Rooted in Christ @ola
August 30, 2024
Together in Learning and Faith
New OLA Mission Statement
"Our Lady of the Angels Catholic School is committed to nurturing the hearts and minds of young learners in a faith-filled environment.”
Welcome Back to the first week of School!
This year our theme is "Rooted in Christ" - “I am the vine; you are the branches…bear much fruit, and become my disciples.” John 15:5-8
This theme encourages us to realize that Jesus is the vine, the true source of life for us believers. We are branches connected to Him, drawing that life from Him as branches draw the necessary nutrients to survive and flourish. We invite you to reflect upon how we as a school community can grow together with gratitude and embrace change.
God Bless!
This Week at OLA
Monday, September 2nd
- Labour Day - no school
Tuesday, September 3rd
- First Day of School for all Grade 1 - 4 students
Wednesday, September 4th - wear School colours! (blue and white)
- Early Dismissal - 2:15pm
Thursday, September 5th
- First day of class for TTH kindergarten
Friday, September 6th
- First day of class for MW kindergarten
- First Faith Assembly - 9am (Everyone welcome)
Looking Ahead...
Thursday, September 12th
- Meet the Staff BBQ (hot dog and drink) - 5:30 - 6:30
- Faith Assembly - 9 am (Everyone Welcome)
- Terry Fox Run - 11 am (Bring a "Toonie for Terry")
- Fort Saskatchewan Opening School Mass (time TBD)
- Faith Assembly - 9 am (Everyone Welcome)
- Orange Shirt Day
- Truth and Reconciliation Day - No school
Early Dismissal is this Wednesday, September 4th!
School is out at 2:15pm on the first Wednesday of each month.
New Bell Schedule
The doors will open when the first bell rings at 8:35 am and dismissal is 3:14 pm. Morning supervision begins at 8:30 am.
If you arrive after 8:35 am, please take your child to the front door and ring the doorbell to contact the office.
Bell schedule is on our website - ola@eics.ab.ca
Parking, Drop off, Pick ups: Our students' safety is our number one priority
For the safety of all OLA students, there are a few very important parking, drop off and pick up protocols to follow. We encourage the use of the sidewalks and crosswalks. The students should walk and wait at their entrance door and stay away from the parking lot.
We have some visitor parking stalls at the side of the school. These stalls are available on a first-come, first serve basis. Please do not park in the parking stalls across from the parking lot. These are private driveways. Also, do not park in the bus area during bus drop off and pick up times.
Thank-you for your cooperation and commitment to keeping our kids safe. Remember, student safety will always trump convenience.
If you wish to register your child for the bus or have any questions about bussing, please contact the Student Transportation Department of EIPS at (780) 417-8151 or st@eips.ca.
Meet the Staff BBQ -Thursday, September 12th from 5:30-6:30
Meet the OLA 2024 - 2025 Staff, visit your child's classroom and tour the school!
We hope to see you there!
OLA Team for 2024-2025
We are so excited to share our amazing OLA team for the 2024-2025 school year. Here are the staff members who will be learning and growing together with you and your children! Welcome back so many familiar faces, and welcome to the newest members of the OLA Team!
Pre-K: Mrs. Andrea Boyle
Kindergarten: Ms. Jordan Lakeman
Cogito Kindergarten: Mrs. Lesley Holt
Grade 1: Mrs. Tara Kucy
Cogito Grade 1/2: Miss Kiera O'Toole
Grade 2: Ms. Stanna Kelava
Cogito Grade 2/3: Ms. Jenna Tichkowsky
Grade 3: Mrs. Andrea Perry
Cogito Grade 4: Mrs. Stephanie Bennett
Grade 4: Ms. Nicole Cyca
Music: Mrs. Michele Yuzdepski/Ms. Nicole Cyca
Collaborative Response Coordinator: Mrs. Andrea Boyle
Family Wellness Worker: Mrs. Eleanor Heesing
Chaplain: Mrs. Andrea Perry
Library Tech: Mrs. May-Lee Buban
Daytime Caretaker: Mrs. Connie Gordon
Evening Caretaker: Mr. Roger Limon
Secretary: Mrs. Paula Rumley
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Stephanie Bennett
Principal: Mrs. Michele Yuzdepski
Educational Assistants:
Pre Kindergarten: Mrs. Jessica Woitas
Pre Kindergarten: Mrs. Roxanne Kellogg
School Support: Mrs. Kim Liber
Thank-you for your continued trust in all we do!
