Pirates Post
Week of: Sept. 20th
Message from Principal Drew...
Parents and students - progress reports will go home this Wednesday. Parents we are at the midpoint of the first grading period and we ask that you review your child's progress report with them. Discuss their current grades and how to make any improvements as needed. Also focus on their attendance. As a reminder, students that accumulate more than ten unexcused absences are subject to an attendance committee review at the end of the semester and may not receive credit for their classes. Getting to class on time and staying in class for the entire period is crucial to student learning. Parents we need your support and encouragement to make sure you child has the very best chance to be successful in their classes.
Students, if you ride bus 135 or bus 137 your pickup and drop off times will be slightly different this week. Due to our bus driver shortage we are combining these routes to make sure every student gets to school safely each day. If you, or someone you know, would like to help in this area by becoming a bus driver we encourage you to reach out to our transportation department for more information.
Congratulations to all of the students that have earned a role in our Fall play production, "A Family Reunion to Die For". All students in the play should check their email from Mrs. Jones for rehearsal dates and times. The performance dates will be November 3rd and November 4th at 7 PM. We look forward to an amazing performance from our students and encourage everyone to come out in November to a show.
We had another good week of instruction and learning at PCHS. We saw great lessons from several teachers. Mrs Osuna had her Spanish students immersed in language and working collaboratively, Mrs. Kim Harris had her students working creatively in art, and Mr. Copeland had his general music students in a time machine as they reviewed and sought connections to music of the 1970's. All of our classrooms were active and learning opportunities are happening every day. Make sure that your child is at school on time and stays throughout the day so they do not miss any of the great things happening in our classrooms.
Our athletic teams have a busy week this week as we have soccer playing on Monday at Bear Grass Charter and Wednesday at home versus Albemarle School. Our volleyball team will play on Tuesday at Riverside and Thursday at home versus Bertie. Our cross country team will host a meet this Thursday at Camp Cale and our Football team will play at home on Friday nightversus South Creek. All of our teams are having great season so far and we look forward to seeing you at the games this week. As a reminder to all parents, all children that are not in high school must have an adult with them at all or our athletic events in order to attend. This is a safety issue and we appreciate your support in this matter.
Attendance Matters...
Why is attendance important? Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. This relationship between attendance and achievement may appear early in a child's school career. ... Research shows that attendance is an important factor in student achievement.
Why is attendance at school so important? Regular school attendance is an important part of giving students the best possible start in life. The aim should be to attend 100% of the time. Students who miss school frequently can fall behind with their work and do poorly on exams. Good attendance also shows potential employers that a young person is reliable.
PCHS Highlights...
Fine Arts> Welcome to the Pirate Family, Ms. T. Harris (Visual Arts/Yearbook)! She moved to Edenton last February from Winterville NC to be with her sister, niece and great nephew and great niece. Ms. Harris has been teaching art for 28 years now. Most of her teaching experience was at Ayden-Grifton High School. She grew up in New Bern NC. She enjoys living near the Albemarle Sound, the Chowan River and being closer to several beaches. She is an animal lover and has been a long time supporter of the Humane Society of Eastern Carolina.
Math Department>
Student of the Week:
- Carver - Ethan Shannon - Math 4
- Craddock - Anna Fisher - Math 2 Honors
- Riddick - Yair Perez - Math 1
- Tyson - Ken'Naisha Kee - math 1
HOSA> meeting on Wednesday Sept 22 during WIN time in my room #103. Former or current health science students or those interested in a healthcare career are eligible to join. Membership costs $20. HOSA RLC (our regional competitive events) will be Nov 6th at John A Holmes High in Edenton with our testing week Oct 25-29, Deadline to register is Friday October 1st. Cost to register is $30 which includes lunch on Nov 6th. HOSA will be hosting a blood drive on Friday Nov 5th.
Pep Squad> There will be a Pep Squad interest meeting held on Wednesday, September 22 during WIN time in the Media Center. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Spellman, Ms. Sutton, or Ms. Carver.
Voter Registration> If you are 16 years old and older, you can register to vote this Wednesday in the Media Center during WIN Time.
