or food insecurity.
Thank you to the following donors and volunteer support for the FRC:
Anonymous L&C Family - Donation used to cover 5th grade instrument rental and individual picture scholarships. Thank you for easing the financial burden for so many this fall.
Missoula Organization of Realtors—Family Resource Center Funds
Bike, Walk, Bus Morning Volunteers: Andy Schultz, Samantha Zauher, Samantha Hofland, Erin Noonan, Rona Chenowith, Karent Schlatter, Matt Sutton and Kristen Doughtery
Clothes and Shoes: Coulter Family, Garrett Family, Hartzell Family, Dougherty Family, Cornelison Family
October Wish List (Items needed in the FRC to support students) Healthy or High Protein Snacks
Tracey Cravy and Lisa Hayhurst
728-2400 x4355 frclewis@mcpsmt.org
Family Resource Center Hours: M-F 8:15-3:15
Make Sure Your Child is Prepared for the Weather!
The seasons are changing… When coming to school, please remind your child(ren) to dress for the cold, wet weather. Students will be going outside to play each day they are at school, unless it is below zero or a complete downpour. Students should wear a warm coat, mittens, a hat, and rain/snow boots. If you need help making sure your child(ren) have warm gear, please contact the Family Resource Center for assistance at: 728-2400x4355 or frclewis@mcpsmt.org
Lost & Found!
Our Lost and Found boxes are purged monthly. Items will be displayed the
last week of each month for final claiming.
Items are on display NOW OCT 1-4 and again October 28-Nov 1
Unclaimed items will be donated to local charities or become part of the FRC inventory.
Items with legible first and last names are delivered to students.
Below are pictures of our current sweatshirt and jacket collection in Lost and Found.
Recognize anything?!
Please take a look
for your child's lost items
or send them to look!
Community Events and Resources
FREE Parenting Classes!
The Lifelong Learning Center is partnering with Families First to provide training in MCPS Elementary and Middle Schools. Call Lifelong Learning Center at 406-549-8765 to register for the FREE CLASSES and FREE ONSITE CHILDCARE or at www.MissoulaClasses.com (Search Parenting and Family Classes)
Let’s Talk About Bullying, Peer Pressure, & the Internet—Tuesday, October 1st—6-8pm Chief Charlo Elementary Library. Bullying and peer pressure have always been relevant topics, and now with modern life and the internet, it is crucial to talk more about them. The goal of this class is to engage you through conversation and activities to build an understanding of how to handle bullying and peer pressure situations. On-site child care is provided for families who pre-register.
Helping Kids Manage Emotion - Wednesday, October 9th - 6-8pm Chief Charlo Elementary Library
Children are not born knowing how to express or deal with their emotions. Whether it's your five-year-old's frustration over trying to get their shoes on, or your ten-year-old's anger that a friend refused to play with them, learning how to deal with anger, upset and the accompanying feelings can become a regular challenge if you don't create plans and strategies for managing emotions. In this class, you will learn how to identify the emotions behind your child's behavior, and to help them manage their emotions by connecting and developing new skills. Child care is provided. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged.
Social Media and Your Family - Tuesday, October 22nd - 6-8pm - Lewis & Clark Elementary Library
In the fast-paced, ever-evolving world of technology, it's increasingly hard to keep up. While information and connection at our fingertips have advantages, they can also prove to be a risky environment for our children. In this class, we will explore the ways that parents can stay informed and keep their family safe IRL. Child care is available, but please pre-register prior to the start date.
Our Character Strong trait for October is Responsibility!
Order Your 4 Free At-home COVID-19 Tests
Every U.S. household is eligible to order 4 free at-home tests. Even shipping is free!