The Doty Digest
Principal's Corner
January 31, 2025
Greetings Doty Families,
The decision to cancel the pie breakfast was not an easy one to make. We discussed it Thursday evening and planned to move forward. This morning we received reports of more students with high fevers and flu-like symptoms. I consulted with Nurse Dot and made the decision to cancel. A social event with food is just too risky with this many bugs around. We are hopeful we can reschedule in March!
I’ve just seen a preview of the Annual Report. Writing it is one of my favorite parts of being principal here. I really enjoy reflecting back on the year and all we have done. While we will always have room for growth, there is so much to be proud of here!
I’m imagining that Governor Scott’s announcement is raising all sorts of questions for folks. We have loads of questions as well. We are watching the legislature with increased interest. I really have nothing to report, there is so much that we don’t know, and won’t know for some time. I would caution people against believing everything that they hear. This is one of those situations that seems designed to create rumors and misinformation. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you hear things that you aren’t sure about. I will do my best to answer questions as clearly as possible and there will likely be many times that I respond that I don’t know what the actual answer is.
I hope that everyone has a restful weekend and that we can get all these darn bugs to leave Doty!
As always, thank you for sharing your students with us!
Learning About Permafrost from Local Scientist!
Thank you local scientist & teacher Ross Lieblappen (also a parent of a Doty Kindergartener), and student Eliza for teaching 5/6 about permafrost and sharing science and stories about your travels to frozen parts of Earth with us! We really enjoyed this visit!