French Middle School
February 2025
Upcoming Events
February 3rd-- No School
February 5th-- Late Work Due
February 7th-- Midterm
February 11th-- 8th Grade Parent Night (Last Name A-K) @ 6
February 12th-- 8th Grade Parent Night (Last Name L-Z) @ 6
February 13th-- PTO @ 5:45
February 17th-- No School
February 28th-- Late Night in the Nest
A Note from the Principal
Our second semester is off to a great start. We are already underway in all content areas. Second semester brings our testing season. Our ELL student will take the KELPA in February. All students will take the District Writing Assessment Feb. 10-14th. State Assessments will begin the week we return from spring break. It is so important for students to be in attendance everyday and arrive on time each day. Every minute counts! A reminder that parent/teacher conferences will be in March this year. We will send out information soon. Thanks for working with us as a team.
Worlds of Fun Trip for 8th Graders
It is our plan to take our 8th grade class to Worlds of Fun, Friday, May 16, 2025. This is an event that has been a French Falcon tradition for many years. This trip is a reward for all 8th graders who earn it by demonstrating Falcon PRIDE throughout the second semester. The cost of the trip will be $35 per student. Students can use a season pass if they have one.
Eighth graders wishing to attend are expected to meet the following eligibility requirements…
No more than 2 DRs between January 6th-May 16th
No out of school suspensions for 2nd semester
No in school suspension for tardies 2nd semester
Maintain 90% attendance average for 2nd semester.
Maintain at least one eligibility point 4th quarter
Students who purchase a ticket and become ineligible after we order tickets, will NOT be reimbursed for their ticket as it is non-refundable through WOF.
Students will leave French MS by 8:00 AM on the day of the trip. Students will be given ample time to explore the park independently with friends. They will be required to appear at two mandatory “check point” times. Students will need to bring money for lunch. Students will return to French around 6:00 p.m. We will leave and return from the back parking lot at French MS.
Money collection will begin on March 1- April 11th. Payment for the field trip must be paid in advance. Checks should be payable to French Middle School. Please remember that this is a reward for students who meet the criteria, not an absolute for every 8th grader. Students who are not eligible to attend the trip or do not wish to go will follow an alternate schedule at French MS the day of the field trip.
If you have further questions, please call your student’s Advisor Base teacher at 438-4150.
Student Council Leadership Initiative
Our FMS STUCO leadership team attended a Youth Prevention Leadership Conference in September. During the conference student leaders did an assessment and looked at the French community needs and what resources were already in place. Students looked at different concerns at school. They then talked about how these concerns might have an affect on school attendance and they decided to focus on making school a welcoming place for all students so that students would want to come to school. They thought that by making school welcoming for all students that we could increase our school attendance rate, decrease bullying and fighting, and increase grades and test scores.
The new initiative that STUCO developed is called “Friday Falcon Fun time”. During 8th hour the last Friday of the month students from the grade level with the highest citizenship points that month can enjoy free time in the gym, computer lab fun, cell phone time and games in the commons. On days that it is warm we will get to go outside during this time. To participate, students must have at least 80% citizenship points.
Additionally, students will also have the “Ever-Present Frenchtastic Falcons” award where they will get a special treat once a month, distributed during lunchtime on Fridays, for students who have maintained 90% attendance and no more than one tardy detention for the month. Students that meet this criteria will also be entered into a raffle for a $100 gift card that will be given away at the end of the year. The AB with the highest each quarter will get a plaque to hang outside their classroom door and a donut breakfast.
We are thankful for our student council leaders who developed these new initiatives and worked with administration to get them started!
SUM Day Update
It is almost time for SUM day, a math competition, which will be at Washburn Rural Middle School on Saturday, March 29. We are practicing using old tests on Tuesdays after school in Room J until 3:30. We currently have a group of 6th graders and 8th graders who are excited to compete. The registration deadline is quickly approaching but we do have room for more 7th or 8th graders who are interested. Please reach out to Ms. Mattis as soon as possible if you are interested in competing or volunteering at the event.
Falcon Fun Friday
During 8th hour on the last Friday of the month, the grade level with the highest percent of citizenship points left will earn a reward. If you are in that grade level and have at least 80% of your points left, you can participate.