PCHS Athletic Booster Club> there will be a meeting on Monday, September 20, 2021 in the Media Center at PCHS at 7:00pm. If you are interested in being a member, please attend the meeting and bring $25 for the membership fee. The first month with the Athletic Booster Club back up and running has been such a success. During this meeting, the past month's progress will be discussed along with a few new fundraisers that will be starting soon. We hope to see you there!
Football> Offensive stats vs Tarboro…
Amarion Hunter: 18-26 passing for 272 yards, 4 passing TD's, 2 int's, 19 rushes for 248 yards, 2 rushing TD's, 34 Return Yards
Kirk Brown: 3 rushes for 38 yards, 3 receptions for 67 yards and 1 TD
Saquaon Kearse: 4 rushes for 25 yards, 3 receptions for 37 yards and 2 TD's
Colby Brown: 4 rushes for 12 yards, 4 receptions for 96 yards, 160 Return yards
Jackson Russell: 2 receptions for 5 yards
Kameron Hall: 6 receptions for 67 yards, 1 TD
- 595 Total offensive yards. 761 All Purpose yards.
- Tarboro 54 - Perquimans 40
This Week @ PCHS...
Monday, Sept. 20th> Soccer @ Bear Grass 5:00 pm; The Athletic Booster Club meeting 7:00 pm in the PCHS Media Center.
Tuesday, Sept. 21st> Volleyball @ Riverside 4:30 pm
Wednesday, Sept. 22nd> Progress reports go home (midway through the 1st grading period); Soccer vs Albemarle 4:00 pm; HOSA meeting during WIN Time (see info above); Pep Squad meeting during WIN Time (see info above); Voter Registration in the Media Center during WIN Time.
Thursday>, Sept. 23rd Volleyball vs Bertie 5:00 pm; Cross Country home 4:30 pm
Friday, Sept. 24th> Football vs South Creek 7:00 pm
Counselor's Corner: Student Services...
September 20 - 24, 2021 has been designated as SAVE Week in NC Schools. The intent of SAVE Week is to bring attention to school safety and Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Clubs, which are student-led organizations that encourage young people to take charge of keeping their friends, schools, and communities safe. Next week, students have the opportunity to participate in the following activities to promote SAVE Week and take a stand against violence:
Monday - What are SAVE Clubs?
Learn about SAVE clubs and take a "selfie" in our selfie booth to promote the SAVE cause.
Tuesday - Start with Hello
Information will be shared about the Start with Hello program to teach empathy and end social isolation
Wednesday - Know the Signs
Wear GREEN to show your support for ending violence everywhere!
People who hurt themselves or others often show warning signs before they carry out an act of violence. If you don't know what to look for, it can be easy to miss the signs, or dismiss them as unimportant. Students will learn the 9 Critical Warning Signs of Violence
Thursday - Say Something Anonymous Reporting System
Students will be trained in using the SSARS app to report concerning actions
Friday - Wear Your School Colors!
Wear Black and Gold to promote a positive school climate!
College Center...
Nurse's Notes...
Seniors, this is your last reminder...
Attention senior class!!! North Carolina law requires all seniors to receive the Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine. Proof of immunization must be received no later than September 22, 2021. Please contact your health care provider to schedule this vaccine as soon as possible.
This is just a friendly reminder to please stay home if you are not feeling well and all staff, students, and visitors that entire the building must wear at mask at all times unless you have an approved medical excuse from a doctor.
Expectations of a Pirate...
Let's Stay in School> Students, we want you and everyone at PCHS to stay in school so we can have a positive and productive school year!
Please remember, as you enter the building each day...
- have your mask on (above your nose)
- no hats or hoodies on
- follow the dress code (no holes in jeans/pants above the thighs)
- do your temperature check at the entry stations
- no cell phone use after 7:55 am
This week we hit the midway point of the first grading period...what are your current grades? Are you happy where you are? If yes, then celebrate and be proud of your hard work. If no, then what are you doing about it? Suggestions...ask for help, talk directly with your teacher, take advantage of WIN Time, turn in all missing assignments even if you don't get full credit, see your school counselor or an administrator for additional support. One thing for sure, if nothing changes, your grades will not improve. But if you are willing to change then you have a chance...it is up to you, we are here for you, it is not too late!