December Extras
Special Highlights, Late Breaking News, and Announcements!
The December newsletter was getting long, but there were still more good things to highlight. Several items of possible interest are also continuing to come across the desk of Family Ambassador, Sarah Bowman. It's too good not to share or to wait to share! Check it out to see if anything is useful to your family!
Fall Concert
Northtowne was pleased to present an evening of music for our Fall Concert on November 21. Instrumental performances from 4th and 5th grade strings were enjoyed. The audience was also delighted by Autumn Music, Patriotic Music, and Thanksgiving Music selections presented by 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade students. Last but not least, the sounds of our 4th and 5th grade choir rang through the room. Many thanks to Mr. Douglas and Ms Paul for showcasing our students and for the work you put into making them performance ready!
Coastal Wilds Zoo Visit
Coastal Wilds is a zoo based in Delaware that travels around the country doing school presentations with their animals. Northtowne had a visit on Friday, November 22nd with all students and grade levels attending. One of the big rules during the assembly was students needed to stay quiet and calm so that the animals wouldn't scared. It can be a big challenge to keep from exclaiming when a new exciting animal is brought out out to see but our students did a good job. After only a few reminders from Mr. Taylor or teachers, the zookeeper complement our students on how well they did!
*Reminder* Gingerbread House Building
The 3rd Annual Family Gingerbread House Building!
Tuesday, December 17
6:00pm - 7:30pm
In the Northtowne cafeteria
Join us for an evening of STEM learning and developing Portrait of A Graduate traits all wrapped up in family fun! Learn about the science of what makes a strong building. Exercise your creativity and adaptability as you bring your building ideas to life. The school will supply one set of materials per family.
- Paper plate base
- Graham crackers
- Icing
- Basic candies (candy canes, M&Ms, mini marshmallows)
Families may bring additional supplies or kits if they wish.
School Schedule Reminder
Winter Break begins with a 30 minute early release from school on Friday, December 20. The school day will end at 3:00pm this day. Student pick up at the school will start 30 minutes earlier than usual. If your student rides the bus, plan for them to be dropped off 30 minutes earlier than the usual posted time. All teachers and staff appreciate families being prompt to this 30 minute early release. Please set your phone alarms or reminders as needed.
Holiday Break Childcare
Students and staff might be excited about the upcoming two week long Winter Break. But we do understand that long school breaks can add stress to families if all household adults are working and unable to take time off. The City of Columbus Recreation and Parks Department has programing in place to help with this exact concern.
Registration for School's Out Winter is now open!
Do your students need something to do during Winter Break? Look no further than your local community center! School’s Out Fall opens community centers for extended hours during Columbus City Schools’ Winter Break, December 23-January 3 from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. (Closed Christmas Day and New Years Day)
Registration is now open! Please use the link below to register.
Spring Break opportunities (registration opens March 17) are also planned. Keep watch at the Recreation and Parks for when registration opens.
Fun and Free
Come see the Huntington Holiday Train at Main Library
The Huntington Holiday Train has delighted people of all ages since 1992. This downtown holiday treasure was generously loaned to Columbus Metropolitan Library by Huntington National Bank in 2009 and is displayed in Main Library’s Grand Atrium.
Bring your family to see the display with its trains, tracks, tunnels, bridges, castles and other features to delight visitors of all ages.
On display Nov. 18-Jan. 18 Main Library, 96 S. Grant Ave.
Visit during regular library hours, with free one-hour parking in Main Library’s attached garage.
Central Ohio Model Railroad Club Open House Weekends
Check out the model train displays galore at the Central Ohio Model Railroad Club Open House weekends! Stop by every Saturday and Sunday in December between the hours of 12:00 noon and 4:00pm. Admission is free.
6471 Proprietor Rd
Worthington OH 43085
Holiday Meals
Christmas Cares at St. Stephen’s Community House – Food Boxes and Toys
• You must register. Check for details online at https://saintstephensch.org/christmas-cares/.
• Food will be distributed:
- December 20
- December 21
- December 22
• Food registration requirements:
- Must be a Franklin County resident
- Proof of residency (current lease or utility bill)
- You, or the person picking up for you, must arrive during your assigned pick up window.
Center of Hope Christmas Experience – Christmas Baskets
• Christmas food baskets by appointment only.
• Call 614-745-1550 between 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday to register for an appointment.
• Head of your household needs to bring a photo ID and proof of address to the appointment.
• Children 12 and younger should bring birth certification, medical card or social security card.
• You must meet income requirements to be eligible.
Firefighters 4 Kids Toy Sign-up
Firefighters 4 Kids is still accepting applications for holiday gifts for children ages 0-12. Sign-ups are always done at agencies throughout the Columbus area. When signing up at an agency, please be sure to check what documents are required for signing up. Most agencies require at a minimum, a picture id for the adult and proof of age for the children that are being signed up. To find a location near you to sign up for toys, please review the list below. You may contact the agency to find out what days and hours they are doing signup’s at their location. All signups for toys must be done through an agency. No sign-ups will be permitted after December 20th.
CAP City Athletics
639 Whitethorne Ave.
Email : capcityfalcons@gmail.com
Community Development for All People
946 Parsons Ave
Community Youth and Young Adult Empowerment
454 North 20th
East Columbus Development Company
1774 E Main St
Far East Development/Barnett
Destiny Center
1561 Old Leonard Ave
614-569-4958 x1507
St Stephens Community House
1500 E 17th Avenue
Triumphant Christian Center
904 Thomas Ave
Worthington Food Pantry
6700 Huntley Rd
Toy Give Away
Toy Give Away by Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity
When: Saturday, December 14 8:00am - 2:00pm
Where: Champion MIddle School, N 22nd St ,Columbus OH 43203
**While supplies last**
**No ID Required**
Project Connect
What is the Project Connect Program?
Authorized under Federal law through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, the Columbus City Schools’ Project Connect Program provides services to ensure that identified children and youth experiencing homelessness have access to a free and appropriate public education by removing barriers due to homelessness. As advocates for educational rights, there are various services the program provides to assist families in transition.
How can the Project Connect Program help?
Project Connect works with students, parents, Columbus City Schools (CCS) employees, partner agencies, and other local school districts to provide assistance with:
- school selection and enrollment
- school transportation o wellness checks and on-going social and emotional support
- book bags and school supplies for students
- assistance with high school graduation fees and expenses o addressing barriers that affect school attendance and full participation
- obtaining necessary documents such as birth certificates, school records, and medical records
- dispute resolution regarding school choice and enrollment
Who may qualify for the Project Connect Program?
The term “children and youth experiencing homelessness” means individuals who lack a fixed, regular and adequate night-time residence. It includes those who are:
- sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of home, economic hardship, or similar reason
- living in motels or hotels
- staying in trailer parks or campgrounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations
- living in emergency or transitional shelters
- abandoned in hospitals
- living on their own, such as youth who have run away or have been put out of their home
- Parents and students may call the Project Connect Office at 614-365-5140
- Email: ProjectConnect@columbus.k12.oh.us