PLA@103 Friday Family News
The PLA@103 Phalen Falcons are SOARING TO SUCCESS!
PLA@103 Friday Family News
May 10, 2024
PLA@103 Falcons are Soaring to Success!
PLA@103 news below! Be sure to read and make note of the important information and dates. See more information below regarding SCHOLAR of the MONTH recipients for April, Kindergarten Round-Up, SUMMER ADVANTAGE, YEARBOOKS, FREE Math Resources, HEALTH FAIRS, allergy information from the nurse, PLA University, FREE Laundry Services, FREE tutoring, available healthcare, car rider/walker dismissal, FREE internet access for eligible students, meal assistance, important dates, and more.
APRIL Scholars of the Month Recipients
The following scholars have been chosen as Scholars of the Month for APRIL:
Please join us in congratulating:
Bryan Espinosa
First Grade:
Iham Zamora-Ramos
Second Grade:
Wesley Mercy
Third Grade:
Kechna Charles
Fourth Grade:
Emanuel Huitzel
Fifth Grade:
Sixth Grade:
Staff Member of Month for April
Mr. Stock - Kindergarten
Congratulations to Mr. Stock on being named Staff Member of the Month for April.
It's Time to Register for KINDERGARTEN!
The flyer below was sent home this week! Please look for it.
Will your child be 5 by September 1, 2024?
Or do you know a child who will be 5 by September 1, 2024?
Sign them up for Kindergarten at PLA@103!!
Complete the information below and drop it off at
3920 Baker Drive (or send it in with your older scholar).
Questions? Please call 317-226-4103 to speak with our enrollment coordinator, Mr. Orlando Trujillo.
NEW Indiana SUN Bucks - Summer EBT
It is imperative that you ensure your address is updated in the school's system in order to receive the SUN Bucks cards. If you have moved during this school year, please contact the school to update your address.
It is expected that cards will begin arriving at home addresses in early June if your scholar qualifies and mailing address has been updated.
You will receive $120 for each eligible child on a card that you can use to buy food during the summer at grocery stores, farmers markets, and other authorized retailers. If you receive more than $120 per eligible child in your household, do not use the benefits, and contact https://idoe.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/11 as soon as possible to confirm or correct the error.
SUN Bucks will be mailed to you at the most recent address we have on file for your household. SUN Bucks benefits will be available for use by June 1, 2024, and must be used no later than 122 days after card issuance, after which the benefits will no longer be available. Receiving SUN Bucks will not affect children or families’ immigration status.
If your address has changed this year contact the school at 317-226-4103 by May 1, 2024 to ensure your benefit card is sent to the right address. If you do not wish to participate in SUN Bucks, please submit to the online SUN Bucks help form: https://idoe.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/11.
In addition to SUN Bucks the children under 18 years of age in your household can also receive free meals during the summer at a summer meal site. You can call 1-866-3-HUNGRY or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (or text 914-342-7744 with the keyword “summer meals”) to find the location closest to you.
If you have questions, you can contact the school at 317-226-4103.
Scan the QR Code for More Information Regarding the Sun Bucks Program
Summer Advantage is June 10-July 12
Parents, if you missed the 1st mandatory parent meeting, please contact
Mr. Orlando @ 317-226-4103 or otrujillo@phalenacademies.org
It's Not Too Late to Sign Up for SUMMER ADVANTAGE
Enrollment papers have been sent home!
You may also visit the link below to enroll or call 866-924-7226 (Ext 9 for Spanish)
Summer Advantage USA is a non-profit organization that runs high-quality summer learning programs for children in grades K-8. The program focuses on academics and enrichment aiming to provide children access to summer learning that helps them succeed in school, stimulates their dreams for the future, and helps them develop as leaders in their communities.
If you have questions, you may call Mr. Orlando at 317-226-4103
Yearbooks Available NOW!
2023-2024 Yearbook are Now ON SALE!
Get your 2023-2024 yearbooks before they're gone!
