Tiger Times πΎπ―π§‘
Monthly Updates for January 2025 at Travis Elem. π
Travis Tigers Are Setting the Gold Standard!
School Hours
24-25 School Year Hours
- School hours are 8:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.
- Students may enter the building at 7:35 A.M.
- Tardies will be issued to students who arrive after 8:00 A.M. A parent or guardian must bring students inside the front office to sign tardy slips.
- Gates open at 7:00 a.m. for morning car rider drop-offs.
- Gates open at 3:00 p.m. for afternoon car rider pick-ups.
Weekly Spirit Shirt Days
Each week, join us on the following days to celebrate school spirit and district/campus initiatives:
- Every Monday- Wear green or your "Start With Hello" shirt to celebrate kindness and inclusivity!
- Every Thursday- Wear your House colors!
- Every Friday- Wear Travis colors or your Travis spirit shirts/attire!
We are thrilled to announce that we've partnered with Country Gone Crazy to create exclusive t-shirts (in both youth and adult sizing) for each house in our new school-wide house system! If you are interested in ordering a shirt for yourself or your student(s), please go to the following link: https://countrygonecrazy.com/collections/tigers Orders can either be shipped to your home or picked up from the Country Gone Crazy storefront.
Upcoming Events
Happening This Month
- Staff Work Day / Student Holiday
Tuesday, Jan. 7:
- Staff Development (PLC Day) / Student Holiday
Wednesday, Jan. 8:
- Students Return From Winter Break
Thursday, Jan. 9:
- Report Card #2 (Official in Parent Portal)
- Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
- Spelling Bee (3rd-5th Grade Homeroom Winners)
- Wear House Spirit Gear
- Character Strong Celebration in the Library (2:00-2:30 p.m.)
Friday, Jan. 10:
- 2nd 9 Weeks Academic Celebrations (In the Classroom/No Visitors)
- 1st Grade Dyslexia Screener Practice (Computer Lab)
- Wear Travis Spirit Gear
- House Rally Day (8:30 a.m.)
Monday, Jan. 13:
- Elementary Bus Riders Begin Scanning Badges On & Off Buses (Mandatory)
- 1st Grade Dyslexia Screener Practice (Computer Lab)
- Wear Green to Start With Hello!
Tuesday, Jan. 14:
- Mid-Year ELA Screener (1st-5th Grade)
- Testing Start Times:
- 1st Grade - 12:50 p.m.
- 2nd Grade - 9:00 a.m.
- 3rd Grade - 12:20 p.m.
- 4th & 5th Grade - 8:00 a.m.
- Kindergarten Mid-Year ELA and Math Screeners (Miller & Anderson's Homerooms)
- Campus Closed to Visitors
- STEAM Town Meeting (3:30-5:30 p.m.)
- Paw Pack Meeting (3:30-4:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, Jan. 15:
- Pre-UIL Events at Travis (Writing & Oral Competitions)
- Tiger Stripe Store (During Lunches)
- ELA Screener Make-Ups (Absent Students)
- Kindergarten Mid-Year ELA and Math Screeners (Miller & Anderson's Homerooms)
Thursday, Jan. 16:
- 1st Grade Dyslexia Screeners
- 1st Grade End of Module 3 (Eureka Math Assessment)
- ELA Screener Make-Ups (Absent Students)
- Wear House Spirit Gear
Friday, Jan. 17:
- 1st Grade End of Module 3 (Eureka Math Assessment)
- Wear Travis Spirit Gear
- PTO Popcorn/Pickle Sales for $1.50 (During Lunches)
- Kindergarten Mid-Year ELA and Math Screeners (Patino's Homeroom)
Monday, Jan. 20:
- MLK Day / Bad Weather Day / NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, Jan. 21:
- Mid-Year Math Screener (1st-5th Grade)
- Testing Start Times:
- 1st Grade - 12:50 p.m.
- 2nd Grade - 9:00 a.m.
- 3rd Grade - 12:20 p.m.
- 4th & 5th Grade - 8:00 a.m.
- Campus Closed to Visitors
- Kindergarten Mid-Year ELA and Math Screeners (Sneed & Castleberry's Homerooms)
Wednesday, Jan. 22:
- Tiger Stripe Store (During Lunches)
- Math Screener Make-Ups (Absent Students)
- Kindergarten Mid-Year ELA and Math Screeners (Sneed & Castleberry's Homerooms)
Thursday, Jan. 23:
- Rodeo Art Reception at the GCCISD Admin Building (5:30 p.m.)
- Mid-Year Science Screener (2nd-5th Grade)
- Testing Start Times:
- 2nd Grade - 9:00 a.m.