The reward will be open gym, computer lab, board games, cell phone time indoors or outside. We are tracking progress in commons and with morning announcements
Ever Present Falcon Award
Students that have at least 90% attendance rate each month and no more than 1 tardy detention for the month will earn a lunch treat. Their name will also go in a raffle for a $100 gift card to the store of your choice. The drawing for this will be held in May. There will be one winner for each grade level.
A plaque will be awarded to the AB with highest attendance rate each quarter and they will receive a donut breakfast.
Coupon Book Sale
We have coupons on sale, they are $10. Proceeds are split between the PTO and French. PTO funds busing for field trips, Falcon Buck store, grade level prizes and other rewards. French will use the funds for Night of the Rising Stars. Each sheet of coupons is PERSONALIZED with your student’s name. Please send $10 to the office if you are interested in purchasing coupons.
High School Enrollment
Eighth graders have been busy learning about what to expect in high school. Mrs. Barnett and Ms. Ryan are working with students on their 5 year plans. Students are planning for the courses they will take in their 4 years of high school. Their 5th year plan is what they want to do after high school (4 year college, 2 year college, tech school, military or enter the workforce).
Upcoming events:
-High school enrollment parent night with MS counselors at French MS will be February 11 6:00-7:00 PM for 8th graders with last name A-K. 8th graders with last name L-Z will have their HS enrollment parent night with MS counselors on Feb.12th from 6:00-7:00PM.
-February 18th High school counselors will visit French to meet with all 8th grade students to review their 9th grade enrollment choices.
-May 6th students will visit the high school they are scheduled to attend.
If you have any questions regarding the high school enrollment process, please contact Mrs. Barnett (students last name A-K)at 438-5821 or Ms. Ryan (students last name L-Z) 438-5879.
Living the Dream Competition
Several French Falcons were recognized earlier this month at the annual Living The Dream competition, held in conjunction with the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Students had the opportunity to submit essays, poetry, and artwork, all tied to a theme related to the late Dr. King. Congratulations, not only to those honored and listed below but to all of our students who submitted entries!
Jacey Apodaca / 6th Grade (3rd place)
Lucas Jackson / 7th Grade (3rd place)
Gunner Ross / 6th Grade (3rd place)
Cassie Emerson / 8th Grade (3rd place)
Partnering for Success: Addressing Attendance Together
At French Middle School, we believe that regular school attendance is key to a student’s success, and we know that achieving this requires a strong partnership between school and home. Absences, excused or unexcused, can impact a student’s learning and overall development, which is why it’s important we work together to address it.
How You Can Help:
Communicate: If your child will be absent, please notify the school as soon as possible.
Encourage Attendance: Stress the importance of being at school every day. Missing on average 2 days per month is considered chronic absenteeism. Each day adds up.
Stay Engaged: If your child is struggling with attendance, reach out to teachers or counselors for support.
We understand there may be many reasons behind absences, and we’re here to help. Together, we can ensure every student has the support they need to thrive academically and socially.
Let’s continue building a strong school-home partnership for our students’ success!
Late Night in The Nest
We will be having another Late Night in the Nest on February 28 from 6:30-8:30. All 7th and 8th graders are invited as long as they have passing grades and eligibility points. We will have a DJ, dancing snacks/drinks, open gym, open computer lab and board games. The cost is $3 or $2 with a Citizenship card. We hope to see all eligible 7th and 8th graders there!
Shawnee County Spelling Bee:
The Shawnee County Spelling Bee will be Saturday, February 8, 2025, at Topeka High School. It will start at 9:00 a.m. Our very own Bianca Cooper will be representing French Middle School.
Bianca Cooper and Audree Schultz spent several after school days this fall studying for the FMS spelling bee test. Both did an excellent job in trying their best!! Bianca took first place and Audree came in second.
The Parent Teacher Organization meets once a month on Thursdays. At the January meeting, the PTO agreed to fund gift cards for the new attendance reward, The Ever Present Falcon. They also discussed the coupon book sales, getting snacks for the Late Night in the Nest and what to do for lunch on the upcoming Parent Teacher Conference Day.
TPS Staff Appreciation eCards:
Brighten the day of a Topeka Public Schools staff member by sending an eCard to their inbox. Simply fill out the short form below and your digital message will be delivered! TPS Staff Appreciation eCards
Get Ready for an Enchanting Performance: Matilda Jr. Hits the Stage!
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming school musical production of Matilda Jr., based on the beloved book by Roald Dahl! Join us for an evening full of laughter, adventure, and heartwarming moments as our talented students bring this magical story to life.
