HES Clubs
2022 - 2023
*CLUB Dismissal Location - ALL Afternoon Clubs Dismiss from the Car Line. Club Leads will notify parents of any changes.
Tryouts: TBA (Typically 2nd Semester)
Club Info: TBA
2. FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) – Cunningham
Registration: Email Mrs. Cunningham to Register, mcunningham@mcssk12.org
Meeting Dates: See You at the Pole (SYATP) Sept. 28
Meeting Place: Mrs. Cunningham’s Room 246
Meeting Time: 7:00 – 7:30 a.m.
Grade Levels: 3rd - 5th Graders
FCA Questions: mcunningham@mcssk12.org
3. GNC (Good News Club)
Club Info: TBA
4. GreenPower USA Goblin Car Club
Club Info: TBA
5. Harvest Dance Club
Club Info: TBA
6. NEHS (National Elementary Honor Society)
Club Info: TBA
7. Running Club
Club Info: TBA
8. WHES News Show Club = Owen & Bodine
Registration: Teacher Selected
Meeting Info: TBA
Grade Level: 5th Graders
WHES Questions: cowen@mcssk12.org
Harvest Elementary School
Email: cowen@mcssk12.org
Website: https://www.madison.k12.al.us/Schools/hes/default.aspx
Location: 8845 Wall Triana Hwy, Harvest, AL, United States
Phone: 256-851-4590
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Harvest-Elementary-School
Twitter: @harvestelem