Arctic Blast
August 27th, 2024
Our first week was filled with joy. Utilizing PBIS and A Connected School curriculum, we spent time teaching expectations and creating classroom rules. We are building routines and communities.
We also began teaching our academic curriculum. Last year, we implemented a new literacy curriculum in grades K-5. We saw gains in several of our reading scores. For example, one reading measure we use is FastBridge. In the spring of 2023, 51% of our kindergarten and first grade students met or exceeded benchmarks while 80% of our second through fifth grade students met or exceeded benchmarks. In the spring of 2024 80% of our kindergarten and first grade students met or exceeded benchmarks while 84% of our second through fifth grade students met or exceeded benchmarks. We are excited for the improvement in our reading!
This year, we are implementing a new literacy curriculum in PreK that will support the curriculum we implemented last year in K-5. Research indicates securing early reading skills is large predictor in future reading success. We look forward to our literacy journey this year in PreK!
This year, we are also implementing a new math curriculum in grades K-5 utilizing Bridges in Mathematics as our resource. Linked here is a website to share the vision and some details about the resource. Teachers will share more on Parent Night and information will be coming home throughout the year.
Next week, we will begin our safety drills. We are implementing new safety standard protocols from I Love You Guys Foundation. Linked here are the protocols. Please see the information below about our drills and the option to opt out.
Lastly, we are grateful for our Parent Teacher Association. Please consider joining us for our first meeting of the year and for our first event: The Polar Picnic. Information about both are listed below.
We look forward to another wonderful week!
Dr. Gruper, Mrs. Hensley, and Mrs. Evans
PreK: A Connected School
Third Grade: A Connected School
Fourth Grade: Math Corner
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Important Dates
- September 2nd - Labor Day, No School
- September 9th - PTA Meeting, 6:30 pm-7:30pm
- September 12th - Parent Night, 6pm-7:30pm (Adult only event)
- September 13th - Fun Run Opening Ceremonies (Student Only Event)
- September 15th - Polar Picnic (Glacier Ridge Family Event, details to come)
- September 24th - Fall Picture Day
- September 25th - Early Release, all students dismissed at 2pm
(this will combine upcoming events and announcements and reminders)
As we begin the 2024-2025 school year, we would like to review our arrival times to make it a successful time for all.
We greet walkers and car riders onto our playgrounds at 8:30. At 8:45 our first bell rings for students to line up to begin their morning routines; this is essential for their success to the day!
We greet walkers and car riders at 8:45 to begin our morning routine to set our students up for success.
Health Office Forms
If medications are needed for the 2024-2025 school year, please use the appropriate links below:
● New Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
● Medication Authorization Form
Thank you for your cooperation in advance,
Amy Machesky, RN
Thank you for your cooperation in advance,
Amy Machesky, RN
Safety Drills and Standard Protocols
The health and safety of our students and staff are our top priority. Under the Illinois School Safety Drill Act, all public schools are required to conduct a variety of safety drills annually. Drills practiced include fire (3), bus evacuation (1), severe weather/shelter-in-place (2), and law enforcement (lockdown/active shooter) (3). See below for our current drill schedule:
Fire Drills
Lockdown Drill
Tornado Drill
Bus Evacuation
Preparing for various scenarios in advance helps empower staff and students in the case of a real emergency. While the chance of an incident happening is unlikely, we care about the well-being of our students and staff and are required by law to educate our school community to ensure emergency preparedness for all.
As indicated above, our school will participate in a lockdown drill on 9/3/24. We understand that some drills, particularly the law enforcement/lockdown drill, could cause anxiety for some students. Should you have questions about the lockdown drill or wish to opt your child out of the drill, please fill out and submit this form to your child’s school or contact the main office at 815-444-4850. Under state law, schools must still provide alternative safety education related to an active threat to students who do not participate in the lockdown drill.
Upcoming PTA Events
- September 9th - PTA Meeting, 6:30 pm-7:30pm
- September 13th - Fun Run Opening Ceremonies (Student Only Event)
- September 15th - Polar Picnic (Glacier Ridge Family Event, details to come)
- Fun Run Collection Dates: 9/18 & 25; 10/2 & 10/9
PTA Members needed
Polar Picnic
Join us on Sunday, September 15th from 11am-1pm for our Annual Glacier Ridge Family Polar Picnic. Food Trucks, DJ, Plus More!
Glacier Ridge School Directory
Crystal Lake School District #47 can not furnish data for a school directory. If you would like to be a part of a directory for Glacier Ridge, please fill out this form. The deadline has been extended until 10/30. This directory is assembled by volunteers in the PTA and is not associated with the school office or school district. Fill out as much information as you would like to share. The school directory includes: contact information for GR families (for those who wish to contribute) AND information on GR staff - including photos, favorite things, and other tidbits to help you get to know the GR staff (for the staff who wish to contribute). The directory will be distributed in early November to all that have entered their student's information. This is ust in time for the holiday season! It’s also a great place to get contact information for play dates or birthday parties! Click this link to submit your family’s information into the directory!
PTA Committee Sign Up
Glacier Ridge PTA plans and implements activities, events, and fundraisers that require parent/teacher volunteers to execute. These are the committees that are currently available and need your support! A few committees already have the chairs and volunteers needed - but if you have a special interest in one or more of them, let us know! Volunteers are needed in order to have these events! Click this link to sign up!
Spirit Wear
Click here to order your Spirit Wear today.
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to join us on:
- Facebook: Glacier Ridge Elementary Parents Group
For any questions please email us at:
Click here to find out what will be on the breakfast or lunch menu for your elementary school.
Peachjar E-Flyers
To view your school's Peachjar E-Flyers, click here. For more information about Peachjar or to learn about community events and activities, visit our website.
Download the D47 App!
Easily access district and school calendars, menus, and receive important notifications by downloading the District 47 app on your phone.
Nominations for the Elevate Award are now open for the 2024-2025 school year. Don't forget to nominate a deserving District 47 staff member for the Elevate award.