Community Update Week of Sept 23rd
Sharing information for the Wootton High School community.
Calendar Reminders
FRI, SEPTEMBER 27 Early Release Day for students
TUE, OCTOBER 1 College & Career Fair
THU, OCTOBER 3 Non-Instructional Day – No school for students and teachers
SAT, OCTOBER 5 Fall Sports Festival
Summer SSL Hours Due
Students who completed Student Service Learning (SSL) hours over the summer must submit their Activity Verification forms to their schools SSL coordinator by Friday, Sept. 27. All MCPS students must earn 75 SSL hours to graduate from high school. Students who enroll in MCPS after Grade 6 will receive a waiver that prorates the SSL requirement. A full list of SSL in-person and virtual opportunities, reminders and updates are available on the SSL website
Wootton's Annual Activities Fair
Attendance Information
Information about student absences, early departures and late arrivals.
Stay in Touch
In addition to posting on Canvas and sending out messages, another way many of our student leader organizations spread the word about school events and activities is through social media! If you have an Instagram, please consider following the student leader accounts below to stay up to date about school-wide events.
Wootton SGA @woottonsga
Seniors @woottonclassof2025
Juniors @woottonclassof2026
Sophomores @woottonclassof2027
Freshmen @woottonclassof2028
2024 Congressional App Challenge
Congressmember Jamie Raskin invites your students to participate in the 2024 Congressional App Challenge (CAC). The Congressional App Challenge’s mission is to inspire, include, and innovate efforts around stem, coding, and computer science education. Since its inception in 2015, participation in the challenge has grown exponentially. It is considered the most prestigious prize in student computer science.
For the Challenge, students can use any programming language (example: C, C++, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, “block code,” etc.) and any platform (PC, web, tablet, robot, mobile, etc.). There are NO LIMITS on application theme or topic! The app must have some degree of functionality to be competitive. Once developed, students submit a short video of 1-3 minutes long explaining their app.
Students must be in middle school or high school by October 24th, 2024. They can compete as individuals, or in teams of up to four (4) students. At least half of teammates on any team must live or attend school in Rep. Raskin’s 8th Congressional District. All competing students must be U.S. residents at the time of submission. There is no citizen requirement for students.
The deadline for students to submit their app online is 12:00 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, October 24, 2024.
For your convenience, below, are several links to important information regarding the CAC:
- Rep. Raskin’s App Competition Webpage
- Congressional App Competition Website
- Congressional App Competition Rules
- Congressional App Competition Student Registration
- Congressional App Competition Prizes
- Congressional App Competition Past Winners
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact me at (301) 354-1000 or nina.weisbroth@mail.house.gov.
Senior Breakfast - Class of 2025
Senior Breakfast is the morning of the PSAT, Wednesday, October 16th at 9:30AM. We need your help to put on the best senior breakfast possible. We’d love it if you could sign up for at least one slot on our SignUpGenius. When signing up to bring something, please specify in the comments the amount and type you’ll be bringing. If you’re signing up to be a server, please arrive by 9AM at the main entrance to help set up. If you’re a server, please plan to stay though clean-up (around 11AM). If you are dropping off food, please drop it off at the main office before 9AM or straight to the cafeteria after 9AM. If you cannot drop off items the morning of, please email us at anna.jeyachandran@gmail.com or Victoria_a_Barry@mcpsmd.org for further instructions. Thank you so much for your help! Go Pats!
The Patriot Balloon Factory is Open
Attention Students, Staff, and Community Members:
The Patriot Balloon Factory at Wootton is now taking orders! The Patriot Balloon Factory is an in-school balloon delivery service founded and run by our Wootton School Community Based (SCB) program.
All proceeds go toward the SCB Program Vocational Fund and help to continue and create meaningful work opportunities for our students.
Balloon orders can be placed online and will be delivered to students and staff members during the school day.
Single balloons are $3.25 and balloon bouquets (one printed balloon and one solid color star balloon) are $5.25.
Link to order form: https://forms.gle/Jyj8uSGQwt5bemTb7
Questions? Please contact Ms. Lily Herzing at Elizabeth_A_Herzing@mcpsmd.org
Share your yearbook pictures!
