JAMS Weekly Update
October 21, 2024

Dear JAMS Families/Estimadas Familias de JAMS
Parental engagement in your child's education, especially during the middle school years, is crucial. Research consistently shows that students with involved parents tend to earn higher grades, attend school more regularly, and exhibit better behavior. Middle school is a pivotal time for students, as they begin to seek more independence, but they still need the support and structure that parental involvement provides.
The good news is that being engaged doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Simple actions like regularly checking grades and attendance on platforms like Aeries and Google Classroom, monitoring homework, setting a daily routine for schoolwork, and reaching out to teachers when concerns arise are all effective ways to stay involved and support your child’s success.
Talking to middle schoolers about their day can sometimes be tricky, but asking specific, open-ended questions can foster better communication. Instead of the usual “How was your day?” which often leads to a one-word response, try these:
- What was the most interesting thing you learned today?
- Who did you spend time with during lunch or between classes?
- Did anything surprise you today in class?
- What’s something that made you laugh at school today?
- Was anything difficult or confusing in your homework or lessons?
- If you could change one thing about today, what would it be?
These questions encourage deeper conversations without feeling too intrusive. Timing matters, too—try asking during dinner, on a walk, or in the car, when your child may be more relaxed and open to sharing.
Below, I will outline additional volunteer opportunities where you can get involved at JAMS. Volunteering is a great way to stay engaged in your child’s education and connect with the school community. Your involvement, no matter how small, can have a big impact!
Upcoming Opportunities for Parent Involvement at JAMS:
- Thursday, October 24, 2024
- 4:00 pm: School Site Council Meeting
- 5:30 pm: Parent Eyes Training (Performing Arts Studio)
- 6:30 pm: ELAC Meeting (English Learner Advisory Committee)
These events are a great way to stay connected with the school community and support your child’s educational experience!
Have a great week!
Martha Chacón
La participación de los padres en la educación de sus hijos, especialmente durante los años de escuela secundaria, es crucial. Las investigaciones muestran consistentemente que los estudiantes con padres involucrados tienden a obtener calificaciones más altas, asistir a la escuela con mayor regularidad y exhibir un mejor comportamiento. La escuela secundaria es un momento crucial para los estudiantes, ya que comienzan a buscar una mayor independencia, pero aún necesitan el apoyo y la estructura que brinda la participación de los padres.
La buena noticia es que estar comprometido no tiene por qué ser abrumador. Acciones simples como verificar las calificaciones y la asistencia en Aeries y Google Classroom, monitorear las tareas, establecer una rutina diaria para las tareas y comunicarse con los maestros cuando surgen inquietudes son formas efectivas de mantenerse involucrado y apoyar el éxito de su hijo/a.
Hablar con los adolescentes sobre su día a veces puede ser complicado, pero hacer preguntas específicas y abiertas puede fomentar una mejor comunicación. En lugar del habitual "¿Cómo estuvo tu día?" que a menudo conduce a una respuesta de una sola palabra, pruebe con estas:
- ¿Qué fue lo más interesante que aprendiste hoy?
- ¿Con quién pasaste tiempo durante el almuerzo o entre clases?
- ¿Te sorprendió algo hoy en clase?
- ¿Qué es algo que te hizo reír hoy en la escuela?
- ¿Hubo algo difícil o confuso en tu tarea o lecciones?
- Si pudieras cambiar algo del día de hoy, ¿qué sería?
Estas preguntas fomentan conversaciones más profundas sin parecer demasiado intrusivos. El tiempo también importa: intente preguntar durante la cena, durante un paseo o en el automóvil, cuando su hijo/a puede estar más relajado y dispuesto a compartir.
A continuación, describiré oportunidades adicionales de voluntariado en las que puede participar en JAMS. El voluntariado es una excelente manera de mantenerse involucrado en la educación de su hijo/a y conectarse con la comunidad escolar. ¡Su participación, por pequeña que sea, puede tener un gran impacto!
Próximas oportunidades para la participación de los padres en JAMS:
- jueves, 24 de octubre de 2024
- 4:00 pm: Reunión del Consejo Escolar
- 5:30 pm: Capacitación sobre los ojos de los padres (Estudio de artes escénicas)
- 6:30 pm: Reunión de ELAC (Comité Asesor de Estudiantes de Inglés)
¡Que tengan una buena semana!
Martha Chacon
Volunteer Opportunities
On Friday I held our first Parent Eyes Training. Parent Eyes is one of many opportunities for parents to volunteer on campus. I am grateful to all the parents that showed up on Friday for the training and the parents that volunteered to supervise the cafeteria. So, how else might you volunteer?
Elected Volunteer Positions
- ELAC and DELAC representative positions
- PTSA Executive Board
- School Site Council
- Science Magnet elected positions
Volunteer Opportunities
- Library volunteers
- Cafecito (every Friday morning)
- Dragon Sports
- School field trip volunteers
- School lunch time events such as Mental Health Awareness, Cultural activities such as Día de Los Muertos and Chinese New Year to name a few.