- 3rd Grade - 12:20 p.m.
- 4th & 5th Grade - 8:00 a.m.
- Wear House Spirit Gear
Friday, Jan. 24:
- Science Screener Make-Ups (Absent Students)
- Wear Travis Spirit Gear
- PTO Popcorn/Pickle Sales for $1.50 (During Lunches)
Monday, Jan. 27:
- mCLASS Dibels Assessment (KG-2nd Grade)(Jan. 27-Feb. 4)
- District Anti-Bullying Meeting (Impact High School)(5:00 p.m.)
- Wear Green to Start With Hello!
Tuesday, Jan. 28:
- ELA Interim Exam (3rd-5th Grade)
- Campus Closed to Visitors
- ExxonMobil Program for 2nd Graders (Gym)
- Paw Pack Meeting (3:30-5:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, Jan. 29:
- ELA Interim Make-Ups (Absent Students)
Thursday, Jan. 30:
- Wear House Spirit Gear
- Science CUA (5th Grade)
Friday, Jan. 31:
- Grades Due for Progress Report #5
- UIL Tournament (GCM High School)(4:30-9:30 p.m.)
- Wear Travis Spirit Gear OR a UIL Shirt
- PTO Popcorn/Pickle Sales for $1.50 (During Lunches)
Mandatory Student ID Badge Policy
As part of our commitment to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all students, we would like to send out a reminder about implementation of our district's new process for scanning student identification (ID) badges on and off buses beginning this upcoming Monday, January 13, 2025.
ID Badges Requirement
All students in grades 1st through 12th, as well as faculty and staff, are required to wear identification (ID) badges while on campus. These badges are an important part of our safety protocols, helping to ensure that we maintain a secure environment and provide essential services to students throughout the school day. The badges will be used for various purposes, including:
- Bus transportation
- Library access
- Cafeteria purchases
- Identification for safety and security
Kindergarten Students
Students in Kindergarten will receive two badges. One badge will be attached to their backpack, and the other will remain on campus for security and ease of use.
ID Badges for Bus Riders
Students will be expected to wear their ID badges at school and on the bus (if applicable) DAILY starting on Monday, January 13, 2025. They must wear their badge from the current 24-25 school year; last yearβs badge does not have the chip for buses. Students will not be denied entry onto the bus in the mornings if they do not have their ID badge (unless directed by Student Services/campuses due to bus suspensions); however, they must have their badge in the afternoons.
ID Badges for Car Riders, Walkers, & Daycare
Students will be expected to keep their ID badge in the classroom each day in order to not lose or damage the ID. If a badge is lost or has a part that needs replacing, teachers will reach out to a parent or guardian.
Replacement Policy
If a student loses their badge, it is important to purchase a replacement as soon as possible. We cannot begin working on replacing lost or damaged items until money is received to pay for the cost of the replacement. Replacement costs are as follows:
- $5 for a new ID badge
- $1 for a lanyard
- $1 for a badge case
We only accept cash for replacements. Please send or bring money for replacements to Ms. Cullum in the front office.
StopFinder Transportation App
StopFinder is an all-in-one parent app that allows our school district to share your student's transportation schedule, announcements, and more. Stopfinder is secure and only for registered users. GCCISD Transportation will send an invitation by email providing access to log in to the StopFinder app. Please make sure your student's primary contact information, including email, is updated at your student's campus. If you do not receive an invitation email, please contact our StopFinder Call Center/GCCISD Transportation Department at 281-420-4665. By accepting the invitation and downloading the StopFinder app (on the App Store or Google Play), you will be able to view your student's schedule from your mobile device, share student schedules with caregivers and family members, and view announcements and notifications in the StopFinder Message Center (including late bus alerts). Student ID badges are imperative for the app to work properly.
Proper Badge Usage
Students must wear their ID badges visibly around their necks at all times while on campus. Badges should not be defaced or altered in any way. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in disciplinary action.
We appreciate your support and help in implementing this new process and safety protocol for our Giants!
UIL Competition at GCM
On Friday, January 31st, we will have our UIL Competition at GCM High School! All UIL participants will stay immediately after school for the pizza party. Storytelling, Oral Reading, Ready Writing, and Creative Writing will not go to the main event at GCM (unless they have placed and are notified) because they will have their preliminary event on Jan. 15th at Travis. Those students will need to be picked up at 4:30 p.m. from Travis. All others that are competing will travel by bus to GCM at 5 p.m. Parents will need to pick up those students at GCM when their event is complete (approximately 6:30-7:00 p.m.). The main event is closed to parents. There will be a sign-out sheet where the parents will have to sign their student out in-person.
