Bonny Slope Elementary
November 21, 2024
Dates To Remember
11/22 November Birthday Lunch
11/25-11/29 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
12/3 OBOB Student Skill Builders 1:50pm-2:40 pm
12/9 NO SCHOOL - Staff Development Day
12/16 5th Gr. Salmon Release Field Trip
12/17 OBOB Student Skill Builders 1:50pm-2:40 pm
12/18 South America (GeoClub)
12/18 Choir Concert 7pm
12/19 December Birthday Lunch
12/20 Assembly/sing along
12/20 *Winter Parties in Classrooms (1 hr)
12/23-1/3 NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
1/6 Staff and students back from Winter Break
New Winter Classes are being added (classes starting in January). Watch this link as more are added. See fliers for these classes now:
Whimsey Wees Art
Chess Wizards
Yoga Playground
During the months of November, December, and part of January, the School Counselor and Student Success Coach will be pushing into classrooms and revisiting the topic of Respect. Students identified examples of how respect people, places and things.
Jessica Bascom, School Counselor, jessica_a_bascom@beaverton.k12.or.us
Lindsey Williamson, Student Success Coach, lindsey_williamson@beaverton.k12.or.us
Inclement Weather Information
When we experience inclement weather, school schedules can be affected — either by a delayed start, early release or school cancellation. The district makes decisions based on the ability of:
- The district to operate school buses safely.
- Students and parents/guardians to drive safely.
- Students to walk to schools or bus stops safely.
- Staff to get to work safely .
Decisions are made for the entire district. However, we encourage families to make transportation and attendance decisions for their children based on their own assessment of travel conditions at their locations.
School delays or closures are typically communicated by 5:30 a.m. For the latest information:
- Check the district website. A page pop-up will be posted if there’s a change in school operations. You also can find inclement weather protocols and snow routes online.
- Look for a notification on ParentSquare.
- Follow us on the district’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.
- Tune into media outlets for updates.
Upcoming OBOB Events
The OBOB Committee is planning several skill builder workshops for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students participating in OBOB this year. Parents are needed to help facilitate these workshops.
Skill Builders: December 3 and December 17 from 1:50-2:40 PM in the cafeteria.
Please sign up to assist with the skill builders here.
Be sure to check out the Bonny Slope OBOB website for helpful information as your team starts practicing!
Questions? Reach out to obob@bonnyslopebsco.org.
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Advisory Committee
The district is seeking applicants for a new Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Advisory Committee. The committee will explore and develop suggested guidelines for the responsible use of Generative AI applications in BSD. The focus will be on ensuring that AI technologies are used to enhance teaching and learning outcomes for students and improve operational efficiencies for staff. The advisory committee will provide input to support safe and effective AI adoption.
Membership will include students, parents/guardians, staff and administrators.
The committee will meet monthly beginning in January 2025 and concluding in April 2025, though additional meetings could be scheduled if needed. The meeting dates include:
- Wednesday, January 15
- Wednesday, February 19
- Wednesday, March 19
- Wednesday, April 16
Meetings will be from 6-7 p.m. at the District Administrative Office; a light dinner will be served.
If you’re interested in serving on this committee, please apply online.
Applications are due by December 6 at 4 p.m.
No Dogs Allowed on Campus
We cannot allow dogs on campus during arrival or dismissal. Thank you for understanding.
Bonny Slope Elementary
Principal: Betty Skundrick
Assistant Principal: Anh Nguyen-Johnson
11775 NW McDaniel Rd.
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 503.356.2040
Fax: 503.356.2045
Attendance: 503.356.2040 Press 1 for attendance
Attendance email: