Susie Dasher Elementary School
Week of October 7, 2024
Saddle Up with PRIDE - 🐎
Greetings, STEAM Family:
We hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend! We are looking forward to a productive week at SDE. Please check out the information below to make sure you stay in the know, and plan your schedules accordingly!
Who are we?.... (You know the rest!)
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parents, it's time to schedule your annual Fall Parent-Teacher Conference with your child's teacher(s). Please note due to the impact of Hurricane Helene, the district's window has since been updated to Monday, October 21st through Friday, November 1st.
Because we believe early and ongoing engagement by family and the community is critical to success, SDE's goal is 100% parent attendance & participation in our Fall Conferences. Also, as noted on the flyer below, please remember students MUST have a parent/guardian to attend the parent/teacher conference, in addition to meeting remaining criteria, to participate in our upcoming Fall Festival!
Family Engagement Night
Daily Reminders for SDE!
ATTENDANCE MATTERS - Parents, please make sure your child maintains regular attendance and arrives to school in a timely manner. Students are tardy at 8:15 am. Five (5) tardies and/or early dismissals count as one (1) unexcused absence. Student attendance will be a part of criteria used to determine eligibility for school-wide celebrations. Remember, every minute really counts!
- Weekly grade level newsletters will be sent home each Monday, so please check your child's folder and/or book bag.
- All book bags must be CLEAR or MESH.
- The dress code will be enforced DAILY at SDE! Any "Dress Down" days will be communicated in advance. Repeated dress code violations will result in students becoming ineligible to participate in school-wide and/or classroom PRIDE celebrations and events! Please make sure your child adheres to the required dress code. Remember, the P in PRIDE stands for "Personal Responsibility".
Additional Information
Student Handbook & Code of Conduct
Use the QR code below to check out the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct for 2024-2025.
Hard copies are available upon request. Please contact our office at 478-353-8250.
Student Birthday Celebrations
2024-2025 District Theme
Monday, October 7 - Wednesday, October 9: POST Common Formative Assessment Administration
Tuesday, October 8 : 1st & 3rd Grade Field Trip - GA National Fair (Perry, GA)
Wednesday, October 9: 2nd Grade Field Trip (Golden Ticket Cinemas)
Thursday, October 10: Teacher Work Day (Professional Learning); NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Friday, October 11 - Monday, October 14: FALL BREAK (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS/STAFF)
Tuesday, October 15: Students and Staff Return
Tuesday, October 15: 1st Nine Weeks Report Cards will be sent home
Tuesday, October 15 - Friday, October 18: Pre Common Formative Assessment Administration (2nd Nine Weeks)
Tuesday, October 21 - Friday, November 1st: IN-PERSON Parent Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, October 22 - Thursday, October 23: Student Dental Screenings
Thursday, October 24: Continuous Improvement Fall Impact Check / Family Engagement Night
Thursday, October 24: Bowers & Loyd Classes' Field Trip (Skills 4 Life) - HGRESA
SAVE THE DATE - Friday, November 1st
Fall Festival & 1st Nine Weeks PRIDE Celebration
*Detailed information will be sent home with each student.