Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, August 2024
Work Session
Ms. Pat Greco, of Huron Studer Education, provided an overview of the Strategic Planning process she will facilitate in partnership with the District. This work will entail gathering and analyzing feedback from staff, students and community members while working with a Strategic Planning team to define priorities in alignment with the District’s Tenets of Progressive Education, Portraits of a Graduate and Educator, mission, and vision. A new plan is anticipated in spring 2025, following Board review.
Regular Board Meeting
Dan Waters, President, thanked the Administration and team members who have been involved in summer work, particularly to ensure that Phase II of Referendum-funded Construction projects is complete. Mr. Waters welcomed the 35 new staff members and 245 new students who will join The Winnetka Public Schools community this year.
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, shared the milestones in the Construction process that have been met this summer. She noted that the evening’s meeting was being held in the newly completed multi-purpose space at Hubbard Woods School. Dr. Tess thanked Director of Student Services, Equity and Inclusion, Ms. Jackie Schwartz; Director of Innovation, Teaching and Learning, Mr. Patrick Dawson; and the Extended School Year Team, as well as New Trier for offering space to host the program. Dr. Tess also recognized Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Professional Learning, Mr. Jeff Knapp, and Washburne special education teacher Mr. Chris Joob for their efforts planning new teacher orientation. She noted the excitement surrounding welcoming students and colleauges back to campus.
Reports on the following Committees were shared by participating Board Members:
Crow Island Stewardship Meeting
Finance Subcommittee Meeting
Steve Wilt, Chief School Business Official, presented Fiscal Year 2025 Tentative Budget, including information regarding changes to the Preliminary Budget and areas of potential change before the Final Budget. The Board approved the Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2025. The Tentative Budget will be on display for 30 days prior to the approval of the Final Budget hearing on September 24, 2024.
Informational Items
Bulley & Andrews shared an Executive Summary on construction, focusing on progress that has been made over the summer months.
The board received an update regarding the Extended School Year (ESY) program that was held from June 20-July 25 this summer at New Trier High Schools Northfield Campus. Next year, all summer programs will be back in session on The Winnketa Public Schools campus, which includes Adventures in Learning and Extended School Year.
Updated Staffing Plan for the 2024/2025 School Year
The Board received the August enrollment and staffing updates for the 2024/2025 school year. It is noted that enrollment is currently at 1742 students compared to 1707 (2% increase) in 2023/2024. Recommendations for the addition of staff and re-allocation of staff are included with explanation to the staffing plan. The District will continue to monitor enrollment closely in order to match staffing with student needs.
From August 5 to August 8, staff members from Greeley, Skokie, and Washburne Schools attended the STRIVE Training series. The series provided hands-on, interactive, in-person workshops focused on bringing evidence-based practices to students. Staff who attended included special and general education teachers, social workers, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and building administrators. In addition, staff from Avoca School District 37 and Kenilworth School District 38 attended the professional development opportunity. The training was held at New Trier High School’s Northfield Campus.
Yondr Implementation: Personal Technology On Campus
The Board approved a new system called Yondr to manage personal technology (smartphone, smartwatch and/or airpods/earbuds) at Skokie and Washburne Schools, effective at the start of the 2024/2025 school year. This decision was made to address concerns expressed by both educators and parents and will now require students to store personal technology during school hours. While K-4 schools will not be utilizing the Yondr system, the rule regarding personal technology on campus applies at Winnetka Public Schools sites and will be enforced.
Board Resolution condemning Hate Speech
This memo includes the recommendation for a motion to approve a resolution condemning hate speech and affirming a district-wide commitment to a culture of safety and belonging.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
FY25 Tentative Budget
Yondr Pouch Purchase Approval
Intra-District Transfer Requests
Intergovernmental Agreement for Shared Services between Glencoe School District 35 and The Winnetka Public Schools District 36
Resolution Condemning Hate and Affirming a Commitment to a Culture of Safety & Belonging
Resolution Approving Change Orders
To view the entire Board Packet from the August 20, 2024 Meeting, click here.