- Immersion events including field trips, classroom activities and Immersion graduation
- AVID parent volunteers for field trips, classroom activities, guest speakers series
- Science Magnet activity volunteers (ex: Tree People Field Trip)
- PTSA has multiple opportunities including:
- the student store
- 6/7 movie night
- 8th grade movie night
- 8th grade end of year events (sweatshirts, panoramic, dance, etc.)
- 6th and 7th end of year activities
What if you cannot volunteer? That's ok! Join us for our PTSA meetings, ELAC meetings, Coffee with the Counselors, Parent Education Nights, Cafecito, Back to School and Open House Events and AVID Family nights. ¿Qué pasa si no puedes ser voluntario? ¡Está bien! Únase a nosotros para nuestras reuniones de PTSA, reuniones de ELAC, café con los consejeros, noches de educación para padres, cafecito, eventos de regreso a clases y de puertas abiertas y noches familiares AVID.
How will you find out about volunteer and parent engagement opportunities? Events are announced on the JAMS Weekly Update, Dragon Dispatch, Teacher Emails, and the School Website. You can also reach out to our Bilingual Community Liaison, Maria Salazar. ¿Cómo se enterará de las oportunidades de participación de padres y voluntarios? Los eventos se anuncian en la actualización semanal de JAMS, Dragon Dispatch, los correos electrónicos de los maestros y el sitio web de la escuela. También puede comunicarse con nuestra enlace comunitaria bilingüe, María Salazar.
Volunteer application - turn into Brenda Osaki in the Main Office.
School Wide Social Emotional Learning
We launched Second Step, a social-emotional learning (SEL) program last week. Every week I will share what students are learning and questions for parent engagement. Research shows that SEL is most effective when actively supported by families, highlighting the vital role parents play in fostering both academic success and emotional well-being in their children.
Grade 6: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn about the brain’s ability to grow and change when they practice challenging things. Having a growth mindset supports your child’s success in school and in life. Families - Share with your child about a time you had to learn something new. Explain whether it was hard to learn and how you learned it. Ask your child if there’s anything they would like to learn to do this year.
Grade 7: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn that intelligence is not fixed; their brain actually makes new connections and their skills and abilities develop when they practice difficult things. Families - Share with your child about a time you had to learn something challenging and explain how you persisted in learning it. Ask your child if there’s anything they would like to learn to do this year.
Grade 8: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn that their identity is complex. They will create an identity map that names unique and important aspects of their identity. Families - Share with your child important aspects of your identity and why. Encourage other family members to do the same.
Sexto grado: en la lección de esta semana, su hijo/a aprenderá sobre la capacidad del cerebro para crecer y cambiar cuando practica cosas desafiantes. Tener una mentalidad de crecimiento respalda el éxito de su hijo/a en la escuela y en la vida. Familias: comparta con su hijo/a sobre un momento en el que tuvo que aprender algo nuevo. Explique si fue difícil de aprender y cómo lo aprendió. Pregúntele a su hijo/a si hay algo que le gustaría aprender a hacer este año.
Séptimo grado: en la lección de esta semana, su hijo/a aprenderá que la inteligencia no es fija; su cerebro en realidad hace nuevas conexiones y sus habilidades y destrezas se desarrollan cuando practican cosas difíciles. Familias: comparta con su hijo/a sobre una ocasión en la que tuvo que aprender algo desafiante y explíquele cómo persistió en aprenderlo. Pregúntele a su hijo/a si hay algo que le gustaría aprender a hacer este año.
Octavo grado: en la lección de esta semana, su hijo/a aprenderá que su identidad es compleja. Crearán un mapa de identidad que nombre aspectos únicos e importantes de su identidad. Familias: compartan con su hijo/a aspectos importantes de su identidad y por qué son importantes. Anime a otros miembros de la familia a hacer lo mismo.
Kindness Assemblies this Wednesday
Our amazing Assistant Principals will hold a Kindness Assembly focusing on Anti-Bullying, being kind to one another and School Safety on Wednesday, Oct. 23rd.
12:15 - 12:50 8th Grade During Advisory
12:50 - 1:25 7th Grade During Advisory
We will schedule the 6th grade assembly at a later date.
- 12:15 - 12:50 8vo Grado Durante Asesoría
- 12:50 - 1:25 7mo grado durante el asesoramiento
Programaremos la asamblea de sexto grado en una fecha posterior.
6th Grade Field Trip Opportunity
Sixth grade science classes will be taking an eco-tour in Coldwater Canyon Park with the Tree People in December. We will be attending in three groups and need parent chaperones. All chaperones must be cleared by the district prior to attending. Please contact Brenda Osaki in the main office for a level one volunteer application if interested. Please fill out this google form if you can help chaperone. Trip dates are by science classes, and we need parent chaperones to make this trip happen for our students!
