January 2025
A letter from our leader Janice
What color is the dress in the above photograph? Is it blue and black or white and gold?
Either answer is correct, unless you are wearing the dress. Then you would know for sure.
Color is a personal thing. We don’t all see the same color. When this photograph appeared in the media several years ago it created quite a controversy. I understand how it would be controversial. I saw this photograph with a group of 6 people in December. Four of us saw blue and black. Two saw white and gold. None of us would change our answer regarding what color we saw in the photograph.
Decide on what color you see. And if you are interested the Wikipedia entry is - The blue dress illusion. When I returned home from my December event, I asked my husband, Bob, what color he saw? He saw the same color I saw. No controversy there.
Geri Beam will be at our BeeArtful January meeting with a presentation on Color. Color is one of the major tools we all use when we make our art quilts. I know there will be something new for each of us to learn with Geri.
Looking forward to seeing you in 2025
January 14, 2025
Geri will lead us in a fun and free class on value (color theory). No supplies needed. Bring your lunch.
2025 Meeting Schedule
February 11 - Improv Quilting workshop by Silke
March 11 - Follow up on Improv Quilting Workshop and Spring Retreat planning
April 14 - 18 Spring Retreat
May 13 - Making Quilts with Silk Ties by Jan
June 10 - Follow up to Silk Tie workshop
July 8 - Surface Design Techniques by Susan Barrett
August 12 - Follow up on Surface Design work shop
September 9 - Study in Black by Janice
October 7 - Follow up on Study in Black and Fall Retreat planning
November 10-14 Fall Retreat
December 9 - Christmas Party and Kiss it goodbye
Bee Artful December 2024 Meeting Highlights
Show and Tell
Silke's blue challenge!
Vicki's August challenge!
Carol's green man!
Bev's one-block wonder quilt!
Jan's gift of alcohol ink bookmarks!
Pillowcases for hurricane survivors embroidered by Melinda
Janice's pillow bridging two places she has lived. She is now in GA.
But she came from CA!
Gini's incredible Linda Williams feathered star quilt!
Janice's incredible art quilt made with printed sheers and her artistic skills!
Gini's minutes from December meeting.
Janice opened the meeting at 10:20am
In attendance - Silke, Janice, Geri, Melinda. Bev, Carol, Nina, Linda Doll, Jan,
Susan, Kathy I., Vicki, Gini
Silke - blue Flowers
Vicki - Recycle Project, bowl
Carol - Green Man
Bev - Mondo Bag, One Block Wonder
Jan - alcohol ink bookmarks
Melinda - pillowcases with embroidery
Janice - Mountain scene, Ca and Ga pillow
Gini - Blue Velvet
Janice - fabric
Kathy - Christmas Cactus
Jan - paper pieced strips x 53 blocks!
Bev - completed table runners and wall hangings
Geri - counted cross stitch, Eleanor Burns : Magic Vines, fleece
Silke - Garden Inspired Quilts book
Linda Doll - Jane's collection for January
Idea for overage of quilts and artwork - donate to dismal nursing homes!
presentation of postcards, Betty to reimburse Gini
QR code sends you to web page after website
Info : Quilt pic, label pic, dedication to Jane Threlkeld (Melinda to produce)
picture of BA as a group with quilt in background
first name, last initial of makers
Bee Artful information
* information : go to three small bars top right hand corner for information
how to buy tickets, schedule of sales (updated as necessary)
March 6, 7, 8 Expo
April in Clayton event
Venmo - details to be researched (not-for-profit designation of guild)
income for taxes might be tracked (?maybe +$5000), fee?, volunteer to track income
maybe send checks or money orders (complicated)
JANUARY PROGRAM - GERI - colour values; fun, free, supplies provided
Jan Pitman to sub for Janice in January meeting.
raffled 4 special KIGBs
two games of RLC
meeting adjourned before 1pm!
Respectfully submitted by Gini
Reference Items
Book recommendation from Janice
Website for ordering custom dies for your AccuQuilt machine
Sisters (and brothers) in art quilting in northern CA. Field Trip anyone?
Podcast on "Tales of Textiles"
Podcast with local flair!
Her upcoming book is: Marking Your Time by Tommye McClure Scanlin
Marking Time with Fabric and Thread: Calendars, Diaries, and Journals within Your Fiber Craft https://a.co/d/71Q7u8N
Thanks for sharing this Linda Barron!
Need the password for member section for the guild (www.mlqg.org) website? Contact Linda Barron (linda.barron@gmail.com)
Bee Artful quilting thread recommendations
Silke uses Superior thread 100 weight (micro quilter)-blends in well.
Kathy I. uses 100 weight silk thread by Yli (order from Amazon or another vendor online).
Critique Documents for reference
One is a checklist that can be used as a guideline when looking at a quilt - this is published on her website as part of her creative strength training class.
The second is a detailed essay she wrote concerning the process.
I hope that these documents will help the Bee Artful group conduct critique sessions that are productive.
Letter from the editor
It is December 26 today and the weather is gloomy here in Fairfax, VA (that is often the case in winter). Being with family is fun and the holidays are full of things we love like family, friends, yummy food, outings, etc. However, our creative side sometimes gets put on the back burner because of all the holiday events. I am looking forward to some January days in my studio and making progress on some projects. I am also looking forward to seeing you all again and learning more about color value from Geri.
I am happy to convey all of these wonderful "goings on" via this newsletter. Try to get things to me in advance of the end of the month via email (mandmoliver@gmail.com) or text. If you put the word "newsletter" somewhere in the message line I will be able to find it easier (if using email). See you soon.