Bring your $20 to the Coaches' Office to purchase your yearbook.
Supplies are limited so get your copy now!
FREE Math Resources at C.A.F.E.
TOMORROW! Don't Miss Out!
C.A.F.E. is excited to share their next FREE Math Circle for all scholars in grades K-8 on Saturday, May 11th between 9-11am. As always, learning math is fun and engaging for students, parents, and caretakers plus you do not want to miss this special "Mothers in MATH" edition. Click here for the registration link.
8902 38th Street
We are excited to have the C.A.F.E Community Center on the Far Eastside to host us for this session. We will provide breakfast, fun games and all scholar attendees have the opportunity to win prizes in grades K-8. These sessions are for every child on any levels of understanding of math. We are helping our kiddos to grow their love of math skills on all levels. There is limited space so register now and plan to attend tomorrow, May 11.
HEALTH FAIR Information
IPS Family Academy Health & Fitness Festival
Saturday, May 11, 2024 | 12:30-4:00 p.m. at Northwest Middle School, 5525 W. 34th Street.
We're excited for you to join us for the May Family Academy Health & Fitness Festival on
Saturday, May 11, from 1- 4 p.m.; with check-in beginning at 12:30 p.m.
at Northwest Middle School, 5525 W. 34th Street.
This is a FREE event that welcomes families to enjoy fun and engaging fitness classes, samples from local health businesses, fitness swag bags (one swag bag per family), information about our IPS health initiatives and more!
During this event you will be able to do two 20 minute exercise classes as a family or individually. To conclude our Health & Fitness Festival, we will come together in the gym for a community workout. Come join us for a day of fitness, family and fun!
Questions about this event?
Please reach out to Ashley Beverly at beverlya@myips.org or 463-246-4222.
Culture of Health
Click HERE to get more information about the Indiana Black & Minority Health Fair.
It's Allergy Season
FREE Flag Football Opportunity
Co-Ed 7 vs. 7 Flag Football Showdown
Grades 3 & 4 Students Only
Register HERE
Registration: Saturday, May 18
9am-12pm at JRP Auditorium
4352 Mitthoefer Road,
Indianapolis, IN 46235
Games will be played at JRP on the outside Turf Field.
Everything is COMPLETELY FREE! Free equipment usage, free registration, no hidden fees, etc.
Liability forms will be filled out during registration.
Games will be played starting at 10:00am on Saturday mornings.
PLA University - A Free Resource
Click HERE for more information.
PLA's goal is to not only serve our scholars but also support our communities.
PLA University , free workforce development program, provides an excellent opportunity for adults 18 and up to increase their salaries, start new careers and build brighter futures for their families. This program is FREE to any family member of PLA network scholars and can serve as an excellent enrollment and retention feature!
PLA University Career Pathways include (*Program offerings vary by location):
- Agriculture (9 Careers*) (Agricultural Mechanic, Veterinarian Technician, Veterinarian Assistant, etc.)
- Advanced Manufacturing (7 Careers*) (Material Handling, Quality Assurance and Control, RV or Diesel Technician, etc.)
- Building & Construction (12 Careers*) (Heavy Equipment Operator, Electrical Technician, HVAC Technician, Welding Specialist, etc.)
- Business & IT Services (15 Careers*) (Help Desk Technician, Software Developer, Cyber Security Analyst, etc.)
- Healthcare and Life Sciences (19 Careers*) (Certified Medical Assistant, Certified Nursing Assistant, Certified Dental Assistant, etc.)
- Transportation & Logistics (8 Careers)* (Commercial Drivers Licenses CDL-A and CDL-B, Freight Broker/Manager, etc.)
- Entrepreneurship (Infinite*) (Start your own business)
- Other Career Pathway*
FREE Laundry Services
Laundry and More is offering free washing services every Tuesday.
Place: Laundry and More https://laundryandmore.org/
Time and Date: Every Tuesday FREE Washing services from 10-12 pm
Location: 4212 N. Post Rd.
