Bento + Zòngzi + Fàntuán 5/4
真不好意思,上週訂購時間標示錯誤,所以特別延後一天至4/30 (二)中午12點。但還請有意者,盡快填寫『粽子+飯糰』表單,並付款完成結單。若有不便,深感抱歉並謝謝體諒!
Dear Friends of CAoC, I apologize for the wrong ordering due date from previous newsletter. Because of that, we postpone the due date to 12 noon on 4/30 (Tuesday). However, we would like to encourage the people who are interested in ordering the "Zòngzi + Fàntuán" to finish your ordering procedure the sooner the better. Thank you and sorry for the confusion and inconvenience!
Bento Ordering - 5/4
若有需要這週六5/4便當的朋友們,請填寫『便當 + 粽子 + 飯糰』表單,並於4/30 (二)中午12點前付款,完成結單。這將是我們2023-2024學年最後一週便當代購。
If you are interested in 5/4 bento service, please fill out the google form and complete the payment procedure before 12 noon on 4/30 (Tuesday). This week will be our last week of 2023-2024 school year bento ordering service.
Zòngzi/Fàntuán Pre-Ordering - 5/4
麗美主廚將在5/4,我們學期的最後一天,推出端午節限定美食『粽子+飯糰』。若有意者,請填寫『便當 + 粽子 + 飯糰』表單,並於4/30 (二)中午12點前付款,完成結單。
Chef Li-Mei will launch a Dragon Boat Festival limited delicacy "Zòngzi + Fàntuán" on May 4, the last day of our semester. If you are interested in ordering, please fill out the google form and complete the payment procedure before 12 noon on 4/30 (Tuesday).
粽子 Zòngzi (示意圖) ($4/個)
內餡含蛋黃, 花生, 三層肉, 香菇, 蝦米等。
The filling contains egg yolk, peanuts, three-layer pork, mushrooms, dried shrimps, etc.
1 份 (2個); 每份酌收行政處理費 $1 (*不足25 份, 無法成團*)。
1 serving (2 pcs); an administrative processing fee of $1 will be charged for each serving (* The chef will only accept orders over 25 servings. *)
例如: 1份 (2個) = $8 + $1 = $9
Example: If you order 1 serving (2 pcs), it will cost you $8 + $1 = $9.
飯糰 Fàntuán = Rice Ball (示意圖) ($3/個)
內餡包含肉鬆、油條、酸菜 (或菜脯)、滷蛋。
The filling includes pork floss, fried dough sticks, sauerkraut (or preserved vegetables), and braised eggs.
1份 (2 個); 每份酌收行政處理費 $1。
1 serving (2 pcs); an administrative processing fee of $1 will be charged for each serving.
例如: 1份 (2個) = $6 + $1 = $7
Example: If you order 1 serving (2 pcs), it will cost you $6 + $1 = $7.
CAoC Principal: 鄭有為 (Tim)
Academic Affairs: 韓宜潔 (EJ)
TCML: 王雅真 (Erica)
CAoC Webpage: Chinese Academy of Cleveland
TCML Webpage: Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning
CAoC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CAOCOH/
Friends of CAoC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1408977282704803/
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