Dolphin News
We had a GREAT start to the school year!
A Word From Mrs. White
A couple of reminders- please click on the red box below for detailed car drop off and pick up information. I am seeing a lot of parents blow past the first stop sign in the front of the school and others roll it to stop right in front of the doors. When we do that we obstruct the crosswalk for safe crossing for students, parents, and teachers. Please stop in front of each stop sign and look up before proceeding. I know a lot of us want to watch our little ones walk all the way inside but we have to make sure we keep our eyes on the road. Some of our littler ones may need more time and help getting in and out of the car. Please do not leave your car in the drop off line to get your student out. In those instances please park and walk them across the cross walk. Never drop a student in the parking lot or have a student traverse that crosswalk by themselves for the reasons above. Remember the back road is also available for dropoffs if the front line is moving too slow. Doors open at 8 and breakfast pass out concludes at 8:20.
Let's have a great week!
We are so glad you are back!
First Day...Yay!
Pre-K Learning our Procedures!
Ms. Gleeson made a neat art wall for selfies!
Important things to remember!
In The Morning:
- Children may be dropped off at school starting at 8:00am.
- Pre-K students will be dropped off at the 2nd awning in front of the school. The Pre-K teachers will be there to greet them.
- All other students may be dropped off in front of the school or in the back car rider loop.
- Breakfast will be "grab and go" and available at both drop off places. Children will get breakfast and go straight to their classroom.
- At this point, parents will not be able to walk children to class. We have several adults to help them get where they need to go.
- Please remain in your car during drop off.
- Children should ONLY BE DROPPED OFF AT THE CURB. It is not safe to drop them off in the parking lot. You may park and walk the across the crosswalk. Children must cross the crosswalk with their adult.
- Make sure to come to a full stop at both stop signs in front of the school.
- School start time is 8:30.
- Quick good-byes make for dry eyes!
In The Afternoon:
- Make sure your child's teacher knows how they will be going home. If they are a bus or daycare rider, the teacher needs the bus number or the daycare name.
- Car rider tags can be picked up during Meet the Teacher.
- Car riders will be picked up in the back loop.
- You must have a car rider tag to pick up your student.
- The office will be very busy. Children should not be checked out after 3:00.
- School is dismissed at 3:30.
- Parents should meet walkers in their neighborhood and never park in the parking lot to pick up a walker. We need out front loop free from congestion for busses to load quickly.
COMM-Unity Online Store
Any student who wears their Comm-UNITY shirt to any PCN event will get in for FREE!
Order your Comm-UNITY t-shirt HERE: https://pcnorthcommunity22.itemorder.com/
James L. Dennis Elementary
OKC, OK 73162
Principal: Renita White
Assistant Principal: Kara King
Website: https://dennis.putnamcityschools.org/
Phone: (405)722-6510
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jldpto