NCS Family Newsletter
December, 2024
Upcoming Events
12/11/2024 Tour for Incoming Families 9-10am
12/11/2024 K/1 Zoo to You visitors here at school
12/12/2024 Outdoor Learning - New Glarus Woods State Park
12/13/2024 2/3 Field trip to Aldo Leopold Nature Center
12/17/2024 Virtual Governance Council Meeting 6-8pm on Zoom
12/18/2024 5th grade field trip to the high school 10-11am
12/19/2024 Outdoor Learning - State Capitol and Henry Vilas Zoo
12/19/2024 January newsletter info due to Miss Amelia by Noon
12/19/2024 Texas Roadhouse fundraiser night
12/20/2024 District wide Sparkle Day
12/23/2024 - 1/1/2025 Winter Break
1/2/2025 School Resumes
1/2/2025 Outdoor Learning
Dinosaurs Before Dark
Did you get a chance to see the VACT production of Dinosaurs Before Dark? Wasn't it awesome?!? It featured several of our New Century Charter School students. If you'd like to stay in the loop of local children's theater, VACT's website is a great place to start.
Winter Gear Reminder
Here is a quick winter weather and winter gear reminder for us all (yes, it's about that time of year!). We'd love your help in having what we need here for success at recess:
- Hat
- Mittens/gloves
- Heavy coat with sleeves
- Snow pants
- Boots
VAHS Food Drive
Outreach and Recruitment
Let's do all we can to help grow our New Century School family.
Upcoming events for us include:
Wednesday, December 11 9-10am - In person tour
Thursday, January 9th 6-7pm - VASD Kindergarten Night
Friday, January 17th 7:45-8:45am - In person tour
Please sign up on this sheet to help share your time at these events. Supporting these opportunities, and spreading the word to potential incoming families, are so important and we appreciate you. Thank you!
Governance Council Election Results
Governance Council Election Results
We are excited to announce the results of the recent Governance Council elections! Brit Ben-Zikri, Pat Gumieny, MaryRuth Kotelnicki, and Erin Shea-Paljieg have been elected to serve 2-year seats on the council. Additionally, Hannah Bassetti has been elected to a 1-year at-large seat. Congratulations to all our new members, and thank you to everyone who participated in this important process!
Helpful Reminders
In this time of giving thanks, we wanted to share our gratitude for all you do for our school community and ask that on Giving Tuesday this year, you consider extending that support with a contribution to New Century Charter School’s annual fundraising goals. If you are able, please send funds to PayPal @New Century School Community Inc, or a check made out to:
New Century School Community Inc.
PO Box 930454
Verona, WI 53593
Checks and cash may also be dropped off in the school office. Please note that in order to be tax deductible, all donations must be made to our non-profit, New Century School Community Inc, rather than to the school directly.
Calling All Bookworms!
Where have you been reading? At the dentist? With your chicken? On the beach? Please share a photo by emailing our Library Director, Ms. Roltgen, at roltgent@verona.k12.wi.us You may be featured on social media, in the library, or in a future edition of the newsletter!
Sora Reading Info
Your school library is happy to provide Sora, a reading app for students that offers age-appropriate e-books and audio books, for all NCS/VAIS students and staff! If your student brings home their school device, they can access Sora by going to Clever and looking under Library Resources.
Here are the instructions for downloading Sora to a home device. Students will use their school email addresses and three-letter passwords (they should know these - if not, Ms. Roltgen can help) to log in.
In library classes, students have learned how to borrow e-books and audio books, place holds, browse the collections, search for titles of interest, check their bookshelf, and personalize their profile. K-1 learners have been enjoying the "Read Along With Me" collection which allows them to see the pictures and watch the highlighted words as a narrator reads the book to them.
Going on a road trip? Sora titles can be checked out and downloaded ahead of time so no internet access is required while using the app. If you have any questions or trouble accessing Sora, please contact our Library Director, Ms. Roltgen, at roltgent@verona.k12.wi.us. Happy e-reading and listening!
NCS T-Shirt Sale - Orders due December 6
We are selling our custom NCS shirts to show your school spirit. This year we have a selection of premium long sleeve, short sleeve and pull over sweatshirts. Please indicate what you would like to order using the form here, due by Friday, December 6th. Share this link with family and friends! Orders will be sent home with your child or you may pick them up at school. Sadly, orders cannot be processed without payment, so go online to help pay and for more info. We're excited to see you in your new gear!
Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser Night - December 19
Hey, take a look! We are doing a restaurant night at Texas Roadhouse on Thursday, December 19th. Support NCS from 3-8pm at the 10% donation night. We'll send a Blackboard email reminder on Tuesday, December 17th to remind everyone. You'll want to bring that flier in that email or that email on your phone with you to confirm your dinner that night goes to NCS. Thanks always, for supporting our school and our fundraising efforts!
Save the date! April 11, 2025
NCS and VAIS shared Glow Dance Night in Friday, April 11, 2025 5:30-7:30pm in our school gym!
Join us for a glowing night with DJ Brent spinning tunes on his tables, princesses ready to party with us and free pizza and drinks. Wear your bright white and neon clothes and dancing shoes! Magical treats will also be for sale and kids get to enjoy glitter tattoos and more!
VASD Elementary School Family Handbook
The VASD Elementary School Family Handbook is a good resource for families. Families are encouraged to review this information and refer to it throughout the school year. It is also available on our website.
Volunteer Background Check
We love adult volunteers. Remember that in order to volunteer in a way that you'll be with students, you need a background check. This includes field trip chaperones. Here is the background check form for all volunteers.
Savvas Reading Program
This year starts our use of the Savvas program. This meets the standards of the new Wisconsin legislation, which is a requirement for our school, integrates reading and writing, and promotes reading topics across themes. Because it is the same curriculum adopted by the rest of the district, the funding will come from VASD rather than our school funding. Our teachers are amazing and will be assessing how well this program meets our students' and teachers' needs for improvement, growth, and autonomy.
Outdoor Learning Volunteers Appreciated
Outdoor learning is planned for Thursday mornings. Adult volunteers are needed! If you have availability, check if there's a time that works for you: Outdoor Learning SignUp Genius
Get your Bucky Book Here!
Bucky Books are on sale currently: $35/each
Please reach out to Jen to purchase your book today. We are happy to send home in your child's backpack or Jen can drop it off within the Verona area.
Bucky Books can also be purchased online and shipped directly to the you here. (There is a slightly lower return rate to the school for online sales.)
Communication with Teachers
Is your child well enough to be in school?
It is not always easy to decide if your child is sick enough to stay home or well enough to be in school. Children who come to school are expected to participate fully in school activities including recess and physical education. A doctor’s note is required for any activity restriction.
Looking for Another Way to Connect
Have you joined the New Century School Parent Community Facebook Group?
Current and incoming families are welcome to join “New Century School Parent Community” on Facebook. This is a great place to post summer events and pop-up playdates. This is also a great resource for new parents/guardians to ask any questions they may have.
Additionally, please like and follow our New Century School Facebook page here.
If your student is ill, has an early morning appointment, or will be late arriving to school for another reason, in addition to notifying their classroom teacher please make sure that you one of the following PRIOR TO THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY:
1) EMAIL NCS Attendance: ncs-attendance@verona.k12.wi.us
2) CALL the office at (608) 845-4500
Please do not email the school secretaries directly, we appreciate it! The attendance line/email is the best way to communicate with school.
Change of Clothes
And, always, we will happily take your donations of gently used sweatpants and bottoms that have stretchy waists. All colors, sizes, patterns are appreciated.
Need assistance with lunch costs?
Check out our online NCS Google Public Calendar
Here is the link to a Google Public Calendar with this year’s updated NCS events:
This calendar will be updated continually throughout the year with school events, such as swim, Picture Day, Back to School Night, field trips, parent/teacher conferences, days off of school, Governance Council meetings, and so much more! We hope that this will make things easier for you!
Bridging Brighter Smiles
The Bridging Brighter Smiles program is a safe, affordable, accessible way to meet a dental hygienist... right here in Verona Area School District!
Learn more at https://bridgingbrightersmiles.org/
Volunteer Corner
Staff Appreciation and National Cookie Day - Dec 4
Let's show our appreciation for our teachers and staff at NCS and VAIS on Wednesday, December 4th, which is also National Cookie Day! There are two ways you can help:
1. Bake cookies or other treats for our wonderful staff. All the staff will receive a cookie tin so they can collect different treats to take home!
2. Volunteer to be a Super Helper in a teacher's classroom.
Sunshine Committee
For more information and to assist in bringing sunshine to our community please contact Tiffani Roltgen at roltgent@verona.k12.wi.us or Hannah Merryfield at merryfih@verona.k12.wi.us.