March 5 & 7
Time: 7:00 PM
Cost: $5 per ticket
Matilda, the extraordinary little girl with a big heart and even bigger brain, takes center stage in this whimsical, fast-paced musical. With her remarkable intelligence, Matilda challenges the cruel and eccentric Miss Trunchbull, while forging lasting friendships and standing up for what's right.
From the catchy songs to the memorable characters, Matilda Jr. promises to be an unforgettable experience for the whole family. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to support our hardworking students and enjoy an evening of theater magic.
We can’t wait to see you there for an unforgettable night of fun, laughter, and inspiration!
Harvesters is a food pantry that travels to different locations to make accessing food easier for the community. This is where they can be found in our district during the month of February:
February 7: Harvesters Food Pantry
4:00 - 5:00 PM | Robinson Middle School
February 8: Harvesters Food Pantry
9:00 - 10:00 AM | Jardine Middle School
February 28: Harvesters Food Pantry
9:00 - 10:00 AM | Hummer Sports Park
The Sun and your Mental Health!
Did you know that the sun can help improve your mental health? Sunlight helps your body produce Vitamin D and Serotonin. Each of these chemicals assist with improving your mood! Having more of these chemicals in your body may help increase feelings of happiness and joy.
During the Winter months, people sometimes experience an uptick in depression like symptoms and may have Seasonal Depression. To combat symptoms associated with seasonal depression, try increasing your exposure to natural light or using a light therapy lamp such as a Happy Light. Happy Lights mimic natural sunlight to help improve mood and energy levels.
TPS Weather Notifications
As the weather begins to cool, we want to remind families and staff of school closing notification procedures.
As we make decisions about closing school, a number of factors come into play, including the safety of travel but also the safety of students who will be home during the day.
Should school be canceled, we will:
- Send a text, email, and/or phone call via SchoolMessenger
- Update the district social media pages
- Update the district website
- Contact our local media partners
To sign up for text message updates, text Y to 67587. To learn more about school delays and closures, please review our How We Communicate With Families document.
TPS Weather Notifications
As the weather begins to cool, we want to remind families and staff of school closing notification procedures.
As we make decisions about closing school, a number of factors come into play, including the safety of travel but also the safety of students who will be home during the day.
Should school be canceled, we will:
- Send a text, email, and/or phone call via SchoolMessenger
- Update the district social media pages
- Update the district website
- Contact our local media partners
To sign up for text message updates, text Y to 67587. To learn more about school delays and closures, please review our How We Communicate With Families document.
Boys Basketball
Boys Basketball is off to a great start this year. We have 45 boys out at this time. The Varsity/JV practice after school from 3:00- 5:00 and B team from 6:15-7:15 in the morning.
Games are Mondays and Thursdays, with one varsity tournament on Saturday February 15th@ HPHS, and the final play night on Wednesday March 5th @ Highland Park HS @ 6:00. All regular games start at 3:15 and are usually over by 5:30. Games cost $2.00 to enter; students with an honors card get in for $1.00. Students must be passing all classes with a C or higher to come to games. Students traveling to watch away games must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Students that become a distraction at the games will be asked to leave and not return. If a student is asked to leave a game, they may not come to any more games the remainder of the season.
Failure Policy
Just a reminder that a district wide grade policy is in effect. Any student with an F on their grade checks will be ineligible for the next game until the F is brought up. An F list will be created every Friday, with student athletes informed that day if they are on the report. It is then their responsibility to bring that grade up and communicate with the coach when that has happened with a note from the teacher.
Spectator expectations
We would like to remind spectators that French Middle School is a member school of the Kansas State High School Athletic Association (KSHSAA) and is governed by their rules. One of those rules which, we completely support is Rule 52 which states:
Section 1: General Regulations (apply to grades 7-12)
Art. 1: SPORTSMANSHIP is a general way of thinking and behaving. The following sportsmanship policy items are listed below for clarification:
a. Be courteous to all. (participants, coaches, officials, staff and fans)
b. Know the rules, abide by and respect the official’s decisions.
c. Win with character and lose with dignity.
d. Display appreciation for good performance regardless of the team.
e. Exercise self-control and reflect positively upon yourself, team and school.
f. Permit only positive sportsmanlike behavior to reflect on your school or its activities.
