Weekly Newsletter
September 18th, 2023
August 26 -August 30
Happening this week...
General Annoucements
WesFest and College Fair
Modesto Junior College will be hosting their WesFest and College Fair on Wednesday, August 28th from 5-7pm on the West Campus. There will be live music, over 50 Colleges and complimentary food and Swag.
PSAT Registration
PSAT Registration is now open. Students can sign up in the SBO before school, during lunch, or after school. It is free for Juniors and $18 for 9th & 10th grade students. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Aguilera in the counseling office.
Club Day
Join a club! Come out to the office courtyard this Wednesday during lunch and see all of the clubs Davis has to offer. Get involved!
Quarter 4 Academic Incentive Distribution
Students who earned Gold, Silver, and Bronze Academic Incentives from Quarter 4 of last year are invited to get a free ice cream sandwich on Friday during lunch. (Please note that this distribution will only be for grades 10-12. The next one will include all grades!)
Student Senate
Join Student Senate! Talk to your 2nd period teacher this week if you are interested in being a part of this year's student senate. The first student senate meeting is next Wednesday, September 4th.
Monday- 08/26
Tuesday- 08/27
Wednesday- 08/28 Minimum Day
Club Day!
Check out all of our amazing clubs on campus during our club day during lunch located in the office courtyard.
Thursday- 08/29
College & Career
Spartans, make sure to wear your favorite College T-shirts every Thursday of the week.
Friday- 08/30
Wear Spirit!
Wear Green and Gold every Friday!
Quarter 4 Academic Distribution
Students who earned Gold, Silver, and Bronze Academic Incentives from Quarter 4 of last year are invited to get a free ice cream sandwich today during lunch. (Please note that this distribution will only be for grades 10-12. The next one will include all grades!)
Saturday, 08/31 & Sunday, 09/01
Upcoming Events
- 9/4- 1st Student Senate meeting