The Fife and Drum Yearbook Team would like our school community to share photos to appear in this year's book! To do so, you can visit https://photos.jostens.com/Z9KW4J. Make sure to tag the students in your photo, so we can caption them correctly! Stay tuned for news on buying a yearbook. If you have any questions, you can contact Ms. Wollmuth, the yearbook advisor, at wollmuts@mcpsmd.org.
AP Exams
This year, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will pay for Advanced Placement (AP) Exams in alignment with the Maryland Blueprint and the MCPS Strategic Plan.
- Exams for students enrolled in an AP or IB course are no cost to students and families
- Students enrolled in an AP course for the 2024–2025 will be expected to participate in the corresponding AP exam
- Students who elect to take an AP exam, but are not enrolled in the corresponding AP course, will be responsible for paying for the AP exam
- Important changes from last year:
- Students who register for the AP Exam, but do not take the exam, will be charged a $40.00 fee for each missed exam
- Students who register late (after November 15th) will be charged $40.00 for each late exam registration
- AP Students should receive information about joining their corresponding College Board AP Classroom Course from their AP Teacher
Important Dates
AP Exam registration deadline is November 15, 2023.
More information about registration will be shared as we get closer to the November 15th deadline. Please email Ms. Gardner at Eileen_Gardner@mcpsmd.org with any questions.
Class Spirit Shirt Sales
This upcoming week is the final week for Class Spirit Shirt Sales. Shirt Sales officially close Wednesday, 9/25. Shirts are currently on sale on School Cash Online. Each student's shirt is already automatically linked in your account. Each shirt is only $20 ($22 for 2X and 3X). More information and shirt designs can be found here. For Seniors, your white shirts can also be bundled on School Cash Online for $35 ($39 for 2X and 3X) with the official black senior shirt needed for the panoramic senior photo. We recommend buying them both for that discounted price! More information can be found here. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to represent your class and show your school spirit! Please contact Mr. Schwartz (Keith_A_Schwartz@mcpsmd.org or room 123) if you have any questions!
Wootton Daily Announcements
Wootton College and Career Center
Wootton College & Career Fair
The annual Wootton College & Career fair is Tuesday, October 1, 5:00 PM-7:00 PM, in the upper/staff parking lot adjacent to the Auditorium. Over 65 colleges are participating. Military and career resources will also be present.
College Visits
Northwestern University
Bryce Wilcoxson College & Career Center 9/23/24 8:30 AM
New York University
Cara Cirino College & Career Center 9/23/24 9:15 AM
University of Maryland-College Park
Katya Kuzemka College & Career Center 9/23/24 11:30 AM
Carnegie Mellon University
Anthony Comport College & Career Center 9/24/24 11:30 AM
University of Pittsburgh-Bradford
Devin Nowacki College & Career Center 9/24/24 1:00 PM
Spelman College
Tayah Farris College & Career Center 9/25/24 9:15 AM
Brown University
Katrina Souder College & Career Center 9/25/24 10:30 AM
Towson University
Will Salzman College & Career Center 9/25/24 11:30 AM
Richmond American University London
Charles Haas College & Career Center 9/25/24 1:45 PM
Butler University
Emma Pace College & Career Center 9/25/24 2:35 PM
Goldey-Beacom College
Annie Hake College & Career Center 9/26/24 9:15 AM
University of Florida
Dennis Barnes College & Career Center 9/26/24 9:45 AM
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Ulysses deArmas College & Career Center 9/26/24 10:05 AM
James Madison University
Adam Robb College & Career Center 9/26/24 11:30 AM
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College
Allie Heinen College & Career Center 9/26/24 2:35 PM
MCPS Information
Get a Library Card
Your Montgomery County Public Library (MCPL) library card is the key to borrowing materials, downloading e-books, audiobooks, music, using our research databases and online learning tools, and much more from the public library!
Sign - up for your card today! Get a library card
Upcoming Social Studies Curriculum Nights
The purpose of social studies curriculum night webinars is for the social studies team to explain how social studies is taught in MCPS and how diverse perspectives are included in the K-11 curricula.
Asian and Asian American History
September 26, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Attendance Is Important!
Regular daily attendance is expected. It is critical to a child's academic success. Parent/caregiver support of regular daily attendance is essential. Parents/caregivers should provide a note within 3 days stating the reason for absence. This will ensure the absence is marked excused. Students who were absent from school have the responsibility to request make-up work from their teacher.