We hope that you can attend the games this year to cheer on the Falcons!
FMS Music Teacher Honored By NE Kansas Music Educators Association
We are excited to announce that Mr. Kevin Harry, percussion/band teacher, was honored by the Northeast Kansas Music Educators Association at the District Mini-Convention Band Concert on December 7.
Mr. Harry is a band teacher at Topeka West High School, French Middle School, and McClure Elementary School, and was selected as the winner of the 2024 Outstanding Middle School Band Director Award.
We congratulate Mr. Harry on this well-deserved recognition! This dedicated music teacher is loved by students and staff across the district.
February is National Children's Dental Health Month:
According to the CDC; cavities (also known as caries or tooth decay) are one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood in the United States. Untreated cavities can cause pain and infections that may lead to problems with eating, speaking, playing, and learning.
Once your child has bad oral health, they could encounter difficulties in chewing and swallowing. They could have a hard time eating. If they do not chew correctly, this will affect their digestive system. As a result, they can experience ingestion and belly discomfort. Other severe symptoms resulting from this include vomiting and gastric issues.
Bad oral health can contribute to issues with speech. For example, an overbite or underbite can affect how your child pronounces certain words, and as a result, your child will tend to withdraw from social groups both at school and home. This is likely to affect their academic performance and confidence.
If your child has an orthodontic problem, their self-esteem could get affected. Children may be aware that their smile may not be as good, so if your child has an underbite or open bite, they may not be confident enough to smile and this can affect their overall performance at school since they won’t want to associate with other children. So, if your child has an orthodontic problem, seek help from a professional orthodontist, they can rectify this problem by merely prescribing brace treatment.
Although dental health and school performance don’t seem to be visibly related, the health and wellbeing of a child can impact many other aspects of life. It can be very hard for someone to concentrate on school work and other tasks when they are in pain. In an American Public Health Association’s study, it was determined that children with dental discomfort performed significantly worse than other kids in school. Part of the reason for this is that kids who have dental issues often miss more school, resulting in poor grades. The other reason is that these kids are feeling uncomfortable while they are at school, and concentration and performance suffer as a result.
GraceMed Dental Clinic:
GraceMed will be at French Middle School, providing dental cleanings during the school day on Wednesday May 14, 2025. If you would like your student to be seen by a hygienist, please complete the following link. A representative from GraceMed will contact you directly with more information. https://gracemed.org/dental-consent You may contact GraceMed directly at (785) 861-8800 or via their website: https://gracemed.org
6th Grade Students:
Students who will be entering 7th grade in the 2025-2026 school year are required to have updated immunizations including: Tdap (tetanus booster) and MCV (meningococcal). If your student has already received these immunizations, please send documentation to the nurse at this time. Students will be required to provide proof of immunization within 30 days of the start of school in the fall.
French Middle School will not tolerate bullying of any kind. Bullying is defined as any ongoing verbal or physical mistreatment where there is an imbalance of power, and the target/victim is exposed repeatedly to negative actions by one or more students. Bullying can be direct (physical or verbal), or indirect (exclusion, cyber-bullying, emotional). In order for everyone to feel safe and secure at school, every Topeka Public School has adopted the following rules against bullying. “I will not bully others. I will try to help students who are bullied. I will do my best to include students who are easily left out. When I know somebody is being bullied, I will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.” Students, staff, and parents should report any bullying that they are aware of to administration through the on-line bully report link on the French website. Students who bully others will receive consequences. Our counselors will be visiting 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes in August and September to remind students what bullying is, what we can do to prevent bullying, and what students should do if they or someone else is being bullied.
The Topeka Public Schools, Unified School District No. 501 is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity. No person shall, on the basis of age, race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, disability, national origin or ancestry be denied lawful access to any appropriate educational service, program or activity provided by the school district. The Title VI and Title IX compliance coordinator is the Assistant Superintendent for Teaching/Learning/Administration. The Section 504/Title II compliance coordinator is the Coordinator of College and Career Ready Services. For employment, the EEO/AA officer is the General Director of Human Resources. All compliance coordinators may be contacted at 624 SW 24th Street, Topeka, KS 66611-1294, (785) 295-3000. The clerk of the Board of Education has been designated to receive and redirect or handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies, regulations and procedures. The clerk may be contacted by calling (785) 295-3045 or by writing to 624 SW 24th Street, Topeka, KS 66611-1294.