Mid-Year Screeners
Students in grades KG-5 will be taking their mid-year screeners on January 14th , 21st, and 23rd. Due to testing protocols, our campus will be closed to visitors on those days. Please make sure that if your child brings his/her school iPad home, it comes back to school fully charged. We also recommend your child to bring his/her iPad charger in case the device's battery runs low during testing.
ELA Interim (3rd-5th Grade)
House Rally
Weβre thrilled to announce that our next House Rally will take place on Friday, Jan. 10th! π This is a fantastic way for our students to come together, show their house pride, and kick off the new year with excitement and teamwork.
We encourage all students to:
- Wear their house colors with pride!
- Bring signs, banners, or any creative spirit items to cheer on their house.
- Show their enthusiasm as we celebrate the start of an amazing year!
This rally is a wonderful opportunity for our students to connect, build community, and set the tone for a year filled with learning and fun. Thank you for your support in making this event a memorable one for our students. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Spelling Bee Winners
Free Food Resources This Month
We invite our neighbors to enjoy a fresh selection of fruits and vegetables for their households while supplies last. Time may vary. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
**Please be aware that the January 10th distribution has been cancelled.
Don't Forget to Submit Your Background Check!
Background checks must be completed every school year for any adult wanting to volunteer or attend school events. If you have not completed a new background check for this school year, please click the link below to complete a new one and have it submitted in time for our upcoming events in December (such as holiday parties, field trips, etc.). Please remember that adults who submit a background check to attend events or volunteer must also be on each student's contact list that they plan to attend events for.
- Link for background check: https://teams.gccisd.net/volunteer/EntryPointHomeAction.do
- Link to add a contact: https://teams.gccisd.net/registration/#!login
For detailed instructions on how to add someone as a contact, view the document attached to this post. You will want to complete steps 1-4 and then click "next" until you get to the very last screen, where you will then click "confirm registration." (***BEFORE CONFIRMING REGISTRATION: If your student has a photo objection and consequently cannot be posted on our Travis Elementary social media pages, you can review step 7 of the attached document and then uncheck the boxes to remove their photo objection. This will allow us the option to take pictures during events and celebrations and post them to the Travis Facebook and Instagram pages.)
Once a background check has been submitted and the adult has been added to each student's contact list (if applicable), you may send Ms. Guilbeau a message on ParentSquare to be on the lookout for the background check to clear in our GCCISD system. After it does, she will send a ParentSquare message to you to let you know.
Thank you for your continued involvement in your child's educational journey! We are grateful to have each one of you as part of our Tiger Family.
List of GCCISD Student Holidays
Looking Ahead
- Week of Feb. 3-7: National Counselors Week (Celebrate Ms. Erickson!)
- Tuesday, Feb. 4: UIL Awards Ceremony at GCM High School (6:30 p.m.)
- Wednesday, Feb. 5: February Break/No School for Students
- Thursday, Feb. 6: February Break/No School for Students
- Friday, Feb. 7: February Break/No School for Students
- Tuesday, Feb. 11: District Spelling Bee
- Friday, Feb. 14: Valentines Day Parties
- Monday, Feb. 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day
Help With Applying for State Benefits
Call Hearts and Hands of Baytown for an appointment at 832-597-8908 to help you apply for state benefits! The Community Assistance Program provides application assistance for SNAP, TANF, CHIP, CHIP Perinatal, Medicaid, the Medicare Health Savings Program, and the Healthy Texas Women Program. Check out the flyer below for more information!
Flyer- English
Flyer- Spanish
Hearts & Hands Info.
- 307 Cedar Bayou Rd., Baytown, TX
- 832-597-8908
- Heartsandhandsofbaytown@gmail.com
Health Coverage Enrollment Assistance
Need Health Coverage? Certified health navigators from the Houston Food Bank are available to discuss options for affordable health coverage in the Marketplace.
Come in and meet with one of the health enrollment navigators at Hearts and Hands of Baytown on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to learn more about what we offer. All you need to bring is your ID.
Hearts and Hands of Baytown Address: 307 Cedar Bayou Rd., Baytown, TX
Hearts and Hands of Baytown Phone Number: 832-597-8908
School Board Appreciation Month
We Love Our School Board!
Thank you to each member of the GCCISD School Board for putting our staff, students, and families first. We appreciate your dedication and willingness to make our schools a better place!
21 Day Snacking Challenge
Let's encourage healthy snacking habits at home AND at Travis! Join our 21-Day Snacking Challenge. Registration begins January 24th and lasts through the 31st. The challenge will take place from January 31st - February 20th.
