The Wolverine
A Monthly Newsletter for NFHS Students and Families

August 2024
Hello NFHS Families and Students,
Welcome to the August edition of The Wolverine! For those of you new to our school community, this monthly newsletter for families and students is sent out at the start of each month and is a great way to stay updated on all that is happening at NFHS.
While there are still have many more warm summer days ahead of us, we are looking forward to welcoming students back in a few short weeks! This newsletter outlines important information to get you and your student ready to have a successful year.
Important Dates:
- Ninth Grade Parent and Student Orientation: August 29, 5:00 – 6:30 pm
- Open House: September 3, 5:00 – 6:30 pm
- First Days of School:
- 9th Grade: September 5 (A Day)
- 10th Grade: September 6 (B Day)
- 11th & 12th Grade and First Day of BOCES: September 9 (A Day)
Opening of Schools:
- Schedules: Accessible via the Student and Parent Portal starting August 29. Ninth graders will receive a paper copy at Orientation. No schedules will be mailed home. Students will get paper copies of their schedules in their first period class on their first day. Schedule change requests will be addressed on the first day of school.
- Lockers: Locker numbers and combinations will be provided on the first day of school.
- Bus Information: Mailed home from the Transportation Department the week before school begins. For questions, contact ssamuel@nfschools.net or gstewart@nfschools.net.
- Supply Lists are available on the NFHS Facebook and Instagram pages, and the school website.
- Health forms, AUPs, lunch forms, and other paperwork will be distributed at Orientation and on the first day. Students should return completed paperwork to their 1st period teachers as soon as possible.
Important Reminders for the School Year:
- Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial for success. A written excuse is required for absences, late arrivals, or early dismissals.
- Behavior: Review the complete Code of Conduct at www.nfschools.net under the “Parent and Guardian” tab.Students must follow the directions of school employees and treat others with respect.
- Cell Phones and Headphones: Can be used appropriately in hallways and during lunch, but must be put away during instruction. Follow the “one ear bud” policy for safety.
- Class Attendance: Students must attend all assigned classes, including study halls and lunch, and be on time. Hall passes are required during class time.
- Appearance Code: Faces must be completely visible, and backpacks must remain in lockers.
- Daily Schedule: School runs from 8:00 am – 2:35 pm. Students may enter starting at 7:30 am. Extended day clubs begin mid-September.
- Eligibility: To participate in extracurricular activities, students must pass four classes plus PE, have 85% attendance, and maintain good discipline standing. Unexcused tardies count as 0.5 absence. Students need a minimum of 4.5 credits per grade level to be eligible.
We look forward to a successful school year together!
Your Proud Principals,
Cheryl Vilardo, Ed Ventry, Bryan Rotella, Val Rotella-Zafuto, and Nick Ruffolo
School Supply List
2024-2025 SUPPLY LIST
We know that many families are eager to purchase school supplies early in August, so we provide this supply list as a guideline. Purchasing items off of the General Supply List will help you get started for school but please know that individual teachers will have specific requests and systems of organization that they will share in late August/early September. Please note that if you are unable to purchase supplies, our staff will be flexible and help your student once the school year starts. You may also email Ramona Sims (rsims@nfschools.net) for assistance with school supplies.
General Supply List
• Pencils • Pens • Two-pocket folders, notebooks, and/or binders (depending on teacher/student preference) • Highlighters • Loose leaf paper • PE – Sneakers, shorts/sweatpants, tee shirt/sweatshirt, bathing suit and towel • Sketchbook (depending on the art class/teacher) • Calculator (depending on the math class/teacher)
School-Issued Laptops
Laptops will be provided in each classroom for use during the school day. Students wishing to borrow a school laptop for use at home during the school year may receive a pass to the Main Office to sign one out at any time during the year. Students may also purchase their own laptops/tablets for use at home but these should not be brought to school.
Calendar Information
Updates & Reminders
Credit Recovery Classes:
Complete Credit Recovery Classes: For those of you who are catching up on credits over the summer, keep up the great work! Completing your credit recovery classes will set you up for success in the next academic year.
Regents Review Sessions
Regents Review Sessions: Don't miss out on our Regents Review sessions held Monday through Thursday from 8:30 AM to 11:45 AM. These sessions are designed to help you prepare thoroughly for your upcoming exams. Attendance is key to boosting your confidence and performance!
Stay in Touch
- Social Media: Follow Niagara Falls High School on Facebook and Instagram.
- Monthly Family & Student Newsletters: Sent via email, text message, and posted on social media.
- Remind: Join NFHS Family Remind by downloading the Remind App and using the class code @nfhsfamily
- Calls/Texts: To receive school communications, ensure your contact information is up to date by calling 716-278-5800.
Sports Physicals
Now scheduling Sports Physicals for the fall season.
Call 716-286-0788 between 8:30am - 3:45pm to make an appointment.
- Sports Physicals will be held July 26th through August 21st.
- Tryouts for Football begin August 19th.
- All other sports will begin August 26th.
Parent Portal
REMINDER - Report cards will not be mailed home! You should also use Parent Portal to check grades and attendance frequently.
Directions to set up your account can be found at https://www.nfschools.net/domain/74
The district code is BQRR
Parent Portal: Get up-to-date information on attendance, grades, progress reports, and report cards. Visit www.nfschools.net and click on the “Parent and Guardian” tab to sign up. For assistance, email manthony@nfschools.net.
Summer Hours
Administrators and clerical team members are at work all summer. Call if you need anything including working papers. For the best service, call or stop by between the hours of 8:30 am - 2:30 pm.
Immunization Clinic
Niagara County Department of Health will be offering a Back-to-School Immunization Clinic for all NFCSD students. The clinic will be held at Harry F. Abate Elementary School on Wednesday, August 28 from 3:00 - 7:00 PM. Appointments are required and may be scheduled by calling 716-278-1903.
Seniors who are not updated on their required vaccines will be contacted via an all-text message, letter in the mail, and/or a phone call home from our social workers. It is crucial that these students provide documentation of updated vaccines ASAP or they legally must be excluded from school beginning September 14.
Wolverine Sports
Class of 2025 Updates
This Month In Photos
Students have been taking advantage of the Regents Review Sessions that are being offered here at NFHS! Review sessions are offered Monday through Thursday 8:30- 11:30
Community Events
Follow Niagara Falls High School on Facebook
NFHS Microsoft Parent Team
Email dstonge@nfschools.net to join.