Summer 2024 Edition

Associate Director of Federal Programs and Leadership
Director of School Safety & Security
ESSA/Title I, Part A/PFE/Testing
Career & Technical Education (CTE)
McKinney-Vento TEHCY / Title I, Part C Migrant
Bilingual/ESL - Title III, Part A
Counseling Services & T4 Mental/Behavior Health
Title I, Part A/ Title I, Part D/ Title II/PNP
AI Meeting Assistant - ESC Zoom Meetings
It has come to our attention that there is an “AI meeting assistant” product that, on your behalf and under your name, automatically “joins meetings, records audio, writes notes, captures slides, generates summaries, and answers questions” while in a Zoom meeting. If you are using this product, we are requesting that you not utilize it for ESC meetings. If an ESC team member notices that the product is being used, you will be removed from the virtual meeting.
2024-2025 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application Correction
The following correction to the 2024-2025 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application—which only affects LEAs that have Private Nonprofit school participation for Title I, Part A, as well as Title II, Part A and/or Title IV, Part A—is scheduled to be in production on June 27, 2024:
- An edit that cross-checked the LEA enrollment data entered on the PS3099 and SC3099 for these programs with the LEA enrollment data entered on the SC5000 will be removed. The LEA enrollment data entered for these programs on the PS3099 and SC3099 should be restricted to students ages 5-17. The LEA enrollment data listed on the SC5000 may be more inclusive. The new version of the application in eGrants will no longer require the two schedules to match.
What to Do?
If an affected LEA has already submitted its 2024-2025 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application, it may be necessary to correct the LEA enrollment number that was entered on the PS3099 for Title II, Part A and Title IV, Part A. For purposes of calculating the correct equitable services amounts, these amounts may only include students who are ages 5-17. The LEA may contact its TEA grant negotiator in order correct this information during the negotiation process.
If an affected LEA still has its application in draft status, the LEA can ensure that the correction has been applied to the application schedule by reopening the schedule on June 27 or later and saving the schedule to trigger the corrected functionality.
LEAs that are part of a Shared Services Arrangement for all programs and submit an SC3099 may also need to revisit the LEA enrollment numbers they submitted for Title II, Part A and Title IV, Part A.
If an affected LEA has not yet started its application in eGrants, the corrected functionality should be in place when the LEA first opens its application, and there should be no extra steps to take.
Contact Information
For more information, please contact the Federal Program Compliance Division at ESSAsupport@TEA.Texas.gov.
Title I, Part A Homeless Reservation
Under section 1113(c)(3)(A) of the ESEA, an LEA must reserve sufficient Title I funds to provide services to homeless students who attend non-Title I schools that are comparable to those provided to students in Title I schools. These services may include providing educationally related support services to children in shelters and other locations where homeless children live. Services should be provided to assist homeless students to effectively take advantage of educational opportunities. In addition to serving homeless children and youths who attend non-Title I schools, the homeless set-aside may be used to provide services to homeless students in Title I schools that are not ordinarily provided to other Title I students.
Homeless Reservation Must Be Based on Needs
Each LEA should maintain documentation locally to demonstrate that the amount reserved for providing Title I, Part A services to homeless students was based on need. The Federal Program Compliance Division has worked with the Agency’s McKinney-Vento staff to develop a worksheet that LEAs can use as part of their needs assessment to assist in determining an appropriate amount of Title I, Part A funds to reserve at the LEA level for services to homeless students.
Guidance and Worksheet to Determine Amount of Title I, Part A Homeless Reservation
For additional information related to the use of Title I, Part A reserved funds, please see the Title I, Part A Use of Funds Reference Document.
The Federal Program Compliance Division is proposing an internal system for informing the Agency’s risk assessment process based on all the programmatic monitoring activities conducted by the Division. This virtual session will provide an overview of the proposed LEA Program Compliance Dashboard and is intended to solicit feedback from LEA and ESC staff administering the following federal programs.