Phone number: 317-823-9580
Uniform Policy Reminder
Please Make Note of Our Uniform Policy
Please see the information below regarding our uniform policy.
As a reminder, scholars are NOT allowed to wear sweatpants.
Free Tutoring Opportunity
Educational Tutorial Services is providing free tutorial services in conjunction with
IndianaLearns.org for youth in grades 3rd through 8th. We provide a statewide, virtual program in
Math and Reading, with unlimited hours through June 30th 2023. Youth must be on free or
reduced lunches, reside in Indiana, attend an accredited Indiana school and performed below
proficiency in Math or Language Arts on the ILEARN test during the 2023 school year.
Please email Lisa at info@edtutorial.services for assistance in signing up for the program.
If you are in need of a device for virtual tutoring, free tablets are available.
Healthcare Opportunity
A Note About Morning Drop-Off
If you bring your child to school after 8:15 am, you must walk your child into the office and sign them in.
Car Rider and Walker Dismissal
Attention Parents & Guardians
If your child is a car rider, please get in the car rider line, stay in your car, and give your car rider number to the staff member on the corner.
If your child is a walker, they will be dismissed with walkers.
If your child is a car rider, but you opt to walk to school to walk them home, please call the office before 1:30pm (317-226-4103) to change the way your scholar is expected to go home that day. Otherwise, they will not be called until walkers are dismissed.
Si su hijo viaja en automóvil, hágase en la fila de pasajeros en automóvil, quédese en su automóvil y proporcione su número de pasajero en automóvil al miembro del personal en la esquina.
Si su hijo camina, saldrá con andadores.
Si su hijo viaja en automĂłvil, pero usted opta por caminar a la escuela para acompañarlo a casa, llame a la oficina antes de la 1:30 p. m. (317-226-4103) para cambiar la forma en que se espera que su estudiante regrese a casa ese dĂa. De lo contrario, no serán llamados hasta que los caminantes hayan sido despedidos.
Si pitit ou a se yon pasaje machin, tanpri antre nan liy pasaje machin nan, rete nan machin ou, epi bay manm pèsonèl la nimewo pasaje machin ou nan kwen an.
Si pitit ou a se yon mache, yo pral ranvwaye yo ak mache.
Si pitit ou a se yon machin, men ou chwazi pou ale lekòl pou mache ale lakay ou, tanpri rele biwo a anvan 1:30 pm (317-226-4103) pou chanje fason etidyan ou espere ale lakay ou jou sa a. Sinon, yo p ap rele yo jiskaske yo ranvwaye moun k ap mache.
Do NOT Drop Off Scholars Before 7:20 a.m.
Pick Up Begins at 2:00 - No Later than 2:35pm
Free Internet Access for Eligible K-12 Students
Access to the internet is access to opportunity. We are committed to using our network as a force for good to help connect 10 million students.
Click HERE to apply for your child. It only takes 5 minutes to apply and you’ll have it for 5 years. Plus, there are no annual fees or re-certifications.
Indy Parks Meal Programs
Since 2013, almost 3 million meals have been served to nearby communities.
After-School Meal Program
- Open to ALL youth 18 and under, they must be present and eat the meal on-site.
- Available Monday - Friday.
- Locations (listed below) are all around Marion County.
- Free, no registration necessary.
- Find more information and locations HERE.
Drive and Dish
See the flyer below for more information regarding this program.
Upcoming dates, please mark your calendar:
April 15-May 10, 2024 - ILEARN for Gr. 3-6
May 17, 2024 - Holiday World
May 27, 2024 - Memorial Day, No School
May 30, 2024 - Talent Show (one performance during the day, one performance in the evening)
May 31, 2024 - Field Day
June 3, 2024 - 6th grade promotion
June 4, 2024 - Kindergarten promotion
June 5, 2024- LAST DAY of School, 11:20am Early Dismissal
June 10- July 12, 2024- SUMMER ADVANTAGE