Transportation Reminders
-Car Rider Drop-Offs & Pick-Ups: Students being dropped off in the morning as car riders must enter through the Caldwell Street entrance (by the tennis courts). Please see the picture below for more details. The front school entrance from Robin Rd. is for busses and special education (SILC/Life Skills/BIP) drop-offs ONLY. This also applies to afternoon dismissal; students who are car riders must be picked up from the entrance closest to the cafeteria by entering the line from Caldwell St. Gates for afternoon dismissal will open at 3:00 p.m. for parents to begin forming a pick-up line. Please remember to have your child's car tag displayed and visible on your windshield for a more efficient dismissal process. If you forgot your car tag at home or do not yet have a car tag, you must park and go to the front office with your I.D. to pick up your student. Be sure to ask for a car tag if one is needed.
-Bus Rider Information: Stopfinder is an all-in-one parent app that allows our school district to share your student's transportation schedule, announcements, and more. Stopfinder is secure and only for registered users. GCCISD Transportation will send an invitation by email providing access to log in to the Stopfinder app. Please make sure your student's primary contact information, including email, is updated at your student's campus. If you do not receive an invitation email, please contact our Stopfinder Call Center/GCCISD Transportation Department at 281-420-4665. By accepting the invitation and downloading the Stopfinder app (on the App Store or Google Play), you will be able to view your student's schedule from your mobile device, share student schedules with caregivers and family members, and view announcements and notifications in the Stopfinder Message Center (including late bus alerts).
Transportation changes must be in writing & CANNOT be submitted after 2:00 p.m.!
Important Times
What is our House System All About?
Interested in Volunteering?
WHAT are Watch D.O.G.S.?
The Dads of Great Students (WATCH D.O.G.S.) program is one of the nationβs largest and most respected school-based, family, and community engagement organizations in the country. WATCH D.O.G.S. is a family and community engagement educational initiative designed and developed by educators, experts, and parent volunteers over more than two decades. Our program helps provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important. Meanwhile, we provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security, reduce bullying, and provide a greater sense of campus safety--allowing students and teachers to focus on learning.
WHO are Watch D.O.G.S.?
Fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, and other father-figures serving at least one day on campus each year under the leadership of a program coordinator (Mrs. Guilbeau) and under the guidance of a school principal or designated administrator.
January 2025 Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Attendance Tips
Absences, Tardies, and Early Dismissals:
- All excuses must be in writing (verbal not accepted).
- Illness and extenuating circumstances are the only excusable absences.
- 10 parent written excuses are allowed in one year.
- You have 3 days from the date of the absence to turn in a parent written excuse.
- Excuses issued by a doctor are accepted at anytime after absence.
- 6 tardies equal 1 unexcused absence.
- You are allowed only 15 early dismissals in a year.
- 6 unexcused absences warrants a referral to Harris County Court.
When you accumulate 3 unexcused absences you will:
- Receive a court warming to notify you that you are being monitored.
- Receive a phone call from the school.
- Be asked to make an appointment for a school visit or home visit to sign an attendance contract and discuss ways to prevent a court referral.
Any questions regarding attendance can be made to the Attendance Clerk (Ms. Rosas), the Office Clerk (Ms. Jimenez), or the Campus Student Success Specialist (Ms. Guilbeau) at 281-420-4660.
When Do I Send My Student Back After an Illness?
Social Media
Photo Release
We love celebrating the accomplishments of our students. We will post pictures on our social media accounts, website (campus and district), newsletters, yearbook, and etc.
- To have your student's picture in the above forms of publications, you need to allow us to take and publish the pictures.
- Permission is granted by you during online student registration.
- During online student registration, it is common for mistakes to be made that prevent us from taking photos of students.
- You should NOT have the box selected that objects to directory information. The highlighted section below is the section that should not be selected.
Introduction to ParentSquare
Goose Creek CISD uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
Hereβs what you can do with ParentSquare:
- Receive messages from the school via email, text or app notification
- Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once with a daily digest at 6pm
- Communicate in your preferred language
- Comment on school postings to engage with your school community
- Direct message teachers, staff and other parents
- Participate in group messages
- Sign up for parent-teacher conferences
- Sign forms & permission slips, receive report cards, sign up to volunteer and more all from your desktop or mobile device
Weekly Specials Schedule (By Color Group)
William B. Travis Elementary School
Email: megan.guilbeau@gccisd.net
Website: www.gccisd.net/travis
Location: 100 Robin Road, Baytown, TX, USA
Phone: 281-420-4660
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/traviselementarybaytown