- Title I, Part A (Improving Basic Programs);
- Title I, Part C (Migrant Education Program);
- Title I, Part D (Neglected and Delinquent);
- Title II, Part A (Supporting Effective Instruction);
- Title IV, Part A (Student Support and Academic Enrichment);
- Title V, Part B, Subpart 2 (Rural and Low-Income School Program);
- Ed-Flex;
- Equitable Services to Private Non-Profit Schools;
- Supplement, Not Supplant; and
- Unsafe School Choice.
Registration and Session Information
Date: Thursday, August 29, 2024
Time: 1:30 pm CST - 3:30 pm CST
Please register by accessing the following link: https://txr20.escworks.net/catalog/session.aspx?session_id=102273.
Title I, Part A Student Data Reconciliation
As LEAs prepare to make their PEIMS Summer Data Submission, they should ensure that students are coded correctly, in accordance with the Title I status of the campuses listed on the SC5000 schedule of their 2023-2024 Consolidated Federal Grant Application and with the C122 Table for Title I Eligibility and Participation.
To be sure that the LEA is coding its Title I, Part A students correctly in PEIMS, please work with your PEIMS coordinator to ensure the following:
- Students who attend a campus that is not designated as a Title I, Part A campus and who do not receive Title I, Part A services should be coded as “0.”
- Students who reside in a facility for the neglected, attend a non-Title I campus, and receive services through a Title I, Part A program that is run through the central administration office should be coded “A.”
- All students who attend a Schoolwide campus should be coded “6.”
- Students who attend a Targeted Assistance campus and receive Title I, Part A services should be coded “7.”
- Students who attend a Targeted Assistance campus and do NOT receive Title I, Part A services should be coded “8.”
- Homeless Students receiving Title I, Part A services at a non-Title I campus should be coded “9.”
Reconciling these discrepancies in advance of the PEIMS submission will minimize the likelihood of issues when the Agency submits its State report to the U.S. Department of Education.
Contact Information
Questions related to the PEIMS submission that cannot be addressed by the LEA’s PEIMS Coordinator may be directed to PEIMSCustomerSupport@tea.texas.gov.
For more information or assistance with questions concerning the Title I, Part A program requirements, contact the Federal Program Compliance Division at ESSASupport@tea.texas.gov.
Program Reminders
Title I, Part A (TIA)
Plan: Comprehensive Needs assessment and Campus & District Improvement Plans.
Implement: TIA activities for LEA campuses and eligible PNP students, as approved in application.
Monitor/Reporting: Participating PNPs: Monitor TIA supplies, materials and equipment to insure secular, neutral, and non-ideological and items are being used for TIA programs, activities and services only and
- Periodically monitor campus program implementation timeline (coordination, parental involvement, and professional development activities).
Title I, Part C (TIC)
Plan: Identification and Recruitment planning for strategic use of recruiter’s time.
Implement: Conduct MEP activities approved in Consolidated Federal Grant Application; ensure alignment to ESSA Consolidated Application.
- Ensure coding of migratory students in PEIMS is correct.
- Run PFS report and submit it to ESC.
- Run Migrant P2s turning P3 report for Residency Verification
- Enroll Children with new COEs into TX-NGS
- Identify and recruit eligible migratory children in school and in the community year-round
- Provide updated list of migratory students with newly identified students to cafeteria manager.
- Respond to MISX move notifications within timelines.
Evaluation: Assessment of the MEP’s effectiveness/program evaluation
Title I, Part D (TID, sub 2)
Plan: Use previous year performance data to plan for current year.
- TID program is considered with the District Improvement Plan (DIP) as appropriate as a reaction to needs identified.
Implement: LEA reviews TID Provisions and Assurances for program implementation fidelity.
- TID identify items that need to be addressed for next year.
Monitor/Reporting: Monitor facilities as appropriate and by LEA’s schedule.
- Report on any new facilities as appropriate.
Evaluate: Program outcomes and deliverables
- Review last year’s program outcomes and prepare for current year implementation.
Program Reminders
Title II, Part A (TIIA)
Plan: Planning for Meaningful Consultation, Coordination of PD and
- Campus & District Improvement (DIP) Plans
Implement: Work on the DIP description for TIIA activities and their alignment with challenging State Academic Standards and
- TIIA Meaningful Consultation
- TIIA PNP participation
Monitor/Reporting: Retain documentation that can be used to establish compliance.