What a Day at OLA
Welcome Back!
Recess Fun!
2024 - 2025 Demographic Validation Form
All returning students are required to fill out the 2024-2025 Demographic Validation Form. Having the most up-to-date information about our students ensures that we receive all available funding to support your child's learning as well as current information to reach you during the day if necessary.
If you have not already done so, we ask that you please complete this form in PowerSchool
You can follow these steps to access, review and submit the form:
1. Log into PowerSchool at https://eics.powerschool.com/
2. Under the “Forms & Fees” menu click “School Engage Student Forms”
3. Students - Select your child’s name (please complete one form for each child)
4. Click on the word “New” beside the form name A.8) 2024-2025 Demographic Validation
Video tutorial link (**from 2021-2022) on how to complete the form https://www.eics.ab.ca/parents-and-students/powerschool-log-in
Thank you in advance for completing these forms so your child experiences the full learning benefits at OLA Catholic School.
Please contact our secretary at 780-998-3716 if you have any questions.
School Council
School Council supports... Mathletics, recess equipment, Library/Learning Commons, and much more.
Joining School Council meetings allows you to work closely with parents, teachers and the school leadership team to plan and implement enhanced programming and special events for students and our school community!
To connect with your OLA School Council, please email schoolcouncil.ola@gmail.com.
The minutes from the June meeting are on the OLA website.
Next meeting is in September!
Nutrition Program
Volunteer for Nutrition Program
We are excited to announce that once again this year we will be participating in Alberta's Healthy School Nutrition Program.
Healthy Schools is a commitment by government to support student health & learning outcomes by encouraging schools to adopt a comprehensive school health approach to promote student wellness through increased levels of physical activity, healthy eating and positive mental health.
Through this program your student will be provide with a healthy snack every day.
We will be starting our Program in October. Until then students will be able to access Apples and granola bars.
Sacramental Prep Offered After School 2024-2025
We are so blessed to be able to have our school and parish work together to walk with you and your child on their Sacramental Journeys. Father Abraham and our Sacramental Prep team will be offering Sacramental Prep classes at OLA after school from 3:15 - 3:45 on the following dates:
First Reconciliation Prep Classes
October 3, 7,8,9,10,11,15 and 16 (At OLA)
First Holy Communion Prep Classes
October 17, 21, 24, 25, 28, 30 (At OLA)
First Reconciliation Nov 2nd at the Church OLA at 10:30am
First Holy Communion Nov 3rd at the Church OLA at 3:00pm
More information can be found at https://www.olafortsask.caedm.ca/Sacraments
E-mail registration forms to: olangels.ftsask@caedm.ca (We accept e-transfer of fees to the same email address.)
Assistance for Jasper and Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Parish
The Archdiocese has set up a special fund to collect donations in support of the Our Lady of the Lourdes parishioners who were affected by the Jasper wildfire.
Please read letter from the Archbishop to find out more.
Donations can be made by cheque to the "The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton – Jasper Fund" or via
the donation button marked Jasper Fund on the Archdiocesan website:
Community Events
Check out the Fall 2024 What's On! Guide for details on what's happening at the Fort Saskatchewan Library this season. From early literacy programs like Saturday Story times, children's programs like STEM Sundays, tween and teen programs like After School Gaming Club, and lots of adult programs from Podcasting 101 to Genealogy programs, we think we've covered just about everything this season!
Classes fill up quickly, but don’t hesitate to join the waitlist. If you are on a waitlist, you'll be notified as soon as a spot opens up! And, waitlists let us know what's popular - when possible, we will add even more amazing programs!
Our Lady of the Angels School
Fort Saskatchewan, AB
T8L 1W7
Email: ola@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://ola.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 9622 Sherridon Drive, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada
Phone: (780)998-3716
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLASchoolFtSask