Dolphin Family News
September 16, 2022

April 19, 2024
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, April 25th- 3/4th grade Concert @ PAC @ 7pm
Wednesday, May 1st- PTA Mtg @ 3:30pm
Wednesday, May 15th- Family Art Night - 5:30-7:00pm
Monday & Tuesday, May 27-28th: NO School- Memorial Day Weekend
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Early Dismissal Reminders
To ensure that staff can get all kids released to the correct place, we ask that any early dismissals not happen too close to the end of the day. If you need your student before the 3:10pm dismissal, please come into the office by 2:45pm. Thank you for your partnership!
Additionally, if you are making a change to your student's dismissal plan (ie. bus to pick-up or vice versa) please notify the office before 2:45pm. The end of the day gets very busy in the office and your assistance in this way is very much appreciated!