Pirate Newsletter
March '24 ~ Edition 23-24~ Vol.8
A Note from the Principal
March 1, 2024
Dear Students, Staff and Family Members;
We are just about two thirds of the way through the school year!
The trimester 2, 9 week progress reports were sent out in the mail last week. This is a very important time of year since academics could impact eligibility for athletics and extracurricular activities and we start making plans now for trimester three schedules. For Seniors, planning for graduation moves into high gear!
It is also our time to remind students and families of our assessment plans and schedules.
Our Boys Basketball team is in the state playoffs for the first time since 1966! This is amazing in only our second year in the 3A bracket. We are so proud of our athletes and coaching staff! Coming soon we have Baseball, Softball and Track and Field. Students must be passing 5 out of 6 classes to be eligible for sports. Any student that needs extra assistance may stay after school Tuesday and Thursdays- we have staff members ready to help with any subject!
To be ready for graduation, Seniors should have completed their cap and gown orders with Jostens. This can be done online or here at school with Mary. In advisory classes Seniors have been preparing by finalizing their senior project presentations (Senior Boards Night will be March 6th at 6:30 p.m.), getting letters of recommendations requested, they should have begun applying to trade schools, community colleges or 4 year programs and should be double checking their transcripts to make sure they have all the classes they need to take their next steps.
If a student wants to compete in NCAA programs they have strict credit requirements which must be met- Students should check with Esther to make sure they take the classes they will need! This is also the perfect time of year to explore scholarships. Our community has an incredible number of them available for students going into the trades, certificate programs, community colleges and 4 year institutions. We can also help families navigate the federal financial aid system- up to and including helping you fill out the forms. Just give us a call!
Getting our students successfully through high school is the bottom line. Because of the pandemic, the State had waived certain state tests and essential skills for the classes of students impacted. Those waivers will be expiring and students will once again be required to demonstrate their readiness by passing state and local assessments.
Testing in general can cause stress and anxiety. We want to set students up for success by preparing them well, giving them opportunities to practice the skills, use the system and participate in assessments that can be alternative ways for them to demonstrate their proficiency on state standards. Families can help by encouraging students to participate, do their best and be willing to engage in the activities teachers provide to support their success. Staff use the results from the assessments we give to evaluate our programs, make changes and prioritize courses we offer our students.
Please contact Esther Troyer for any questions or assistance needed with student scheduling.
Finally, if you or someone you know is looking for a great job with the NKN school district, we have many openings available and are seeking great substitutes! Please go to www.nknsd.org to find out more.
Go Pirates!
Dr. Heidi Buckmaster, Principal
503-355-3551(direct line)
503-355-2272 (main office)
heidib@nknsd.org (email)
Ryan Keefauver, Assistant Principal and Athletic Director
503-355-3556 (direct line)
ryankee@nknsd.org (email)
Una Nota de la Directora
1 de marzo de 2024
Estimados estudiantes, personal y familiares;
¡Estamos a sólo dos tercios del año escolar!
Los informes de progreso de 9 semanas del trimestre 2 se enviaron por correo la semana pasada. Esta es una época muy importante del año ya que lo académico podrÃa afectar la elegibilidad para deportes y actividades extracurriculares y ahora comenzamos a hacer planes para los horarios del tercer trimestre. ¡Para los estudiantes del último año, la planificación para la graduación avanza a toda velocidad!
También es nuestro momento de recordarles a los estudiantes y a las familias nuestros planes y horarios de evaluación.
¡Nuestro equipo de baloncesto masculino está en los playoffs estatales por primera vez desde 1966! Esto es sorprendente en apenas nuestro segundo año en el grupo 3A. ¡Estamos muy orgullosos de nuestros atletas y cuerpo técnico! Próximamente tenemos Béisbol, Softbol y Atletismo. Los estudiantes deben aprobar 5 de 6 clases para ser elegibles para deportes. Cualquier estudiante que necesite ayuda adicional puede quedarse después de clases los martes y jueves. ¡Tenemos miembros del personal listos para ayudar con cualquier materia!