Las clases de ciencias de sexto grado realizarán un recorrido ecológico en Coldwater Canyon Park con Tree People en diciembre. Asistiremos en tres grupos y necesitaremos padres acompañantes. Todos los acompañantes deben ser autorizados por el distrito antes de asistir. Comuníquese con Brenda Osaki en la oficina principal para obtener una solicitud de voluntariado de nivel uno si está interesado. Complete este formulario de Google si puede ayudar como acompañante. ¡Las fechas de los viajes son según las clases de ciencias y necesitamos padres acompañantes para que este viaje sea una realidad para nuestros estudiantes!
Group 1: Monday, 12/9 - Schwartz's Science classes: A period, per 1, 2 = 86 kids, need 9 adults total Staff: Schwartz, Cowgill, Buccioni; Adults: (need 6 parents)
Group 2: 12/12 - Thursday, Rattan's 6th grade Science period 4, 6, and Levin period 6, Posner per 2 =85 kids and need 9 adults; staff: Rattan, Cruz, Robinson; Adults: (need 6 parents)
Group 3: 12/13 - Friday, Levin Science periods 2,3,4,5 = 101 kids and need 10 adults. Staff: Levin, Asher, Cowgill, Scotland; Adults: (need 6 parents)
Reading Challenge & After School Library Hours
Have you heard about the new school-wide reading challenge? It is a challenge to read 24 different genres/subjects by the end of 8th grade. Each May, we will celebrate a school culture of Readers. Students who complete the verification steps will be honored with a JAMS Medal Reader certificate–Gold Medal (24 genres/subjects); Silver Medal (16+); or Bronze Medal (8+). Ask to see more information in the students’ Library GoogleClassroom. Happy reading!
Thanks to our generous JAMS PTSA ($5000), we will be able to support three days in the JAMS Library from Tuesday, October 15th until May 22nd.
Tuesday, 3:15-4:15
Wednesday, 2:55-4:15
Thursday, 2:55-4:15
We will provide a quiet space for students to do their homework, seek help from a credentialed teacher, and read!
Desafío de lectura y horario de biblioteca después de la escuela
¿Han oído hablar del nuevo desafío de lectura para toda la escuela? Es un desafío leer 24 géneros/materias diferentes al final del octavo grado. Cada mes de mayo, celebraremos una cultura escolar de lectores. Los estudiantes que completen los pasos de verificación serán honrados con un certificado de lector de medallas JAMS: medalla de oro (24 géneros/materias); Medalla de Plata (16+); o Medalla de Bronce (8+). Solicita ver más información en la Biblioteca de alumnos GoogleClassroom. ¡Feliz lectura!
Gracias a nuestro generoso PTSA de JAMS ($5000), podremos apoyar tres días en la Biblioteca JAMS desde el martes 15 de octubre hasta el 22 de mayo.
Martes, 3:15-4:15
Miércoles, 2:55-4:15
Jueves, 2:55-4:15
¡Proporcionaremos un espacio tranquilo para que los estudiantes hagan su tarea, busquen ayuda de un maestro acreditado y lean!
JAMS sports results as of 10/18
Here's a quick update on JAMS sports results as of 10/18:
Flag Football (FF)
7th/8th - D1 - loss (1-3)
6th - D2 - 4-1 loss (first loss of season by 1 point)
Girls Flag Football (GFF)
6th-8th - D1 - loss (2-2)
Girls Volleyball (GVB)
7th/8th - D1 - 2-2 (loss in a close thriller)
6th - D2 - 3-1 (won)
Cross Country (XC)
Four of Five: XC meet on Tuesday 10/22 at Edward's Vincent Park (Inglewood), families and athletes are asked to arrive by 4pm. Race start by 430pm and stagger from 6th to 8th grade.
For upcoming games and schedules, visit https://www.smmusd.org/Page/7205
Coffee with the Counselors/Cafecito con las consejeras
Thursday 10/24 7pm on Zoom
Jueves, 24 de octubre a las 7 en zoom
Special Education Parent Workshop/Taller de Educación Especial
Please use our website to find useful information about special education. Parent Workshop on Thursday, October 24th, 9:30 am at the district office.
Thursday, October 24th, 9:30 am
jueves 24 de octubre a las 9:30 am
Cell Phone Policy: "Away for the Day"
At John Adams Middle School, we have an "Away for the Day" policy regarding cell phones. All students are required to turn off their phones and keep them in their backpacks throughout the school day. This helps minimize distractions and keeps students focused on learning.
If you need to get in touch with your child during school hours, please call the main office, and we will relay the message to them. Similarly, if your child isn't feeling well, they should go directly to the nurse's office. The nurse will assess the situation and, if needed, will contact you directly.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to provide your child with a cellphone-free school experience!
¡Gracias por apoyar nuestros esfuerzos para ofrecerle a su hijo/a una experiencia escolar libre de teléfonos celulares!
Weekly Schedule
John Adams Middle School
kind · connected · compassionate
Website: https://www.smmusd.org/jams
Location: 2425 16th Street, Santa Monica, CA, USA
Phone: 310-452-2326
Twitter: @jamsdragonsSM