Panther Pride STEM School
Achievement: Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
December Newsletter
A message from Pinello’s Administrative Team:
This month students will be taking their mid year assessments in Dibels, Star, and I Ready. We are looking forward to seeing the growth students have made since the beginning of the year. If you would like to know how your student did, contact their teacher and they can provide you with that information. We use that data to determine students instructional needs and grouping.
Our mid year surveys for Capturing Kids Hearts are open right now. We have received 17 responses from families and are hoping for 50. Here is the link to fill it out: https://iheartckh.com/squrl/xzlb8mnr We are hoping to get 50 responses. Thank you to those that have filled it out. We use those responses to determine needs.
Our website is a great place to find out about our clubs, and any other information related to the school pinello.wsd3.org. We also have a Facebook page that you can see daily pictures, and information (Pinello Elementary School).
Amber Crigger – Principal
Tiffani Lind – Assistant Principal
Girls on the Run
The Girls on the Run Club has been working tirelessly over the course of the past 10 weeks to “Move Mountains!” Coach Monson and Coach Schumacher have led lessons that blend physical activity with social-emotional skill development which enables girls to manage whatever comes their way. The team has worked to accomplish their goals and realize their limitless potential! On November 2, the team met at America the Beautiful Park with several other regional Girls on the Run Clubs to participate in a 5k race. Every girl finished, and all felt an unparalleled sense of accomplishment. The girls and their coaches also completed a community impact project benefitting local veterans - a project near and dear to many of the girls in the club. The coaches would like to thank the parents and guardians who supported their girl all season long. We couldn’t have done it without you! If you have a girl that will be in 3rd-5th grade next school year who enjoys friends, helping others, and exercise, sign her up for Girls on the Run!
Counseling Corner & Social Worker:
Social Emotional Learning
Hello Pinello Families!
Thank you to everyone who donated food to our Thanksgiving Basket Good Drive! All donations went to local families within our own community. It is a huge help and we are so grateful for your generosity.
As we head into the final weeks before winter break, we wanted to remind everyone of the
resources that are available to your family! If you would like to talk about other holiday
resources, please feel free to reach out to our counselor Darlene Monson at
monsond@wsd3.org or by phone at (719) 391-3398 or Emily Zarkovacki our school social
worker at zarkovackiemily@wsd3.org or by phone at (719) 391-3410.
Another way to support our Widefield community this holiday season is to participate in the
District’s Annual Toy Drive. This started this week. Please bring in a new and
unwrapped toy or gift card for a child (Kinder through 12th grade) to the front office. Any
student who donates a toy will get a special ornament to put on our Giving Tree, and will be the first to greet our special holiday visitors!
May your family have a beautiful and safe Holiday season! Take time to enjoy good friends and
Pinello Mental Health Team!
About Pinello
Email: criggera@wsd3.org
Website: pinello.wsd3.org
Location: 2515 Cody Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-391-3395
Facebook: facebook.com/PinelloElementary
A Note from Music
Hello Families,
Wow! December is here! In the month of December, our 1st graders will perform, “The Littlest Christmas Tree.” They will perform at 2:50 pm and 6:00 pm on December 4th. Families are welcome at both performances.
Now that 5th grade is done with their performance, they will be working on a rhythm and pitch unit. Fourth graders have been working on a recorder and xylophone unit and they will complete it in December. Third graders have already started to work on the music for their program in January. Second graders are working on rhythm decoding and playing sol, mi and la. Kindergarten is still working on the beat and have started working on more moving to music.
The choir members are very excited about representing Pinello Elementary on December 14 at the Widefield Junior High and Elementary Honor Choir Festival. All of their hard work since September will pay off with their performance. Two of the songs they learned for this event, they will sing at the All School Sing Along on Dec. 20th.
Stay Safe and Warm,
Mrs. Means
PE News
Feels like we just started the school year and here we are almost half way through!
Here in PE we just finished up striking (volleyball) and we have moved into tumbling. We are trying various rolls such as side, forward and backward rolls. We will also work on some balances. Some might come home with an interest of joining gymnastics.
If anyone is interested in playing basketball contact the community center (Widefield Park and Rec.), Basketball registration should start soon.
STEM News by Miss Siedler
STEM has started focusing on weather. All students have spent time learning about weather prediction, weather patterns, extreme weather and engineering for different types of weather. Fourth and fifth grade students have spent some of their time becoming weather forecasters. They have analyzed snowfall data trends from the last 20 years across the state of Colorado to make snow total predictions for the months of November, December, January, and February. These students spent a ton of time digging into the data and creating their predictions as well as justifying their reasoning for their predictions. Some students have aimed high in hopes of snow days and others have aimed on the lower end in their totals. As we move into the next few months we will track the data, in inches, to see which student is the closest to our actual snowfall for the next four months.
Birthday Celebrations
This year, we are not allowing parents to bring treats in for parties. Parents can bring non edible treat bags to be distributed at the end of the day.
Only clear drinks are allowed in classrooms. Shared food items including lunch meals and snacks are prohibited.
Thank you for your assistance in keeping our students healthy and safe!
Boy Scouts of America Pathway to the Rockies Council is offering Scoutreach Program
at the following location
The Scoutreach Program is being offered at Pinello Elementary School free of charge to
all Pinello students in grades 2 through 5. We will meet after school for approximately 1
hour on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
You can sign up for Scoutreach at https://bsa060.us/pinello or find out more about
Scoutreach by calling Mark at 719-219-2906
Widefield School District Documents
Each school year Widefield District 3 shares documents with parents of information that may be of significance to you and your family. Please take the time to read through these documents and let us know if you have any questions. You can access the documents by clicking on the link: WSD3 Docs
Calendar of Events-Also listed on the website
Dec. 4-1st grade music program 2:50 & 6:00
Dec 5-Parent involvement breakfast 7:30am-8:30am
Dec 12-PTO meeting in the library at 3:30 pm
Dec. 14-District 3 Choir Festival @ Widefield High School 2:30
Dec. 9-13 Holiday Shop
Dec. 20-Buck a Hat Day, Smencils sale, 2:00-sing along, 2:45 Classroom parties
Dec. 23-Jan 3. No School Winter Break
Jan. 1-3 Winter Break
Jan. 6-7-Professional Development for staff-No school for students
Jan. 8-Students return, report cards go home
Jan. 15-3rd Grade music program at 2:50 & 6:00
Jan. 16-PTO meeting in the library at 3:40
Jan. 17-Renaissance Assemblies K-2 @ 1:30. 3-5 @ 2:30
Jan. 20th-No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 24-Buck a Hat Day
Jan. 28-Coffee with Principal at 8:45 in the library
Jan. 29-District chess tournament
Jan. 31-PTO smencils for sale before school for $1