Ms. Nutt's Newsletter
Austin Elementary
Word Detective Mystery Celebration
The First Grade Word Detectives have been hard at work solving the mysteries of what makes good readers and spellers. We are celebrating this special day with a Mystery Mix. Please consider donating an item to make this event a success!
Please send food items to school by Thursday, November 7.
Thank you for your support!
Coppell Education Foundation - Give For Grants
The First Grade educators at Austin Elementary would like the opportunity to bring a Science Lab to our learners! Through the exciting and educational High Touch High Tech program - Sea Ya' Later - students can experience hands on, TEK based science experience in our classrooms. We can't go to the ocean so this program would allow us to bring the ocean to Austin Elementary!
If you are interested in donating to this grant to support our learners, please click on the link below!
https://give.livingtree.com/c/sea-ya-laterNovember 8 - Parent Sign Up
On Friday, November 8, our school will be hosting two special events:
*Veteran's Day Ceremony
*Special Friends Day
The office staff has requested that you RSVP for these events. They will be able to print name tags in advance to expedite the check in process. If you are attending either event, please register with the link below.
Our Week in Review
Week of November 4-8
We are reading...
*Hero Dad
*Hero Mom
*Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge
*Mr. George Baker
*Hooray for Grandparent's Day
Language Arts
*Phonics Workshop - The Compound Word Puzzle
*Readers Workshop - Word Detectives Use Word Parts They Know to Read Words
*Writers Workshop - Writers Can Write Introductions and Conclusions
*Grammar Talk - What Get's A Capital Letter
*continue to learn about place value
*compose and decompose numbers
*place numbers to 100 on an open number line
*compare numbers using the >,<,= symbols
Social Studies
*compare rules vs. laws
*review the concept of voting
*identify symbols of country
Upcoming Events
Library books are due on Thursdays!
Wear tennis shoes to P.E. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Family Friday Lunch Sign Up Link: https://forms.gle/pXvFW1x3QdTykpVdA
Upcoming Dates:
*November 4 - PTO Meeting
*November 8 - Veteran's Day Ceremony
*November 8 - Grandparents Day - Lunch and Cookie Reception
*November 8 - 14 - Book Fair
*November 8 - Dads on Campus Movie Night 5:30 p.m.
*November 15 - Mustang Mutual
*November 25-29 -Thanksgiving Break
Stay Connected!
Email: snutt@coppellisd.com
Location: 161 S. Moore Rd. Coppell, TX 75019
Phone: 214-496-7340
Twitter: @SharonNutt1C