Evaluate: Meaningful Consultation.
Plan: Consult with Private School Officials on equitable services being provided for current year.
- Consult with private school officials on applicable Title program requirements for upcoming school year.
- Discuss tentative equitable services start date(s) with PNP officials and begin services with next fiscal year funds.
- LEA Manager: discusses service options toward next year’s services.
- Collects K-1-2 proposed roasters from PK-K-1 teachers in anticipation of next year’s rosters.
- Consults with PNP officials to review budgets for equitable services, program specifics, and timelines/deadlines.
Implement: Ongoing consultation with PNP school officials. to ensure services are being implemented for applicable program(s).
Monitor: LEA Manager: consult with private school officials on budgets for equitable services, program specifics, TIIAPD, and timelines/deadlines.
- review and document any applicable PNP data collection/data for Title activities with PNP school officials.
- LEA Program Manager consults with private school officials to review: budgets for equitable services, program specifics, and timelines/deadlines.
- Consultation-all equitable services on track for use by end of school year.
- Consult and schedule PNP inventory pickup for summer.
- Maintain documentation of ongoing consultation.
- document third party contractor(s) requests of private schools, research third party contractor(s) and respond appropriately to PNP regarding third party contractor(s).
Evaluate: Consult with participating private school officials on Title program equitable services, implementation and effectiveness.
Maria Mata, Consultant
2024-2025 T3 Engagement Series
Host a watch party and build: Capacity, Knowledge & Community of families of EB students.
Visit the T3 Series page.
Parent Event
September 26,2024
Family Event
November 14, 2024
Community Event
January 30, 2025
Title IV, Part A, LEA Special Data Collection for Public Reporting
Report Guidance - ESSA Consolidated Compliance Reports Resources &
TEA Unsafe School Choice Option Guidance Handbook
TEA released information from the Department of Grant Compliance and Administration regarding the upcoming Title IV, Part A, LEA Special Data Collection for Public Reporting. This report OPENED on October 1, 2023, in the TEA WorkApp. Please use the link to access the TEA News Bulletin.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this required reporting, please don't hesitate to contact me and/or Ray Vasquez (ray.vasquez@esc18.net).
Program Reminders
Title IV, Part A (TIVA)
Plan: Consult with required stakeholders and gather input/feedback on the TIVA program and activities being supported with funds.
- Consult with private school officials on the TIVA program needs, objectives, intended outcomes, implementation, and effectiveness of equitable services provided.
- Consult with private school officials on TIVA program requirements for the following year.
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment
- Campus and District Improvement Plans
- Start discussions and draft TIVA program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness tool with stakeholders, for the coming year.
Implement: Consult with required stakeholders and gather input/feedback on the TIVA program and activities being supported with funds.
- Set and prepare data collection/documentation for the TIVA program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness data for activities to be implemented the upcoming year.
- Consult with required stakeholders and gather input/feedback on the TIVA program and activities being supported with funds in the developing Consolidated Federal Grant Application for the upcoming year.
Monitor/Reporting: Consult with participating private school officials on TIVA program implementation and effectiveness of equitable services provided.
- For participating PNP’s monitor the use of TIVA program supplies, materials, and equipment to ensure use is secular, neutral, and non-ideological.
- Review and document with PNP school officials the current PNP data collection/data for TIVA activities.
- Review data and documentation for TIVA program outcomes, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness for current year.
Evaluate: Program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness data for the activities funded with TIVA in the past year.
- Review and evaluate program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness data for the activities funded with TIVA.
- Consult with participating private school officials on TIVA program implementation and effectiveness of current services provided.
- Review LEA progress toward meeting outcome data with stakeholders.
TAA - School Safety Allotment Data Collection and SAFE Grant Cycle 2 Information
Angie Balderrama, Consultant / Erin Casey-Richardson, Consultant
Professional Development Opportunity
The Amazing Race: Federal Programs Edition
The Federal Programs Summit is a one-day in-person event for educators to embark on a journey of innovation and inspiration in supporting all students with a particular focus on Homeless, Bilingual, Migrant, and CTE students. The summit commences with Liz Murray, who will take you through her personal journey or triumph: Homeless to Harvard. You'll have the opportunity to choose from over 20 breakout sessions, each offering practical insights and strategies. The summit concludes with Ernesto Mejia, who through his hardships learned to never give up on the American Dream: Education.
