Sacred Heart School
August 29th, 2024
No School Friday or Monday- Enjoy the 4 Day Weekend💙
Dress Code Reminders 👞
School shoes must be mostly brown, black or navy
- We do a lot of playing at school in gym class and on the playground. It is a good idea for the girls to wear shorts under their dresses.
With Joyful Hearts, We Grow in Love Everyday
As we begin the new school year, it is easy to feel hopeful for the future. It is our pleasure to serve 75 families from the Hudson Area! The mission of Sacred Heart School is to provide a faith-filled education built upon Catholic virtues and the life of Jesus Christ. Our students are balanced: confident of mind, academics and Catholic faith.
Something about this current year feels special!
Our preschool has grown to accommodate families who want a virtue/discipline based early education program for their children. Our preschool team of Jessica Dehn, Michelle Henning, Lauren Fountain and Brenda Crossen worked together over the summer to create a vibrant classroom and curriculum that is not only going to prepare our students for Kindergarten but is also going to give them a foundation of God’s love and the virtue to be a good friend and classmate.
Our Kindergarten through 6th grade students are already off to a great start! It is always nice to get to know our new students and to continue to work with students who are familiar to us.
We began this year the way we begin every year, learning what it means to be raised in God’s love.
Gospel of Matthew- "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest commandment and the second commandment is just like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
At morning prayer, we close our eyes and think about God’s created beauty in nature. Stars, sunsets, flowers, and the sky are images the children mention. Did you know that God made you more beautiful than all of that combined? Because He made you to be like him and loves you more than you could ever imagine. What does love feel like? It feels like being safe, protected, understood and cared for. It feels like you are important and your gifts/talents are needed.
We begin the year with this commandment because we want our families and their children to love God. If you love God, by praying and asking Him to be with you always, you can feel his love back. And when you feel his love back, you can love your neighbor. God’s love is contagious!
Act of Love
Oh my God, I love you above all things,
With my whole heart and soul, because you are worthy of all my love.
I love my neighbor as myself for the love of you.
I forgive all who have injured me and I ask pardon of all
Whom I have injured. Amen
Please pray for us this school year and we will pray for you! Together we can be closer to God and thrive as a community in Christ!
Blessings to you!
Anne Atkin, principal
Vision and Hearing Testing with the Lenawee County Health Department is Wednesday, Sept. 4th
A specialist from the Lenawee County Health Department will be at Sacred Heart School for a free vision and hearing check of your children. If they suspect something out of the ordinary, you will receive a letter to follow up with your health care provider.
Hearing test – Preschool, Kindergarten, 2nd and 4th
Vision test – Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st , 3rd, 5th
Picture Day is Wednesday, September 18th 📸
Preschool students who do not attend on Wednesdays can come for pictures between 8:00-9:30
Upcoming Events
Friday, August 30th- No School
Monday, September 2nd- Labor Day. No School
Wednesday, September 4th- Vision and Hearing tests done by the Lenawee Health Dept. during school hours.
Friday, September 6th at 9:00- Children's Mass. Eucharistic Adoration after Mass until 12:00. Join us!!
Monday, September 16th- 5th/6th Grade students go to St. Mary Cathedral in Lansing
Thursday, September 26th- Walk of Faith. More information soon.
Happy Birthday🎂
You can have a jean/jersey day on or around your birthday!
Kailey Grey 2nd Grade~ Aug. 22nd
Miles Shaw Kindergarten~ Aug. 29th
Ysabella Barnett 4th Grade~ Aug. 30th
Leo Benschoter Preschool~ Aug. 30th
Shiloh Plant Preschool~ Sept. 1st
Kensington Henning 2nd Grade~ Sept. 6th
Winston Incorvaia 1st Grade~ Sept. 15th
Brynley Monahan 2nd Grade~ Sept. 16th
Cole Strong 2nd Grade~ Sept. 18th
Nora Hart Preschool~ Sept. 21st
Jayla Kimling 5th Grade~ Sept. 24th
Hudson, MI
Sacred Heart School provides a faith-filled education built upon Catholic virtues and the life of Jesus Christ. Our students are balanced: confident of mind, academics and Catholic faith.
Every child experiences the living body of Christ, serves their neighbor, prays for wisdom and can see through the lens of our gracious, merciful and loving God.