Spaulding Memorial Newsletter
Spaulding News
We had a fun week welcoming our Kindergarten Students! They did a great job with the transition!
We had our first Fire Drill of the year today, the students did a great job following the plan and exiting the building safely.
Drop Off/Pick Up - Now that we are several days into the routine of the drop off/pick up line, please do not get out of your car during either time. There are many adults that can help assist your child in and out of the cars. If your child needs assistance with buckling, please slowly pull up to the front of the line so other cars can safely exit around you.
Toys from Home - Please do not send students in with toys from home. We cannot be responsible for items that are lost or broken, which unfortunately can happen. We have lots of toys, games, and activities for both indoor and outdoor recess.
PTO Meeting - The first PTO meeting of the year will be Sept 10th at 6pm, in the school library.
Opening Day Packet - Please be sure to complete and return the forms in the Opening Day packets as soon as possible.
Dismissal Changes - Please be sure to send in a note with any dismissal changes for your child(ren). We do not take changes over the phone or via email.
Open House for grades 1-4 will be on Sept. 24th from 5-7pm . More information will follow in the next week.
Back to School Pictures are coming up on Friday, Sept. 27th, you should be receiving a flyer in the next week or so.
Breakfast/Lunch - While breakfast and lunch are free for the school year, any a la carte items are not - which includes milk. If your child(ren) is buying only milk, he/she will be charged .75. As the cafeteria is not accepting cash at lunches, it would be best to put money on your child's lunch account.
Upcoming Events
9/10 - PTO Meeting 6pm in the SMS Library
9/24 - Open House Grades 1-4 5-7pm
9/27 - Back to School Pictures
10/14 - No School Indigenous People's Day
10/31 - Early Release, dismissal begins at 11:35am.