Instructional Minute
October 11, 2022

May 28, 2024
The Best of 2023-2024
As the school year comes to an end, we wanted to take some time to review a number of the "best" topics that we have covered in these Instructional Minutes. A comprehensive list of this school year's Minutes can be found here on our district website!
Check for Understanding
Think of checking for understanding as an added step in the teaching process. It involves checking to see if students are retaining the information while you are still teaching it, not after. Often, it takes the form of a short formative assessment, but it doesn't need pencil-and-paper checks. See the article below for additional ideas on using formative assessment during the learning or instruction. (This can be found in the February 6th Instructional Minute.)
Eight Effective On-the-Spot Assessments(taken from the February 13th Instructional Minute):
1. Cold-calling (popsicle sticks, random name generator)
2. Individual dry-erase boards
3. Clickers, Plickers, Socrative, Boogie boards, Pear Deck, Nearpod, Kahoot, goformative.com, Quizlet, polleverywhere.com
4. Fingers on chest, colored cards, green/yellow/red cups, heads down/hands up
5. 3-2-1 responses on board:
- 3 key features
- 2 questions
- 1 doodle
6. Think/pair/square and listening
7. Exit tickets
8. Quick writes and circulating
End of Year Survey
Please take a moment to fill out our end of year survey on this school year's Instructional Minutes. We would greatly appreciate your feedback and response to our questions as we seek to plan out the 2024-2025 Instructional Minutes. Please note that this survey is anonymous.
K-8 Amplify CKLA/ELA Professional Development
Please see the flyer below about the summer professional development opportunity with Amplify CKLA & ELA. Principals will be communicating the expectations for attendance as part of the professional responsibilities. Additional hours will be paid for attendance and SCECHs available.
K-8th Grade Instructional Minutes by Content Area and Sample Schedules
Below you can find the new, updated required instructional minutes by grade level and content area. Each grade level also includes a sample schedule.
K-8 Pacing at a Glance for this Week's Instruction
The documents attached outline K-8 curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
9-12 Pacing Documents
The document attached outlines 9-12 curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
IXL - eLearning Library
This on-demand professional learning resource provides micro-learning videos about every IXL feature and best practices for implementing IXL. Teachers must be signed into their IXL accounts to access these videos. https://www.ixl.com/resources/elearning-library
Workshop Model Lesson Plan Form to Assist in Planning Lessons
A resource to use as you see fit.