THRS Dolphin Days
Week of September 5th - 11th, 2016
first dolphin assembly for 2016 - 2017 school year!
everyone gets free dress on tuesday, september 6th for displaying honor, responsibility and respect!
important carpool information
Dear Dolphin Parents, this is just a reminder for everyone. We all follow the THRS code of Honor, Responsibility and Respect -- even at carpool. The following guidelines are critical to keeping ALL of our DOLPHINS SAFE during arrival and dismissal - students, faculty and parents. PLEASE remain in your car and go through the carpool lines. The lines may appear to be long - but our system works quickly and efficiently when everyone follows the guidelines. We need all Honor Roll families’ cooperation in following our arrival and dismissal procedures. Together we will make our arrival and dismissal safe and orderly for all our Dolphin students.
ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: ECP families will utilize our Alcorn Oaks loop (signs and arrows will guide you in the ECP loop:
Morning Drop-Off:
1. Parents have the option of entering drop-off at either Sweetwater (grades K-8) or Alcorn Oaks (ECP).
2. If you child needs to be dropped off before 7:30 a.m. please contact THRS about our before school care.
3. Children must be dropped off in the correct area each morning.
4. No student may be dropped off in front of the white building.
5. Children will be supervised at all times from drop-off until school starts.
6. Faculty/Staff members and student safety patrols will help with our A.M. arrival.
7. PLEASE have your children ready to exit the vehicle in a quick and timely manner. It will help if you give your hugs and say your good-byes at home and while waiting in line, not when a teacher or Safety Patrol member opens the car door. We want to keep our arrival lines moving and our students SAFE!
Afternoon Pick-Up
1. Parents have the option of entering drop-off at either Sweetwater (grades K-8) or Alcorn Oaks (ECP).
2. ECP afternoon pick-up times are as follows:
TK 2:50 – 3:15 p.m.
Pre-K / Toddlers- School Day Program 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. School Day Program
Full Day Program ECP 3:30-6:30 p.m.
3. K-8 afternoon pick-up times are as follows:
K-1 2:50 p.m.
2-4 3:00 p.m.
5-8 3:30 p.m.
4. Faculty/Staff will be outside to direct and assist with the afternoon carpool line.
5. If you are unable to pick your child up at the appropriate afterschool time, please contact THRS about our extended day program and options.
Save the Date - The Honor Roll School's 25th Anniversary Celebration!
PSIA Parent Meeting - This week!
We are happy to participate in the Private Schools Interscholastic Association (PSIA) Competitions for 2016 – 2017! THRS had a successful 2015/ 2016 year with over 25 District Winners, 12 State qualifiers and 1 state winner!
PSIA is an extracurricular academic competition program for students in grades 1 – 8. With 19 competition categories, it allows students to excel in a variety of content areas. Statistical research shows that students who participate in academic competitions and activities score higher on achievement and assessment tests than those who do not participate. Academic competitions also help students foster perseverance and develop a sense of teamwork. For more information about PSIA, please visit their website:
We are hosting a PSIA Parent meeting on September 7th from 6:00 – 7:00 pm (Dining Hall). If you would like more information and cannot attend the meeting, please email me at
September's Community Service Theme - Campus Care!
What is Bucket Filling?
Bucket Filling program is a nationwide program designed to improve Social & Emotional learning at school. It is based on a simple concept where we each have an invisible bucket with the singular purpose of holding good thoughts and feelings about ourselves. When we are happy and good to others, our buckets become full. When we are sad or not nice to others, our buckets become empty.
We become “Bucket Fillers” when we are nice to others. Bucket Fillers fill both ours’ and others’ buckets. But when we make someone feel bad, we become “Bucket Dippers”. Bucket Dippers dip into both of our buckets. For more information about Bucket Filling, please visit
Inspired by its positive impact at school, we would like to extend this program at home as well. We can encourage a life- long strategy for being a positive impact on others.
You can start by having your own bucket at home and using tokens or any other materials to create your own bucket system. Explain to them the chores they have to complete or if they demonstrate acts of kindness and generosity, they may earn a token to then cash in for a reward. Let the kids help with making a list of rewards to get them motivated. Once the list is ready, apply a “price” for each reward. Prices range from 1 to 100. Once the child has cashed in their tokens for that reward, the tokens are put back in the storage container to be reused.
Sample Reward Ideas: Super Duper Hug Reading a story with a parent, Getting to stay up an extra 30 minutes, Having a cup of hot chocolate alone with a parent, Playing a game with the family or a family member, Getting to choose what to have for dinner, Renting a special movie, Inviting a friend over for a play-date, Having a friend sleepover, Extra computer time And lastly, let us know how things go at home! We would love for you all to share pictures with us.
Monday, September 5th
Wednesday, September 7th
Friday, September 9th
Looking Ahead:
Thursday, September 15th - High School Information Night for 7th and 8th grade parents
Friday, September 16th - 4th Grade FIELD EXPERIENCE - HEB
Friday, September 16th - THRS Partners Fun Food Friday!
Friday, September 16th - First Quarter Progress Reports
Monday, September 19th - 6th Grade FIELD EXPERIENCE - "Houston Aztec Drum and Dance"
Tuesday, September 20th - 8th Grade FIELD EXPERIENCE - Bill of Rights Exhibit
Wednesday, September 21st - Middle School Student Council Speeches and Elections
Wednesday, September 21st - Kindergarten FIELD EXPERIENCE - "Princess and the Pea"
Thursday, September 22nd - Kindergarten FIELD EXPERIENCE -
"Princess and the Pea"
Thursday, September 22nd - THRS Partners Coffee Social in the Dining Hall
Friday, September 23rd - Fort Bend County Fair Day - CAMPUS CLOSED
Wednesday, September 28th - 3rd Grade FIELD EXPERIENCE - "No Bully Here Festival"
The Honor Roll School
Location: 4111 Sweetwater Boulevard, Sugar Land, TX, United States
Phone: (281) 265- 7888