Coastal K-8 Counseling Corner ๐๏ธ
Keeping Us Connected in the 2024-2025 School Year
A Resource Page for Parents
Our Character Education Schedule Overview:
The 8 Keys of Excellence: Making Great Kids Greater
Unit 1 Key of Excellence: Failure Leads to Success
Character Strong Trait: Perseverance
Unit 2 Key of Excellence: Speak with Good Purpose
Character Strong Trait: Respect
Unit 3 Key of Excellence: This is IT!
Character Strong Trait: Gratitude
Unit 4 Keys of Excellence: Ownership & Commitment
Character Strong Trait: Responsibility
Unit 5 Key of Excellence: Integrity
Character Strong Trait: Honesty
Unit 6 Keys of Excellence: Flexibility & Balance
Character Strong Trait: Cooperation
The 8 Keys of Excellence Defined
Partner with us by using the 8 Keys language at home
Partner with us by using Character Strong at home ๐
Check out the Family Strong Website for more information.
Restorative Practices
At Coastal Academy we use Restorative Practices to strengthen relationships between students, resolve issues of conflict or bullying, and promote overall positive school culture.
What are the 5 R's of Restorative Practices?
- Relationship
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Repair
- Reintegration
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a power imbalance. The behavior is repeated and intended to hurt or cause harm.
Bullying has the 3 P's:
1. Power - Imbalance of Power
2. Purpose - Person Intends to Hurt You
3. Pattern or Persistence - Person Continues Action Over & Over Again
Bullies intentionally target someone who seems weak or unable to protect themselves. They do it consistently, over time, and often in secret. The behaviors can be physical, verbal, or psychological. It can take place in person or on line. A bully may use potentially embarrassing information, physical strength, or popularity to emphasize the power imbalance. The imbalance means the victim often feels they can't reach out for help.
How to Deal with a Bully:
1. Students should seek adult support, at home and at school, if they feel like they are being bullied. Students or parents can report bullying to a teacher, counselor, assistant principal or the principal.
2. Respond, don't react. Getting a reaction out of others is often how bullies gain control and power.
3. Walk away when possible.
4. Take a screenshot as evidence in situations of cyberbulling.
5. There is strength in numbers. We encourage students to stand up and speak up for one another.
See Something Say Something
Additionally, there is ALWAYS a trusted adult available on campus to talk to.
Counseling Resources
It's okay to ask for help! Care Solace connects students and their families to care. At no cost to you, Care Solace will quickly find available mental health providers to match your needs. Please reach out ltaylor@classicalacademy.com if you would like to be connected.
Resources for Parents & Families from the California Department of Education
Wellness Guide: Videos, Apps & Strategies for Wellness
Emergency Response Resources
Media Recommendations for Parents:
- Childhood 2.0
- The Social Dilemma
2022 TCA podcast with Lisa Taylor and Alissa Atkins, counselor at CAMS
2023 Jumpstart Powerpoint Presentation: Keeping Your Kids Safe In A Social Media Age
2024 TCA podcast episodes:
The Hidden Dangers of Social Media on Your Child's Development
Online Safety Resources for Parents
These are just a few of the many resources available to parents who want to help their children stay safe online. By talking to your kids about online safety, setting parent controls, and monitoring your child's online activity, parents play an important role in keeping their child safe from harm.
Here are some additional tips for parents on online safety:
- Talk to your kids about online safety regularly. Explain the risks of online predators, cyberbullying and online content.
- Set parental controls on your children's devices. This will help limit their exposure to harmful content and people.
- Monitor your children's online activity. This doesn't mean you need to read every text message or email, but you should be aware of what they are doing online.
- Teach your kids about privacy. Explain the importance of not sharing personal information with people online.
- Encourage your kids to come to you if they see something online that makes them feel uncomfortable. Let them know that you are there to help them.
- Model good digital media habits. Be a good role model for your child by limiting your own screen time and using digital media responsibly.
On My Bookshelf: Recommended Resources for Parents
- "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey
- "Grit" by Angela Duckworth
- "The Whole Brained Child" by Daniel Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson
- "The Drama Years" Real Girls Talk About Surviving Middle School; Bullies, Brands, Body Image and More, by Haley Kilpatrick
- "UnSelfie" Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in our All-About-Me World, by Michele Borba
- "Generation Z Unfiltered" Facing Nine Hidden Challenges of the Most Anxious Population, byTim Elmore & Andrew McPeak
- "The Real Guide to Teenage Depression" Handling Teen Depression a book about what matters most for teen boys and teen girls, by Patrice M Foster
- "Parenting The New Teen In The Age of Anxiety" by John Duffy
- "At Witโs End" A Parentโs Guide to Ending the Struggle, Tears and Turmoil of Learning Disabilities, by Jill Stowell
- "Unwinding Anxiety" New Science Shows How to Break the Cycle of Worry and Fear to Heal Your Mind, by Judson Brewer
- "Scattered Minds" The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder, by: Gabor Mate
PurposeFULL People Book List for Grades PreK - 5th
Book recommendations sortable by character trait and grade level.
7 Things Kids Want to Hear When They Mess Up
Mistakes happen and sometimes our kids just need to know that we're on their team. Creating a safe space to talk can make all the difference.
- You're safe here. I just want to understand what happened.
- Do you want my advice or do you just want me to listen?
- How are you feeling about what happened?
- What do you think you could do differently next time?
- It took courage to tell me that. I appreciate your honesty.
- You're human, and humans make mistakes.
- You're not alone in this. We will figure this out.
Tips for Connecting with your Pre-Teen / Teen:
Welcome their friends over to your house
Ask about their day
Little gifts
Respect their alone time
Respect their privacy
Give honest advice
Make family dinners
Approve of them
Write a kind note
Show affection
Say I Love You
Engage in deep conversation
One on one time
Opportunity for School Advocacy
Would you and your family be willing to attend an Oceanside School Board meeting on the second Tuesday of the month at 6pm and briefly (3 minutes or less) talk about how AWESOME our school is?
This is a FaNtAsTiC educational opportunity for students and families to share your story and advocate for our school.
Location: Chavez Middle School, 202 Oleander Drive, Oceanside CA 92057
WATCH D.O.G.S. at Coastal
Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is a school-based, family and community engagement program that invites father, grandfathers, uncles, or other father figures to volunteer at their child's/student's school during the school year.
Sign ups for Units 2 & 3 are open! Father figures are encouraged to sign up for one or two 4-hour shifts. Click here for more information & to sign up!
Hi, I'm Mrs. Taylor the School Counselor ๐ค
Best ways to contact me:
- Email - ltaylor@classicalacademy.com
- Phone: (760) 631-4020 ext. 5195
- Schoology Message
- Stop by!