Para estar listos para la graduación, los estudiantes del último año deberÃan haber completado sus pedidos de toga y birrete con Jostens. Esto se puede hacer en lÃnea o aquà en la escuela con Mary. En las clases de asesorÃa, los estudiantes del último año se han estado preparando finalizando sus presentaciones de proyectos (la noche de las juntas directivas será el 6 de marzo a las 6:30 p. m.), recibiendo cartas de recomendaciones solicitadas, deberÃan haber comenzado a postularse para escuelas vocacionales, colegios comunitarios o programas de 4 años y Deben revisar sus expedientes académicos para asegurarse de que tengan todas las clases que necesitan para dar los próximos pasos.
Si un estudiante quiere competir en programas de la NCAA, tiene estrictos requisitos de crédito que deben cumplirse. ¡Los estudiantes deben consultar con Esther para asegurarse de tomar las clases que necesitarán! Esta es también la época perfecta del año para explorar becas. Nuestra comunidad tiene una cantidad increÃble de ellos disponibles para estudiantes que ingresan a oficios, programas de certificación, colegios comunitarios e instituciones de 4 años. También podemos ayudar a las familias a navegar por el sistema de ayuda financiera federal, hasta ayudarle a completar los formularios. ¡Solo llámanos!
Lograr que nuestros estudiantes terminen exitosamente la escuela secundaria es el resultado final. Debido a la pandemia, el Estado habÃa renunciado a ciertos exámenes estatales y habilidades esenciales para las clases de los estudiantes afectados. Esas exenciones expirarán y una vez más se requerirá que los estudiantes demuestren su preparación aprobando evaluaciones estatales y locales.
Las pruebas en general pueden causar estrés y ansiedad. Queremos preparar a los estudiantes para el éxito preparándolos bien, brindándoles oportunidades para practicar las habilidades, usar el sistema y participar en evaluaciones que pueden ser formas alternativas para que demuestren su competencia en los estándares estatales. Las familias pueden ayudar alentando a los estudiantes a participar, hacer lo mejor que puedan y estar dispuestos a participar en las actividades que los maestros ofrecen para apoyar su éxito. El personal utiliza los resultados de las evaluaciones que damos para evaluar nuestros programas, realizar cambios y priorizar los cursos que ofrecemos a nuestros estudiantes.
ComunÃquese con Esther Troyer si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda con la programación de los estudiantes.
Finalmente, si usted o alguien que conoce está buscando un excelente trabajo en el distrito escolar de NKN, ¡tenemos muchas vacantes disponibles y estamos buscando excelentes sustitutos! Vaya a www.nknsd.org para obtener más información.
¡Vamos piratas!
Dra. Heidi Buckmaster, directora
503-355-3551 (lÃnea directa)
503-355-2272 (oficina principal)
heidib@nknsd.org (correo electrónico)
Ryan Keefauver, subdirector y director deportivo
503-355-3556 (lÃnea directa)
ryankee@nknsd.org (correo electrónico)
Esther's Happenings
March 2nd-Make up Pre ACT testing for Sophomores
March 6th-Senior Board Presentations 6:30 in the lower gym
March 13th-Marine Lunch Table
April 3rd-SAT School Day. We are offering the SAT's at the high school. Cost is $60. payable to NKN HS Students will need to sign up with Esther to reserve their seat.
Speech and Debate is hosting a fundraiser on Friday, March 1st, for their upcoming Districts and State tournaments. For just $15, you can eat a delicious catered dinner donated by Buttercup and see our talented students perform their pieces and events for the community. Additionally, you could win a 50/50 raffle, buy a limited edition of the team t-shirt, and even try one of the events. Reach out to Shelby Dallas (shelbyd@nknsd.org) if you have any questions!
Even if you can't attend the fundraiser, please wish the team luck as they compete at two qualifier tournaments for state and national competitions. They'll travel to McMinnville High School on March 9th to compete to qualify for the OSAA State Champiponship and they'll compete at Sprague High School on March 22nd and 23rd to qualify for the NSDA Nationals Tournament.
College and Career/Gear Up
Students can pick up permission slips for the following College Visits on the table outside of the library!
Senior News
The Community is invited to come enjoy an evening of presentations given by NKN Seniors during their Senior Project Presentation on March 6th at 6:30 in the lower gym.
