Yale Elementary Newsletter
from your Elementary School Leader: Rosa Swonger

As we wrap up the Fall semester, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for your consistent communication whenever a concern arose, your understanding and patience as we worked through challenges, and your active involvement in your student’s academic journey at MAS Charter School.
I hope you and your student take time to enjoy a well-earned rest over Winter Break (Dec. 23, 2024 – Jan. 8, 2025) and return in January feeling refreshed and ready to embrace an exciting and dynamic second semester.
In the meantime, I wish you happy holidays and a joyful New Year!
Thank you,
Ms. Rosa Swonger, MA
Elementary School Leader
MAS Yale Campus
Our goal for attendance is 95% for the school year. Here’s how each grade level is performing so far:
- PreK: 88.09percent (0.55 percent increase from October)
- Kindergarten: 89.36 percent (0.16 percent increase from October)
- 1st Grade: 94.01 percent (0.26 percent increase from October)
- 2nd Grade: 92.85 percent (0.12 percent decrease from October)
- 3rd Grade: 92.69 percent (0.12 percent decrease from October)
- 4th Grade: 93.74 percent (0.40 percent decrease from October)
Overall Average: 92.22 percent
Attendance in second, third, and fourth grades has continued to decline for October and November. These grades are crucial for your child’s academic development. In second grade, students are preparing for state testing, while third and fourth graders are engaging in daily instruction essential for their state assessments.
Remember: Children cannot learn if they aren’t in school. Your child should only stay home if they are vomiting, have a fever, or have diarrhea. For all other conditions, unless a medical doctor suggests otherwise, they can still attend school. Since MAS uses Direct Instruction, any missed work cannot be made up.
Also, don’t forget: When your child’s grade level reaches 95% attendance or higher for the week, they earn a Dress Down Day! We’ll notify you weekly via phone blast and social media about which grades have earned this reward.
Please take note of the following dates in December:
- Thurs., Dec. 19: Test Prep Biweekly Assessment No. 4 for Grades 3 & 4
- Fri., Dec. 20: Pajama Day and Winter Classroom Celebrations (a phone blast will follow next week)
- Fri., Dec. 20: Last day of school for the Fall semester!
- Dec. 23–Jan. 8: Winter Break!
Looking ahead:
- Thurs., Jan. 9, 2025: First Day of Second Semester for Students — Welcome Back!
- Mon., Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (School Closed)
- Wed., Feb.5: School Picture Day (Information Coming Soon!)
- Mon. Feb. 17: Presidents’ Day (School Closed)
Here’s a quick reminder about MAS school uniforms:
- Students may only wear MAS-issued shirts and sweaters in the classroom.
- Long-sleeved shirts are not allowed under short-sleeved MAS shirts.
- Students may only wear black pants or leggings — NO JEANS.
- Lexy Conley: Ms. Conley teaches second- and third-grade math. She is new to MAS this year and has quickly adapted to her role in the math classroom! Her students say, “She is really nice and helps us with our math!”
- Claudia Torres: Ms. Torres teaches kindergarten and first-grade math. She has been with MAS for two years and is a phenomenal kindergarten teacher! Her students say, “She is beautiful and a great math teacher!”
- Xianalee Lovato: Ms. Lovato teaches kindergarten language mastery. This is her first year at MAS, and she has already proven herself more than capable of excelling in her new career. Her students say, “She is so nice and teaches us reading!”
Lexy Conley (2nd and 3rd Grade Math Teacher)
Claudia Torres (Kinder and 1st Grade Math Teacher)
Xianalee Lovato (Kindergarten Language Mastery Teacher)
Student Spotlight
Students with the highest growth in Kindergarten for their December iStation Assessment!
Students with the highest growth in 1st Grade for their December iStation Assessment!
Students with the highest growth in 2nd Grade for their December iStation Assessment!
See below for your child's grade level and the teachers you can contact:
PreK Teachers
Danlisa DePalma: danlisa.depalma@mascharterschool.com
Shannon Shanks: shannon.shanks@mascharterschool.com
Yuri Valles: yuri.valles@mascharterschool.com
Theresa Cordova: theresa.cordova@mascharterschool.com
K-4th Grade Teachers
K/1 Reading Mastery: Fatma Gondal - fatma.gondal@mascharterschool.com
K/1 Reading Mastery: Janie Mae Pelien - janiemae.pelien@mascharterschool.com
Kinder Reading Mastery: Xianalee Lovato- xianalee.lovato@mascharterschool.com
Kinder Reading Mastery: Kelly Berniklau - kelly.berniklau@mascharterschool.com
K/1 Math: Claudia Torres - claudia.torres@mascharterschool.com
K/1 Math Small Group Teacher: Marivi Castro - marivi.castro@mascharterschool.com
K/1 Math Small Group Teacher: Vivian Rindone - vivian.rindone@mascharterschool.com
K/1 PE: Jaynard Rivera - jaynard.rivera@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade Reading Mastery: Mayra Ramirez - mayra.ramirez@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade Reading Mastery: Irene De La Pena - irene.delapena@mascharterschool.com
2nd Grade Reading Mastery: Christina Catigbe - christina.catigbe@mascharterschool.com
2nd Grade Reading Mastery: Sarah Spesock - sarah.spesock@mascharterschool.com
1st/2nd Grade Math: Ting-Ting Chang - ting-ting.chang@mascharterschool.com
1st/2nd Grade PE: Eden Delposo - eden.delposo@mascharterschool.com
1st/2nd Grade PE Educational Assistant: Eyssy Rodriguez - eyssy.rodriguez@mascharterschool.com
2nd/3rd Grade Reading Mastery/ Test Prep: Alejandro Bacabac - Alejandro.bacabac@mascharterschool.com
2nd/3rd Grade Reading Mastery/Test Prep: Gisela Hernandez - gisela.hernandez@mascharterschool.com
3rd Grade Test Prep: Jirah Ventura - jirah.ventura@mascharterschool.com
3rd Grade Test Prep: Tonikah Edwards - tonikah.edwards@mascharterschool.com
2nd/3rd Grade Math: Shih-Ting Wang- shih-ting.wang@mascharterschool.com
2nd/3rd Grade Math: Lexy Conley - lexy.conley@mascharterschool.com
2nd/ 3rd Grade Math Small Group Teacher: Jamal Molina - jamal.molina@mascharterschool.com
2nd/ 3rd Grade PE: Joann Espanola - joann.espanola@mascharterschool.com
2nd/3rd Grade PE Educational Assistant: Joseph Montoya- joseph.montoya@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Test Prep Teacher: Veronica Vigil - veronica.vigil@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Test Prep Small Group Teacher: Kwame Yeboah - kwame.yeboah@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Math: Kendal Paul - kendal.paul@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Math Small Group Teacher: Jacob Decimus - jacob.decimus@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade PE: Iyean Varela - iyean.varela@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Science: Mohammed Majeed - mohammed.majeed@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Science Small Group Teacher: Sophie Vatcher- sophie.vatcher@mascharterschool.com