The Federal Programs World is waiting for you. Register Now to secure your spot!
2024 - 2025 McKinney-Vento/TEHCY Professional Development Schedule
Professional Development Sessions for McKinney-Vento /TEHCY will be open for registration on September 1, 2024, so save those dates!
McKinney-Vento Homeless: Establishing a Successful Homeless Program
Session #562380
This session will provide participants with the knowledge on how to create and implement an effective McKinney-Vento program.
Session #562381
McKinney-Vento: Identification Indicators
This session will provide participants with terminology, proper identifiers, and PEIMS indicators regarding homeless students.
Session #562383
McKinney-Vento Homeless: School of Origin Transportation
This session will provide an in depth look at School of Origin Transportation to give participants a better understanding of the term 'School of Origin'. Ways to provide transportation support services will also be shared, along with resources,
Session #562384
McKinney-Vento: Identification Indicators
This session will provide participants with terminology, proper identifiers, and PEIMS indicators regarding homeless students.
Session #562385
McKinney-Vento: Developing a Data Driven Student Success Plan that includes Parent and Family Engagement
This session will provide participants with recommendations on how to design and implement a data driven student success plan.
Session #562386
McKinney-Vento: End of Year Review
This session will provide participants the opportunity to evaluate their McKinney-Vento program and build upon their strengths, needs, and improvements.
Highly Mobile and At-Risk Student Program Division Upcoming Webinars:
(Registration is Now Open!)
- Register for 2024-25 Quarterly Webinar #1 | Thursday, September 19, 2024
- Register for 2024-25 Quarterly Webinar #2 | Thursday, November 14, 2024
- Register for 2024-25 Quarterly Webinar #3 | Thursday, February 13, 2025
- Register for 2024-25 Quarterly Webinar #4 | Thursday, May 1, 2025
2024 Fall: Title I, II and Private Nonprofit Professional Development Schedule
Session #550328
TEA Associate Commissioner Cory Green and staff will provide updates on the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) and Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG). This training is for all federal programs and fiscal management staff in all levels of knowledge and experience. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of EDGAR and UGG, federal compliance and administration, and practical, real-world examples of implementing these rules.
Session# 562433
Private Nonprofit: Providing Equitable Services
Session# 562424 (AM)
Parent & Family Engagement Compliance Training: making Sense of Title I PFE Requirements
Session# 562425 (PM)
Parent & Family Engagement Compliance Training: Building Capacity
Session# 562435
Title I Basics: Program Overview, Use of Funds, & LEA/DIP Plans
Session# 562436
Title I Schoolwide Elements: CNAs, CIPs, and Evaluation of Effectiveness
Session# 562444
Title II Program Requirements and Use of Funds
2024-2025 Programs of Study are Final
Refreshed programs of study will be implemented beginning with the 2024-2025 school year. Changes to programs of study are additive and should not negatively impact students who have already started a program of study. Additional information is available on the programs of study webpage
Industry-Based Certifications for CCMR Accountability
On December 12, 2023, the Texas Workforce Commission’s three-member commission adopted the Industry-Based Certification (IBC) Advisory Council’s Inventory of Industry-Recognized Credentials to comply with Texas Labor Code Chapter 312. The chapter directs the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to provide a copy of the Industry-Recognized Credential Inventory to each school district and public institution of higher education that offers a career and technical education (CTE) program to public high school students. The IBC Advisory Council Inventory of Industry-Recognized Credential may be found at Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative.
While the TWC’s list of industry-recognized credentials may be used to provide additional opportunities to meet the educational and career goals of students, only the Texas Education Agency’s Industry-Based Certification List for Public School Accountability with aligned certifying entities may be entered into Texas Student Data System (TSDS) Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) and count toward the College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) calculations for accountability and for reimbursement requests. In the future, all certifications included on TWC’s inventory will be evaluated against criteria in 19 TAC §74.1003 for possible inclusion on the TEA’s list for public school accountability.