In the Know with PTO
May 15, 2024
Centennial PTO Meeting Minutes
14 March 2024 / 6:00 PM / Centennial Library
- Attendance: Sarah Matcha, Kayla Terry, Megan Linstaedt, Katie Suda, Megan Ockert, Amanda Nelson, Karri Mitchell, Kimberly Ough, Kathryn Nelson
Principal’s Report: none
Old Business
- Teacher appreciation - May 6-10 Food truck & car wash gift certificates - - -May 31st breakfast - - caramel rolls, $200 stipend? ML and MO to work on the budget to see what can be shifted from where
- Centennial Cubs gear - SpiritGear - Kindergarten round up, conferences both times and back to school night - application letter for tax exemption with sales done for 2024 but will need to be repeated in 2025. - all of the documents are in the drive but they should be moved into one space/folder for easy access
New Business
1. 5th Grade Party
a. Bus has been paid for & ½ of Sky Zone has been paid, remainder will be paid the day of.
b. ordering pizza - Dominos- ML to order 20 cheese and 20 pepperoni - delivery to school at noon
c. Sign up genius sent out to 5th grade parents to set up the meal (6 parents) and donations for drinks, sides, desserts, etc.
d. Clap out - Can Amy & Callie send out information to parents? (School will send out a Friday file/ 5th grade teachers will SeeSaw families to inform them.)
- Board positions - vacancies for 2024-2025 - voting for officers. Secretary - - Kerri Mitchell - unanimous vote into position
- New stop sign for the front parking lot that empties into the end of the drop off loop. - buildings & grounds to look into. Is there an option to have them wait inside again? Option to “protect” kids from outside forces like cars, active shooters etc. Injury outside on school grounds versus injury inside on school grounds is the same liability as it relates to supervision
- Could PTO & Principal funds be used to purchase our own inflatables - Insurance? Storage? Not this year. No storage and liability/maintenance would be too much to take on at this point
- Could a photo background be purchased for events? Centennial Cubs/Fargo Public Schools? Need more info, Mrs. Hoots to provide info and can be stored rolled up in the art room
- PTO closet - what do we have/need? KS, ML to go through the PTO closet and see what can be gotten rid of or donated or utilized for Fall Trunk or treat. KT & MO to help reorganize
- Kindergarten Round up -Tuesday May 7th - all went well. No concerns or changes for next year
- Office/Admin asked for $1500 to fund Staff shirts. District is no longer allowing these to be purchased with the school funds. They are also wanting the ½ cost of Scholastic covered ~$1000-1500. Offered a compromise that we spend $1500 on the shirts and then the school takes back FULL cost of Scholastic (projected to be $1500 for the 2024-2025 school year) which can be taken out of the “school funds” from the district. Cost to PTO would be the same but the school/staff would not have to choose between the two.
- Staff would like to ask that the following be considered into budget planning for 2024-2025 school year
A. Back to school sandwich lunch
B. End of school breakfast
Events for 2023-2024
Restaurant fundraisers–
- Culvers - March 5th - total?
- February 21st - Hi-Ho - total?
- Other options? Domino’s Brittney - April
- Papa Murphy’s - one SET day a month for 2024-2025
Snack drives –
Propose to no longer do PTO snack drives or have PTO in charge of taking in or dispersing snacks. PTO would be removed from the process completely and all proposals for snack dollar requests should come to PTO during a meeting or via written communication. Counselor, office staff or teacher may make a request. Maybe exchange volunteer time in exchange for snack $$
Skate city - Tuesday May 7th - TOTAL? No incentive anymore for the more nights you book. Maybe Thunder Road or SkyZone. ? KingPinz?
Track Meet - May 13th @ Davies 6-8 pm - organized by Dawn Biel of Davies. She staffs with Davies track kids. Event went well, Dawn orders the ribbons, we pay for them. We get the ribbons from Dawn, along with a list of standings and fill them out based on the event results.
The Night of the Arts - May 16 - Art /music night - chalk and paint the sidewalks during the spring concert night. 5-8 pm - concert from 6-7
Jumbo’s Sloppy Joe Food Truck
Sweet Treats Ice Cream Truck x2
Lemonade & Water Truck
School’s Out - inflatable day - - May 28- in place of music/gym - KT confirming via email - here set up and ready to go by 8 am.
5th grade party - May 30th - SkyZone
Business sponsors - ML to get an example letter from Eagles, maybe prep something for Mr. Pal to utilize to approach businesses? Could be event, snack or overall school sponsor
Events for 2024-2025:
Walk-a-thon Sept. 20th
Donuts with grownups Oct 1-2nd
Trunk or treat Oct 25th
Family Fun Night Jan 24th
Carnival April 4th