Ordering of Cap and Gowns
Still needing to get your cap and gown? Time is getting short! Order your gap and gown as soon as possible in order to ensure delivery. https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1046006/Neah-Kah-Nie-High-School/
Graduation Slideshow (Baby picture and senior picture)
Hallway Frame (Close up senior picture)
Yearbook (School appropriate senior picture)
Senior Yearbook, Wall, and Slideshow pictures due April 1st. Yearbooks will be pre-order encouraged for lowest cost and available before graduation to sign and view. Hardcover: $48, softcover: $38, insert for prom, prom week activities, spring senior nights, senior superlatives, and SAFE trip: $4, and e-book: $10. Yearbooks can be ordered with Sabrina Eisele (sabrinae@nknsd.org) and paid for in the office. Cash or check only, all checks need to be made out to "Neahkahnie Yearbook" and all payments are required by May 8th to get a book pre-ordered.
NKN HS Band Competition
The Neah-Kah-Nie High School concert band will be competing in the OMEA District III band festival on March 5th at Astoria High School. This is an opportunity for them to be adjudicated by professionals who will rate the band. If the band qualifies for state they will be competing in the state finals in May. Wish them luck.
NKN HS Choir
The Neah-Kah-Nie High School Choir will perform at the Oregon Music Educators District III Choir Festival on Tues. March 12th. Our student singers will be competing with not only 3A schools, but 4A and 5A schools to qualify for the OSAA State Choir Championship in May.
The National Honor Society and Neah-Kah-Nie Unified Club had a successful Polar Plunge on Saturday, February 24th at Twin Rocks Friends Camp. The group raised $2,978 to support Special Olympics Oregon, which helps to coordinate events for our Unified Club at the High School and for the Tillamook County Local Program.
This March, the National Honor Society will be volunteering with the Lower Nehalem Community Trust for the Nehalem Estuary Cleanup and working with the Leo's club to help clean up lawns for community members.
The Menacing Muffin Dragons won two trophies at the second chance tournament, one for being the captain of the finalist alliance (they were the second place team out of qualifying,) and getting second place for the Innovate award (the same award that Argonauts won at qualifying!) MMD was so close to getting their own ticket to State!
Robotics wrapped up the regular season with a celebration on Monday, where we toasted to our favorite moments of the season, thanked others for our success, and looked forward to next season.
The Argonauts go to State on March 9th and rebuilt their arm to be more competitive.
They will continue to meet until then to improve and prepare…
Chess Club Competition
On February 10, the Neah-Kah-Nie High School/Middle School Chess Club competed at the Region 15 Chess Tournament. After five grueling rounds of competition we had the follow students qualify for the Chess for Success state tournament in April. Great job chess players!
High School - Individual:
1st Place: Karsten Johansen
Middle School - Individual
8th Grade - 1st Place: Karson McNutt
6th Grade - 1st Place: Aaron Anctil
Middle School - Team
1st Place
Karson McNutt
Aaron Anctil
Emery Dietrich
Nikos Theoharis
Teddy Shepard
Asher Vandecoevering
Evan Craft
Three Capes Marathon Relay
This NKN HS team took 2nd place in the 3 Capes Marathon Relay in the school coed group with a time of 3:15:50
Athletes of the Month (Feb)
Spring Sports Start This Month
Spring Sport Practices Have Started.
1. Fill out the google form online and upload a current physical
Spanish- https://forms.gle/DyFTKjA2HBQtNhG68
English- https://forms.gle/q4pp4kigxrca17f7A
2. Contact Amy in the front office to receive hard copies.
Contact the office for more details. Please remember that there is a certain number of practices that are required before an athlete can participate in a game/event.
Spring Sports schedule will be posted at https://www.smore.com/qdvre as soon as games/meets are all confirmed.
Spring Sports Schedule
Check back often for updates!
Support NKN by purchasing a Sponsorship Package
Notes from the Nurse
New Hours
Starting in March, there will be new hours for the NKN Student Health & Wellness Center
What's for Lunch
Counselor's Corner
Life can be stressfull and overwhelming daily for adults and children/teen alike. Tillamook Country residents have access to a 24-hour crisis response mobile unit:
Tillamook Country Mental Health Crisis Line 503-842-8201
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
In Crisis? Text 741741