Bennett PTO Bulletin
December 2024
Dear Bennett Families
Thank you for all the wonderful donations we received for our Thanksgiving Pies for Teachers! In total we raised $390 to support purchasing these treats!
What's in this month's Bennett Bulletin?
- Bennett Yard Sign interest form
- Jingle Bell Jog
- Holiday Parties
- Yearbook Sales
- Parent and Principal's Lunch
- Election Committee request
The PTO's one large fundraiser for the year is coming in January. Be on the look-out for important information to come! This fundraiser helps the PTO put on events such as the Halloween Dance, Movie Night, and Bennett Carnival in the spring!
Please feel free to reach out via email or Facebook if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Alison Lewis
Bennett PTO President
Bennett Spirit Yard Signs
The PTO is brainstorming ideas to increase the community spirit for the "very best school in McKinney"! Would you be interested in purchasing a Bennett Spirit Yard Sign for $15? If so, please fill out this quick form! If we get enough interest, we will move this into our spirit store on our website as an option to purchase!
💡Upcoming PTO Events! 📆
Jingle Bell Jog!
December 14th at 9am, behind Bennett!
This wonderful tradition joins together the fun of the season with keeping fit! The kids run laps around the back playground, collecting marks for each lap completed.
Grade Level Winter Parties
Bennett Holiday Parties will once again be celebrated together in the gym! This will allow students to celebrate with other children in their grade, allow more room for the activities, and allow parents to attend different grade-level parties. All parties will be during the grade level specials time.
Where: Bennett Gym
When: December 20th, during specials
We need volunteers to help make these a success! Holiday Party volunteers will help facilitate activities for the whole grade level. Please sign up below to assist during the holiday party. Photographers will use Learning Commons camera.
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0C4CA4AE23A7FE3-53049948-2024#/
✅ Save the Date for our January & February Events!
January 16 Spirit Night at Jason's Deli at Custer/121
January 20-31 PTO Fundraiser with APEXJanuary 31 BINGO night
February 3-7 School Counselor's Appreciation Week
February 11 Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A on Eldorado
February 14 Class parties (in classrooms, more info to come on timing)
February 28 11:30am Parent and Principal's Luncheon
PTO Election Committee
To ensure that proper elections are held, we are asking for three or more volunteers to join our Election Committee. The committee publicizes the elections, takes nominations, publicizes the nominees, attends the elections, and counts votes. This role is a good way to get familiar with the processes and bylaws that our PTO adheres to. For more information please contact bennettvolunteers@gmail.com.
Purchase your Bennett yearbook!
The Bennet 2024-2025 yearbook is on sale now. To purchase, go to:
🍎Sign up to volunteer at Bennett! 📝
You can sign up to volunteer at Bennett here:
Bennett PTO Communications
New this year! PTO Text Messaging!
Sign up for the Bennett PTO text reminders. Send a text to 81010 with this message @96fbh43
Business Sponsors
Do you or someone you know have a business that would like to partner with Bennett Elementary PTO, please reach out!
Benefits of Partnering with Us
Community Visibility: Your logo will be prominently displayed on our website, school newsletter, and social media posts providing exposure to a diverse and engaged audience!
Positive Brand Association: Your association with our organization signals your commitment to community and education, enhancing your reputation!
Tax Deductibility: Your donation may be tax-deductible as a charitable donation.
Feel-Good Factor: Knowing that you've made a positive impact on the lives of children in your community is a reward in itself!
All contributions will be allocated to programs and resources that directly impact Bennett students and teachers!
For more information please visit: https://bennettpto.membershiptoolkit.com/fundraising or reach out to our fundraising team at bennettbearsptofundraising@gmail.com.
Thank you to our current sponsors!
Central States Industrial Equipment & Service, Inc
Passive Fundraising for Bennett PTO!
Fundraise while you grocery shop at Kroger
Take a minute to link your Kroger Plus Card to help support our Bears without even thinking about it!
Bennett NPO #: YC352
Your account must be re-registered each year.